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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
this sort of thing really pisses me off,,,,you are sitting at home when someone decides you might need some help,so the cops are called and are sent in and in the end the home owner ends up dead ,,,,I read the whole piece this will get swept under the rug and the cops will not pay for what they did,,,,,,,,it is why I avoid the police at all cost..............................................................................................................................................................

Yes, that's a tragedy. But in this case, the actress was unstable and pointed a gun at the officer. We can all say in hindsight how we would have stopped her from getting to the gun. But she got to the gun and pointed it.

At that point, there was no option. While I agree that I avoid police as much as possible, they usually do good.

Your point is well made: police will not always make a situation better.
Yes, that's a tragedy. But in this case, the actress was unstable and pointed a gun at the officer. We can all say in hindsight how we would have stopped her from getting to the gun. But she got to the gun and pointed it.

At that point, there was no option. While I agree that I avoid police as much as possible, they usually do good.

Your point is well made: police will not always make a situation better.
it was a toy,,,,,,,,,,,look at the barrel of any bb gun the bore is tiny,,,,,,,,,and at close range easily seen,,,, as for no option,,,,,the cops should not have been there
here is an example of how screwed up the laws are,,,I had to call the police because of a armed belligerent drunk on my property ,,,they show up arrest both of us and getting rid of the drunk cost me nearly $1000.oo,,,,,,,,,,,,,I have no use for law enforcement
The actress was a member of a classic movie site to which I belong. She has a history of mental illness.

It's sad what happened, but rule number one is: do not pull out any type of weapon when police with real guns are there. Split second decisions are hard.
Its hard to tell when to call the Police or not . I have a neighbor that called and told them I was shooting machine guns . I was a work . They SWAT'ed My house . My Wife and Grandson were watching TV . One Officer acted like He wanted to shoot Our house dog that weights about 7 pounds . After realizing They had made a mistake They just left .
I called for a well check on someone in Our parking lot at work because She couldn't walk straight and was getting in Her car to drive . Turns out She screwed up Her med's and was near overdosed .
As far as the shooting , pointing a bb gun at Officers is suicide by Cop .
We were not there making the shoot or don't shoot call so it is what it is .
No question GG, there is a double standard for police vs civilians.

But you do not have the second it takes from when the barrel is coming toward you and you can see the caliber of the barrel to know if to fire or not. And at that a BB barrel really isn't that much smaller than a 22. Psalm7 was exactly right: suicide by cop.
She made Her decision , if theres a question to Police action it would be They were there , had a discussion with Her . She was going with Them . How did They let Her get to a weapon ? If Im dealing with Someone that has proven to be unpredictable then Im keeping up with what They are doing .
I think you would have had to be there to really know how it went down. But getting killed by police because they came to help you is just WRONG no matter how you slice it.

Remember what Ronaldus Maximus said: "The 9 most terrifying words in the English language are I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
1) Calling the police for a welfare check is not a good idea.
2) Pulling any type of gun on a police officer is a terrible idea.
3) Two stupid ideas = one dead human.
Yep, suicide by cop. Google Philip Ewing Skowhegan Maine. Check out my facebook page at Nunyo Biz. To make a long story short... I am one one of many great grandchildren of the people who founded Wrigley's Gum. Im not rich but I am retired. My family tried and failed to maliciously prosecute me. The DOJ is rampant with incompetance and corruption. There are also plenty of professional, competant people in law enforcement. It a crapshoot what ya get. I was falsely charged. They made money off me. Also am disliked for being a conservitave and a Christian. Long story. Copy of police reports in my picture alblum. It is true that they have no respect for the law and a big bag of dirty tricks. I am a survivalist, lol
But in this case, the actress was unstable and pointed a gun at the officer. We can all say in hindsight how we would have stopped her from getting to the gun. But she got to the gun and pointed it.

At that point, there was no option. While I agree that I avoid police as much as possible, they usually do good.

Yep, can't really blame the cops in this scenario. From accounts, they were there quite a while too, trying to help her.

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