Most recent FNG

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Welcome aboard Senior Chief.
I could tell you about the time my shop chief told me to make coffee even though I never drank it.
The cups and pot were filthy so I scrubbed them all till they looked new.
I never had to make coffee again.😆
Is that an AT rating? Hard to see. worked closely with you guys. I know there's stories that in the Goat Locker, we dream up ways
to mess with you, but I am here to tell you that is absolutely true and factual.
Don't suppose you were on the Bonhomme Richard?? Burn baby burn.
I didn't put out fires, i started them! Worked on missile systems. As it happens, Neb and i both worked on sea sparrow, different ships and time. I was on a spruance destroyer.

We have a couple military threads for pics and history. Got some old photos or a story to tell... post away.
Welcome from Alaska!
My view is that Forums should encourage open, respectful, opposing view-based debates
without projecting narratives/ideals via highly opinionated Moderators.

Glad to be here....
Glad to have you here, Mr. Awscret.

However, I doubt if this or any other prepper/SHTF forum -- members or mods --will be able to stop bashing the leftists.
Welcome from the piney woods of rural NE Florida.
Thank you for serving our country.
I was Army, one 3 year tour. I was in Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam when my time was up. They asked me if I wanted to re-up, I told them I just wanted to go home.

I understand about the coffee cup. In the late 1980's I worked a second job as a maintenance person at my church. I always had my canteen cup full of coffee. I brought it home from Nam and it had never ever been washed. the inside was as black as the ace of spades. One of the church ladies, unbeknownst to me, decided it needed to be washed. I was broken hearted. Over 20 years of nice build up gone!!:eek:
That was a very polite way to put that. :thumbs:
It's an old term used in the military in Vietnam to refer to fresh recruits hitting the battle field, the older guys didn't want to even worry about learning their names because they wouldn't be around long, so FNG was what they called them:(.
And those who had not experienced combat yet were Cherry Boys. ;)
Well civility does not apply to leftists. Liberalism is a disease that rots from the inside out. So fair game.
Does that mean that we leftists don't supply any civility to others -- or that non-leftists don't have to be civil to leftists? LOL

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