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AND then get your self a lot of training to strengthen your wrists so that when you carry it, they believe you also know how to use it...GP
The other day I just googled how to properly chuck wood. Turns out, there’s a whole science behind it. So I would definitely need to somewhat train myself.
Welcome! Axe is a great start to be honest. Now that I think about it. I don’t have an axe...
Axes are great but they are hard to use if you're not used to it (you might accidentally chop off your foot!) I usually prefer a machete for chopping random things and if I need to cut something big I'll use a saw. I can use and have used an axe a lot (nothing like a dare from a younger brother to get a girl to prove she can do something), but I still never quite feel like I'm in control.
I customized this one. You can pick it up on amazon for like 20 to 30 bucks.


Just a paint remover elbow grease and a grinder and most of this can be yours. Lol
Welcome from a small village in upstate NY USA I'd encourage you to read the information on these forums also feel free to post any questions I've posted on several threads and have received a lot of good advice also look up a principal called the 10 C's it will give you a good foundation to build on also feel free to chat with me anytime I'm online here several times a day or leave me a message in my inbox and I'll answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability
more like a hatchet than a felling axe, more for chopping off branches and chopping up firewood than cutting down trees.
howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic