Islamic/Muslim Threat Muslim Registry

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
i believe it's a better idea to get them out of the country.instead of letting them stay.but that only applies to the ones that ARE terrorist..and as for the ones that sure there's ways to fix that.
In my experience with living in muzlim countries, we should NEVER allow any of these uncivilized animals in to our country. Everyone of them already here should be deported immediately. That's just my non PC opinion based on first hand observation.
I don't think it's needed. I know a few Muslims and have no issues with them, they are some of the nicest people I've met. I have no problems with people coming to this country so long as they do it legally and don't expect for us to change our ways for them. You go to a new country you better learn their language and be ready to live according to their customs (I'm not saying change your beliefs but if you move to a country don't expect them to change their ways for you).
Of course they act friendly when there's only a few of them around. The neighbors of the 9/11 hijackers reported that they were "friendly people" too. Just rember that they will smile while they cut your and your families throats. I for one will never trust these "people".
In my opinion it's not very different than how Hitler and Himmler got started. If you're going to have a database for one religion or ethnic group then there should be databases for all of them. Anyone can be a terrorist there is no prerequisite to belong to a certain religion or race.
i like in a multi cultural country and we live surrounded by muslim countries. Malaysia and Indonesia.

We don't have a Muslim registry and we have general peace between religions. Its when you get religion into politics that it becomes scary.
Do you think keeping a database on ALL muslims in the USA is a good idea or completely bigoted?

Do you HONESTLY think it would stop there?, Next Mexicans, then all Latinos, Then Asians in general cos huge numbers are Muslims but don't dress or behave like the middle eastern Muslims, Then of course African Americans because growing numbers of Muslims are of African heritage, then all migrants from Africa.
Then of course you will need to list any group known to have extremists links, The Irish, Northern Spanish, Columbians. Then of course as soon as someone from outside the limits of the register does something, Bradley Manning etc It doesn't matter if its a good idea or bigoted it wont tell you anything useful in an open and free country like the US, unless of course Donald plans on interstate border controls?
Its when you get religion into politics that it becomes scary.
And that is one of the problems with islam. it is a theocracy. this is a religion that controls EVERY aspect of your life. From your government, education, criminal justice, medicine, civil rights/liberties (like they have any of those)
Yeah blind unquestioning loyalty to doctrines can be a real beast to contend with, 2nd amendments, Constitutions, Magna Carta etc :) :) :). Hey Islam is not all bad Y'know, you can get out of a marriage in Islam without losing the shirt off your back, that's something Brits and American dudes would love. :)
Wife just pointed out that if they can justify a register of Muslims in the US, then those same Federalis with have set a precedent for a register of all Gun Owners, think of the hassle that would cause with non compliance, resistance, innocent people getting locked up cos they forgot about the old muzzle loader in the loft.

I am so fundamentally opposed to registration I don't have a gun or ham radio because I don't want to be on those registers.
Honestly, I think that's a slippery slope we should be careful around. Remember, everyone, that radicals of any faith or culture are equally dangerous. The Bible has the same laws of killing as does the Quran.
I think Pope Francis has summarized it really well.

The radicals and fundamentalists are the ones driving the world nuts. Not to mention the greedy ones using religion as the excuse to wage war.

All religions teach peace and kindness and charity. I've had the opportunity to study a little of the religion and in its essence, like all religions teaches tolerance, patience, kindness and peace.

its the people who practice it ...

Its like what Gandhi once said ... "The Christian religion is beautiful, The Bible is a wonderful book. But its followers ....." (or something in that meaning)
Wife just pointed out that if they can justify a register of Muslims in the US, then those same Federalis with have set a precedent for a register of all Gun Owners, think of the hassle that would cause with non compliance, resistance, innocent people getting locked up cos they forgot about the old muzzle loader in the loft.

I am so fundamentally opposed to registration I don't have a gun or ham radio because I don't want to be on those registers.

This is my beef, too. Who ever is in power, or whatever the current crisis is, would dictate whether or not its time to sacrifice freedoms for individuals. What happens if there are a group of Westboro Baptists that decide to start bombing and blowing **** up? I don't want them creating a concern about Christianity that has me wearing a gold cross pinned on my coat. This is just too close to what Hitler started with the Jews. No way, no how can I understand the idea of creating a registry, having them carry a "Muslim identifier", and having them tracked through the Country. I do however, think we ought to look at non-citizens on No Fly Lists, as well as non-citizens who are linked to radicals and round them up. Citizens, in my opinion, are a bit of a different situation, and we have to take EXTRA care in not setting a precedent for violating someone's individual rights.
If you're on the NO FLY list, you ought to be feeling all kinds of heat, IMO. It's not really all that easy to make that list, contrary to some media reports.