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user 7368

Awesome Friend
Oct 24, 2020
Hello Community

I am from Switzerland and my English is not that good, but I want to learn some new things here and I am willing to contribute. Why I ended up here, since this Corona crap I trust the government less and less and I think there is more behind it than they want to tell us. Furthermore I have prepared myself in various things, be it against a blackout or against other unrest. Unfortunately it is very certain that the unrest will increase because the current situation is getting more and more insecure every day.
Sorry again for my bad English, I will see that it gets better and I wish you good luck for your personal preparations.

With greetings ban1985
Welcome from Fin,
hey there's nothing wrong with your English.

and yup,this corona thing starts to smell more and more, like today or yesterday they wrote here about our "pandemic task force" , there wasn't a single doctor in that group, not a single one, nothing but burocrats gettin' a high paid side job makeing all the recommondations.
Guten Morgen Schweiz, wir freuen uns auf deine besuch and dass mit-reden. Wir haben viel zu besprechen und auch viel von einander zu lernen. Beste Wünsche für deine gutes Englisch hier wird es nur noch besser. Sowie Dr. Henley gesagt hat, es ist besser als manche andere, die in Amerika geboren worden.
Willkommen zu unser Forum, GP
Welcome from Missouri. Right in the middle of the United States. Your English is quite good, and there is no need to apologize. I'm sure we will understand your message. Good to have you with us.
Guten Morgen Schweiz, wir freuen uns auf deine besuch and dass mit-reden. Wir haben viel zu besprechen und auch viel von einander zu lernen. Beste Wünsche für deine gutes Englisch hier wird es nur noch besser. Sowie Dr. Henley gesagt hat, es ist besser als manche andere, die in Amerika geboren worden.
Willkommen zu unser Forum, GP

You smarty pants! 😁
Thank you for your welcome, I'm still reading in a bit. As a foreigner I can't say much about the elections in the USA, but I hope that Sleeping Biden or whatever you call him won't win the election. This would have very negative consequences for Europe as well.
There is nothing wrong with your grasp of English old chap, Jontte is the best English writer on here and he is Finnish. And I say that as an Englishman :). Never quite fathomed out what language my American cousins speak, it may have been English once.......... Y'all ! :)
There is nothing wrong with your grasp of English old chap, Jontte is the best English writer on here and he is Finnish. And I say that as an Englishman :). Never quite fathomed out what language my American cousins speak, it may have been English once.......... Y'all ! :)
LOL, Y'all would Love it here in the South!
LOL, Y'all would Love it here in the South!

Oddly enough South US English is much closer to Real English ( the type of English spoken away from the London / home counties areas AKA perceived English) In the US south the grammar and syntax is similar to the regional or provincial English just spoken much slower and slightly more drawn out. I love the southern drawl and the habit of using TEN words to say what could be done with two :) I would hate to see it die out.

I think after my beloved Kansas I would probably aim for Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, the people are salt of the earth.

My wife loves the Deep south radiating out from NOLA, after her last trip she will never go back the California again, £3000 14 days of disappointment, dirt, crime and tat.
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