My "new" cat speaks Spanish!

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
So I've had this what I assumed was a feral cat hanging around for months, he would meow but when I spoke, he'd split. So today I was feeding my crew and he's out there waiting on me to leave and it dawned on me the Mexicans might have left him, so on a whim I said:
"Negro Gato, ben aqui!"(come here black cat!) And his ears perk up and he makes this weird "Myop" and rears up on his hind legs and kind of bounces over and head butts my leg, which kind of freaks me out a bit, but then he starts eating, but as soon as I speak English to another cat, he backs off and stares at me again. So as long as I speak Spanish he's my new best buddy! weird crap huh?
The barn where I kept my horse used to R&R NYC handsome cab horses. On came in that only spoke Italian. As long as I said "Bonjourno Tony. Come sta? Ba bene!" Only then would he let me into the stall to feed him or take him to the turnout.
A Navy buddie's wife was from Guam and her dog only understood Japanese.
It would hide and when you weren't looking it would sneak up and bite your foot.
She thought that was the funniest thing ever.
My youngest brother, before he could walk, used to do that to my best friend when he would visit. The kid would then laugh. He doesn't do that anymore but he is still aggravating.

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