My Predictions for Civil War in 2020

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A

My Predictions for Civil War in 2020
In Uncategorized by M.D. CreekmoreDecember 7, 20192 Comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As you’ve probably noticed I’ve slowed way down on the number of videos I’ve been uploading to youtube. For me, YouTube has been a lot of work and time invested for very little return. I’ve been on it for almost one-full year and uploaded over 100-videos and earned just over $500 in ad revenue… however, I spent more than that on my camera and related gear to get started so I’m actually in the negative when calculating my YouTube “earnings”.

So I’m not sure if I will make and upload any more videos to that platform in the future… maybe if YouTube decides to stop suppressing my videos and actually show them in suggested videos then I might give it another try, but as it is it’s not worth the effort and my time is better spent doing something else.

One thing that I’ve learned about YouTube that may help you if you’re interested in giving it a try is that YouTube will show your video to a small portion of your subscribers. From what I can tell they will show newly uploaded videos to about 25 of your subscribers per 1,000 subscribers.

For example, in my case, I have just over 4,000 subscribers on my YouTube and I can upload a new video, and NOT send it out to my personal email list or do any other promotion, just let YouTube do it’s thing (whatever that is) and I will get about 100 views on a video.

I looked at other YouTube channels and did the math and it’s about the same for those channels too. For example, say a channel has 100,000 subscribes that amounts to approximately 2,500 views on a new video from subscribers to that channel.

Another thing that I’ve learned is that YouTube video creators earn around $1-$2 per 1,000 video views… it’s peanuts considering that they will show two or more ads on each video. So a larger channel with 100,000 subscribers would earn approximately… $3-$6 for a video that they uploaded to the platform.

That’s why a lot of people have stopped posting videos… lack of return for the amount of work it takes to shoot and edit a video. For example, I noticed that one of my favorite prepper YouTube channels… Southern Prepper1 stopped consistently uploading over a year ago with only a couple of uploads during that time.

From his last video, it looks like he has decided to spend his time earning an income from demolition as in tearing down old homes and building for pay and what he can scavenge.

So, anyway, I might upload a new video if I have an idea that would be better for video than text, but more likely I will only make and upload a new “prepper” type video if I’m writing a product review or something for this blog and I need to make a short video showing the product in use to complement the article/written review.

Another thing that you might be asking is why I started another blog/website i.e. Making Sense of Manliness. Well, since there isn’t all that much interest in the “prepping” topic right now I decided to branch out and try something new and it seems to be working well.

Making Sense of Manliness (MSoM) is about health, fitness, money tips live-saving and side-hustles, dating and relationships, and skills like home security, and other topics.

The new site is less than a year old and has around 40 articles so far and is getting just as many page-view per day as this site that’s over two years old with almost 400 articles… and that’s because of two things… one the current lack of interest in prepping and the fact that there are so many prepping type sites out there competing for the eyes of the small number of people still interested in prepping…

For example, I’m number one on Google for the search term “preppers food storage checklist” now you would think that that would get searched a lot and result in a lot of traffic back to my site… but nope. My stats show that I get no search traffic to that post… none. Here is a link to the post if you want to read it.

Most of my search traffic to this site comes from people looking and searching for information on knife laws.

My Predictions for Civil War 2020
Okay, now that is all of that is out of the way what do I think is coming in 2020?

In my opinion, no matter if Trump wins or the Democrats win there is going to be large scale social upheaval. If Trump wins I look for rioting in the cities and martial law or a state of emergency to be declared in those areas. I’m not sure how long this will last or the ending result but it could cause the country to split into separate nation-states or at least attempting to do so.

And the federal government isn’t going to like that at all… remember the hearing about the first civil war? No, it wasn’t about freeing the slaves as we were taught in school… it was about gaining back the territory, and the resources of the southern states.

And on the other hand… if the Democrats manage to rig the election enough to “win” then they will go on a legislative rampage with gun bans, attempted gun confiscation, and the whole socialist agenda that they will shove down our throat… and that will result in pushback from Christians and conservatives.

And that pushback might be violent in nature which will give the newly “elected” president a reason to declare martial law and attempt to crack down on dissidents who are opposed to their socialist agenda which would result in more violence and pushback.

So either way, it’s not going to be good in my opinion and I feel sorry for those who have stopped prepping or who are only pretending and maybe thinking about doing something… they will suffer for that but that is their decision…

And let’s not forget about the U.S. government’s public debt that is now at more than $22 trillion and growing. It’s grown over $2 trillion since 2017. And then there is the guaranteed viral pandemic that WILL happen… natural disasters, earth changes, etc.

I’ve tried and I’m sick of trying to convince people that they need to be working hard prepping for what’s coming. Prep if you want and don’t if you don’t want to. I’ve tried and my conscious is non-burdened because of their decision not to prep and their eventual suffering because of their inaction.
I used to try to get everyone I came in contact with to start prepping.
I was very adamant about it.

Guess what ...40 years later..I don't care if your prepared for anything or not . Not my problem.

I'm prepared pretty deep, for as many situations as I can be.

Civil war, revolution.. I don't know..I don't care anymore,
But if it don't happen sooner rather than later, I may be AGED out of it.

Too bad, I was a good soldier once.

I used to try to get everyone I came in contact with to start prepping.
I was very adamant about it.

Guess what ...40 years later..I don't care if your prepared for anything or not . Not my problem.

I'm prepared pretty deep, for as many situations as I can be.

Civil war, revolution.. I don't know..I don't care anymore,
But if it don't happen sooner rather than later, I may be AGED out of it.

Too bad, I was a good soldier once.

77 and still telling people to be prepped, thing is, I'm seeing the ability to get prepped next to impossible due to the costs going up so steeply, the cost of freeze dried and dehydrated foods are getting beyond most peoples ability to buy. I can see civil war happening and I'm pretty sure the far left would like to see it happen just so they could say, look how bad the right wingers are, we need to send in the National Guard to suppress this nonsense. I don't want to see civil war, on the other hand, there are a lot of very angry people around and I can understand why they are angry because there are times that I am very angry, Obama's mandatory health program really got me going, it's screwed up health insurance to this day.
With all due respect, this is just one person's opinion. I don't see any data, or any trend that would make me believe there will be another Civil War in 2020. There is always discord and disagreement. IMHO the media is now more polarized, and preach a narrative rather than reporting the news. Not a good thing.

I have never been one to spread the word on prepping. If the topic comes up I use what I call the common sense approach. It is easy to point out natural disasters, and ask "Do you want to end up like that?". Of course I am prepared. We came very close to having to evacuate because of a flood. We had a tornado pass within 200 yards of our house. How many bullets do you have to dodge before you decide to seek protection? Nobody has to know what you have or how much, and I don't care what they do. How many times have we said it. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Civil War, I don't know, but I wouldn't rule it out. I'm a lot like Viking, I don't care either. It's an Individual Responsibility to be Prepared for what ever you think is Important, even if that "what ever" is going to be Civil War.
Folks making predictions do so just so they can say, "I told you so!" or sell you something.

So true. They are quick to point out when they are right. Do they ever tell you how many predictions they made that were wrong? OMG!! If you make 100 predictions a day something is going to be right. I wonder what the batting average is?
I really hope Americans don't start killing each other. I know the murder rate is sky high. But civil war would destroy the greatest country on the planet.

Here's an old cold war joke. A KGB agent and a CIA agent are sitting in a bar. The KGB agent takes a gulp of his vodka looks at the CIA agent and shouts Democracy the worst form of government! The CIA agent takes a sip of his wild turkey smiles and says agreed " with the exception of the rest.

I love my country and my fellow citizens. In the words of Charlie Daniels this lady may have stumbled but she ain't never fell!
I really hope Americans don't start killing each other. I know the murder rate is sky high. But civil war would destroy the greatest country on the planet.

Here's an old cold war joke. A KGB agent and a CIA agent are sitting in a bar. The KGB agent takes a gulp of his vodka looks at the CIA agent and shouts Democracy the worst form of government! The CIA agent takes a sip of his wild turkey smiles and says agreed " with the exception of the rest.

I love my country and my fellow citizens. In the words of Charlie Daniels this lady may have stumbled but she ain't never fell!

So true war is hell but civil war may be worse seeing your family killed or starving may be even worse than foreign wr, don't know but like you say there goes the nation. Not enough patriots left to fight.
Might come a time where a folk doesn't have a different choice except to live and die on a yoke. Certainly hope it doesn't come to that and I believe it can most certainly be avoided. I hope it is.

LikeChuechill said better to die free than live in bonds,

nston S. Churchill > Quotes > Quotable Quote

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
LikeChuechill said better to die free than live in bonds,

nston S. Churchill > Quotes > Quotable Quote

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
I just hit reply so this would take up more space so maybe everyone would read it. I know everyone on this website will understand it while most of the population would not read it or understand it.

Thanks for posting it Meerkat. :thumbs::thumbs:
I just hit reply so this would take up more space so maybe everyone would read it. I know everyone on this website will understand it while most of the population would not read it or understand it.

Thanks for posting it Meerkat. :thumbs::thumbs:

And :Thankyou: Hiwall for that. I like help with tech things. :great:
The best US citizens can hope for, along the lines of domestic threats to the nation, in order:
  1. Reduced political tension, so we can once again disagree and remain friends. I hope for this. I have a lot of friends who disagree with me politically, but because our friendships developed before our strong political disagreements, we remain friends. We can say to each other "How can you believe that?!" over a beer. Actual outrage tempered by strong friendship and the knowledge that if the **** hit the fan, we'd all have each others backs, politics be damned. I cherish that. Seems hard to envision that happening now, but I retain hope.
  2. Mere political protests. I will watch from my recliner. I vote, but I don't protest anymore.
  3. Rioting in the cities...just keep it in the cities. I will just be careful where I go. People usually destroy their own neighborhoods, and I don't live in an area likely to see rioting.
  4. Rioting with civil disruptions (mass arson, highway and other transportation shut downs, like LA, BLM). Same as above for me. Country will survive.
  5. Peaceful breakup of the country by states or groups of states, along the lines of the breakup of the Soviet Union...inevitable given enough time, but not in the near future, but who knows?
  6. Out of control domestic terrorism (OKC bombings, mass shooting attacks)...likely leads to more powerful government, not reforms. I might think about concealed carry for personal defense.
  7. Pitched battle civil war, along the lines of the US Civil War, states against states...very unlikely, I think. My kids might have to participate, but I've aged out.
  8. Revolution, along the lines of the French Revolution, with purges and "Safety Committees"...likely race driven since that seems to be the preferred way to put people in boxes in this country, unfortunatley...not sure how likely that would be to lead to a new republic as in France. At that point, no one is aged out. If the government starts rounding innocent people up because of the groups they are born in or belong to...all bets are off. Even people who don't identify with a group will have to do so in order to survive. People who have had no racist bone in their body will suddenly find themselves aligning with their racial group against others. Pushing group identity politics will only succeed in dividing the nation. No way that ends well for anyone.
civil war? probably not, but I do see a "societal collapse".
I have tried in the past to get people to prep but always seem to come up against the "nothing bad will ever happen" type.
Like Tac pointed out when we quit talking we loose the ability to find a common center that keeps things running when that happens all you have left IS to choose a side
Right now one side is still trying to have a dialog but the other is just trying to drown out any attempts with emotion and accusation
We are just about tired of it, and that's not good.

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