My wife's Dish Towel on the Loom

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captain belly

Awesome Friend
Feb 5, 2018
dish towel.JPG
As you should be! :) I have finished a project that my friend had started on her loom. It was a basic piece that you would place on a table using a multi colored yarn. I have no clue how to do designs yet. Herringbones then diamonds. . . very impressive!
Seeing that really amplifies how unartistic I am.

I'm still trying to figure out how she made that pattern. The detail is amazing.
What kind of fiber is she weaving? For a dishtowel, it would likely be cotton or linen. I thought this looked like linen.

I wrote linen at first, because the last couple things she made were from linen.....HOWEVER,

She mostly uses a blend of cotton and linen called "cottolin" or aka "cottlin"
The towel in the picture has the following: white and dark blue is cotton, and the light blue is cottolin.
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Seeing that really amplifies how unartistic I am.

I'm still trying to figure out how she made that pattern. The detail is amazing.

HA! I don't have the patience for it. I'd be roasting hotdogs over it's splintered pieces by the time I got fed-up with trying this!
For this particular towel project here's the break down of time:
Warping (to the warping board) : 2 hrs
Dressing the loom: 10 hrs
Weaving the towel: 5 hrs.

This is for 3 towels that are 16"X22" in dimensions and 2 wash clothes that are 8"X8"
I'd like to see a picture.
Alright, but don't judge :). My friend had started this project so I wasn't too certain what she was intending it to be used for so just tried to replicate what she had already done until I ran out of yarn. On the side she had started, she had tied her ends with tassels so i did the same on my end. I need to finish the ends, but dont have a needle with a big enough eye on it yet. When we go in town, I'llIMG_20180304_141638_hdr.jpg stop at the craft store to pick one up. This has been my only attempt but as soon as I can get the garden going I really want to start playing around with it. Its a Cricket if that means anything to you on what its style is.
Alright, but don't judge :). My friend had started this project so I wasn't too certain what she was intending it to be used for so just tried to replicate what she had already done until I ran out of yarn. On the side she had started, she had tied her ends with tassels so i did the same on my end. I need to finish the ends, but dont have a needle with a big enough eye on it yet. When we go in town, I'llView attachment 4875 stop at the craft store to pick one up. This has been my only attempt but as soon as I can get the garden going I really want to start playing around with it. Its a Cricket if that means anything to you on what its style is.

Judge NOT! (Matt 7:1-5). That looks good! I couldn't do it. like I said earlier..... I just don't have the patience for it. However, if I were to take this hobby up, I'd be the Cricket loom kind of guy. I love portability..... it's so efficient and functional, which is everything I desire. I was born in the wrong century.....
Great product. Thanks for posting the pic
Alright, but don't judge :). My friend had started this project so I wasn't too certain what she was intending it to be used for so just tried to replicate what she had already done until I ran out of yarn. On the side she had started, she had tied her ends with tassels so i did the same on my end. I need to finish the ends, but dont have a needle with a big enough eye on it yet. When we go in town, I'llView attachment 4875 stop at the craft store to pick one up. This has been my only attempt but as soon as I can get the garden going I really want to start playing around with it. Its a Cricket if that means anything to you on what its style is.

I love the colors!
Weaving is not necessarily easy. I once bought a table top loom and wanted to weave some place mats. I made one place mat and I was done! Warping a loom was not something I wanted to do again! I didn't anticipate how much of a challenge keeping the edges even would be. Yep, weaving was not something I wanted to do again. Sewing on a machine is much less stressful for me.
I need to figure out my loom?
How to warp it?
Instructions on how to use it would be nice too.
Maybe figuring out what kind of loom it is would help.
Before you ask, it was given to me as a gift.
Did sewing for family.
The only way I knew what type of loom I was given was because it had the company logo on it! :) I've been doing Google search's and found some good instructions on how to do some designs. When I get started on the next project my plan is to find a YouTube video on how to rig that puppy back up to go.

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