Nearly 2 million households owe $15 billion in back rent as eviction moratorium expires

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My daughter is a flight attendant who has worked her butt off to buy a duplex. She has a non-paying renter whom she hasn’t been able to evict in Illinois. She is literally on a verge of becoming homeless because of this administration. So sad.

She should go move in the house of the person that allows her renter not to pay. You escalate it from there.
The question I have is what new legislation are we going to see come out of this?

I have read that some in CA want to pass a law that gives the renter a stake in the property, and say in anything to do with the property.

Or will we see some kind of laws protecting landlords and that would benefit the landlords of the banking, hedge fund kind as well as mom and pop landlords.
As crazy as the new admin (run by radical leftists) is, it wouldn't surprise me to see them announce nobody can own more than one home for the purpose of rental income. If you have rental properties, you have 6 months to sell them or give them to POC. The flood of homes on the market would drive down prices, so the ultra wealthy can snap them up too, just at a lower price. The left always seems to f you in a, while making it out like they are helping people. NOTHING they do surprises me anymore.
As crazy as the new admin (run by radical leftists) is, it wouldn't surprise me to see them announce nobody can own more than one home for the purpose of rental income. If you have rental properties, you have 6 months to sell them or give them to POC. The flood of homes on the market would drive down prices, so the ultra wealthy can snap them up too, just at a lower price. The left always seems to f you in a, while making it out like they are helping people. NOTHING they do surprises me anymore.
It isn't just the wealthy that buy foreclosures. Anyone with a few spare bucks buy foreclosures.
I figure if you want free handouts and welfare go ask the government, Not me as a property owner.
As a property owner you have always been subsidizing welfare recipients, through your taxes and interest payments, unless you inherited the house that is. Where do you think the government has been getting it's money for the last 100 years? Your pocket is where.
The question I have is what new legislation are we going to see come out of this?

Go read the NWO agenda on the "Great Reset" "You will own nothing, but be happy"
It's the sort of thing Stalin told the kulak's, Mao Tse-tung told his farmers.

"The kulaks were resistant to the government from the beginning. They were instrumental in resisting all attempts by Lenin and the Bolsheviks to eliminate the extreme inequality that had a chokehold on the peasants. As such, they were considered class enemies."
There are a lot of "Kulaks" on this forum.
Foreclosures and tax sales are a couple great ways to buy real estate at good prices. A lot of people buy more home than they can afford and just quit paying the mortgage. Some people purposely get behind on their property taxes and then can't pay.
IF they were good moral people who got a Government stimulate check, I know my first priority would be food and shelter, BUT if they knew they were gettin a free ride with not paying rent they could just blow that major expense with however they wanted. That is exactly what the majority did. They knew they wouldn't be evicted for non payment, not caring what the landlords responsibilities were and still had to make payments out of no extra income from the rental property.
It isn't just the wealthy that buy foreclosures. Anyone with a few spare bucks buy foreclosures.

If you can compete.. They are buying everything, not just foreclosures, but probably especially foreclosures.

Blackstone Bets $6 Billion on Buying and Renting Homes
Deal for Home Partners of America, owner of over 17,000 houses in U.S., is latest sign Wall Street believes housing market will stay hot
Blackstone Bets $6 Billion on Buying and Renting Homes - WSJ

The Hedge Funds are Buying Up American Housing. That’s a Dangerous Trend

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If You Sell a House These Days, the Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund
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I advice all landlords to ignore this from the CDC, these scumbag have no authority to do this. I'd tell your local sheriff to arrest any official that tries to make you comply with this absurd bologna.
Sadly the people allowed these commie douchbags the power to dictate policy and to overturn our Rights and freedoms. If we ever hope get any of our freedoms back we must resist these unelected bums.
Competition is always good. Even big money investors won't over spend what the market will bare.

Conventional wisdom no longer applies; times have changed, they are overspending. They know something...

Who's outbidding you by tens of thousands of dollars for that home of your dreams? A hedge fund
These buyers often come armed with the kind of financial firepower ordinary Americans can't hope to match, housing experts say.

Who's outbidding you by tens of thousands of dollars for that home of your dreams? A hedge fund (

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