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Hey....well where do I begin..NYC has many challenges when it comes to prepping.. limited space, over populated and a police force the size of an main prepping plan/goals center around bugging out. The city is the past place anyone would want to be when the SHTF. But incase bugging out isn't an option I do have food,water,medical supplies and limited security provisions in place
Ty I'm really looking forward to meeting my fellow peppers on the forum. Everyone has been super nice and am really glad I joined
I’m sure you’ll find the posts about the many vast retreats amongst Mother Nature most helpful for the future, should you ever find yourself having to leave New York. Joe do continue to enjoy.
I’m sure you’ll find the posts about the many vast retreats amongst Mother Nature most helpful for the future, should you ever find yourself having to leave New York. Joe do continue to enjoy.
Funny you mentioned mother nature..We have an old favorite camping spot well off the beaten trail that we will use as a bug out spot if need be
Belated welcome from Texan living in the Free State of Hungary in his BOL. Last time I was in NYC, I was taking the wife and kids to JFK and stayed in small motel near the Bronx. As I was parking the pickup backwards to the room door...several black persons started walking directly towards us. As I took the Winchester 30-30 from the truck, locked and loaded a round...they all turned around and left the area again...did I do anything wrong????? My wife held the rifle till I got the bags and kids into our room and everything went fine...
Belated welcome from Texan living in the Free State of Hungary in his BOL. Last time I was in NYC, I was taking the wife and kids to JFK and stayed in small motel near the Bronx. As I was parking the pickup backwards to the room door...several black persons started walking directly towards us. As I took the Winchester 30-30 from the truck, locked and loaded a round...they all turned around and left the area again...did I do anything wrong????? My wife held the rifle till I got the bags and kids into our room and everything went fine...
The gun laws in NYC are extremely strict your extremely lucky no cops came you would have been locked up no questions asked
I'm actually NOT a new member. I asked for my account to be deleted some time ago for fear visiting prepper sites would not be thought well of by 3-letter agencies when SHTF. Tried to erase my footprints on the net. But things are so bad, it doesn't really matter anymore. I miss chatting with some of the members here so I'mmmmmmm Baaaaaaaak. Hope to get the scoop on some news I haven't seen yet. :)
That's for sure! I watched a video today uploaded to that shook me to the core. Things are MUCH worse than I ever thought. So I thought, WTH, I'm going to enjoy one day at a time knowing there may not be another. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :)
I'm fairly new and I'm just glad your back and believe me "big brother" is always watching no matter what your doing
Big Brother is always watching. Indeed they be. Actually Big Brother has a special place for special people like you. Where you can unburden your mind and purify your soul down here at the Chestnut Tree cafe. Yes do relax and I’ll pour you another glass of Victory gin maybe even light you a Victory cigarette if you so smoke to soothe your troubled soul from thinking far too many uncomely thoughts about the future and of Big Brother : ).
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Go ahead and eat your ABC soup, everything which has been written, e-mailed, phoned or faxed since 1996 has been recorded by somebody or everybody. Soup is healthy, right? I once spread the thought of every mail, call and chat should have certain choice words which sends up a red flag to all the ABC spooks and absolutely FLOOD THEM WITH INFO which would take decades for them to filter thru and find out you were just talking BS....
I'm actually NOT a new member. I asked for my account to be deleted some time ago for fear visiting prepper sites would not be thought well of by 3-letter agencies when SHTF. Tried to erase my footprints on the net. But things are so bad, it doesn't really matter anymore. I miss chatting with some of the members here so I'mmmmmmm Baaaaaaaak. Hope to get the scoop on some news I haven't seen yet. :)
Welcome back!
I'm actually NOT a new member. I asked for my account to be deleted some time ago for fear visiting prepper sites would not be thought well of by 3-letter agencies when SHTF. Tried to erase my footprints on the net. But things are so bad, it doesn't really matter anymore. I miss chatting with some of the members here so I'mmmmmmm Baaaaaaaak. Hope to get the scoop on some news I haven't seen yet. :)

So happy you are back Buttoni! :D I have missed you and your input as well as great personality! Yep, I stopped for a short time posting on the main board myself...then came to the same conclusion.
Sorry, I thought this was the thread for new member introductions, but it must be somewhere else??? Apologies for posting the wrong place. Maybe I was supposed to start my own thread? I'll look for a better label than new member.
You're in the right vicinity, but this particular thread called "New Member" is JoeGrizzly's introduction. Yeah, I know, the generic thread title is kinda confusing, but confusing is what we do best, LOL.
Just back up a level to "New Member Introductions" and make your own thread if you want. Then you can make a "proper" introduction.
And Howdy from down on the Hooch!

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