New MOLLE Gear!

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ok,my black vest is no longer black, it has some nato olive green on it, bought a can at that surplus store, should have taken some field gray also ;)
Most recent update to my MOLLE gear. First a M40 gas mask, glock field knife, black speedlace jungle boots, pistol belt with drop leg gas mask pouch for the M40, and three 9mm pistol magazine pouches, one for my gerber multitool and two for pistol mags.
Looks much like my gear , Woodland Warrior . Im right handed so I leave my right shoulder clear of pouches . My holster is up on my left chest kind of cross draw , My field knife is on the waist belt on my right side .
Way back when in the 80s when staying alive in the hedgerows of Northern Ireland which translated into getting as near to the ground as we could we made sure all our kit went behind our hipbones and no kit was mounted on the front. its amazing how kit placement has changed with modern conflicts
still,if you have to crawl a lot,you probably wish everything was on your back...;)
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You guys look extremely militant with all that stuff... Not like the kind of person I'd want to let approach me or mine post SHTF. If I saw a group of people looking like that moving towards my property I'd assume the worst and they'd meet my scoped rifle...

I know there's a lot to be said for being protected but at the same time I think if you don't look like a threat, you generally won't be treated as one.

Just my humble opinion, I realize I've been pretty critical with my posting lately. Feel free to disregard (obviously haha.)
I never put much intrest in what others would think when Im wearing combat gear , If Im in combat gear its for a reason training , shooting or combat . Yes one look and they know what I bring . But wearing camo is to keep from being seen so what it looks like is moot anyway . At the same time better to look dangerous than like a victim .
I never put much intrest in what others would think when Im wearing combat gear , If Im in combat gear its for a reason training , shooting or combat . Yes one look and they know what I bring . But wearing camo is to keep from being seen so what it looks like is moot anyway . At the same time better to look dangerous than like a victim .

There's definitely something to be said about looking like you're more trouble than you're worth; I just find it hard to picture a situation where it's really so every-man-for-himself. Most people are going to want to avoid engagement, and I'm with them. My worst fear is some redneck with a hunting rifle taking out my wife and I rather than take any risks with us, so we've adopted a much less combat-oriented look and style.

I guess I assumed this was just your standard bug-out gear and that's on me, heh. Certainly if we're invaded or something to the like then you may fare better than me in my black top and khaki cargos. However to the point of not being seen, camo does not make you invisible. You need training to go with it, which I don't know, maybe you have. You're not always going to be in deep woods. Or maybe you are, I don't know your region. In my situation there are a lot of settled/populated areas to cross (more suburban than urban, but still) and camo makes you look like an operator. No one wants to be a refugee but we're not supposed to automatically be combatants either; at least, not in my estimation.

Just trying to show the opposite view because I used to be very militant in my prepping style and have recently been moving in the opposite direction quite intentionally.
its situation dependant isn't it really, there is a time and place to disappear as the Gray Man Prepper in a crowd, and there is a time to make a " Don't Tread on me" statement.
The only problem for me would not be the gear he is wearing but the fact I cannot see his eyes, I make a lot of my judgements as to intent from looking at the persons eyes, so if they are wearing mirror shades or a mask as they approach to me I will ask them only once to uncover their faces.
"eyes are the window of your soul",if I got the translation correct,though through my previous work I did learn to read other signs too,weather person is a threat or not,or at least anticipate what the next move is..but as long as we can adapt to different situations it should be okay.
I am just wearing the gas mask for show, I would be wearing a balaclava, and I live in rural area where it is nothing but green and trees. I carry this gear because I know that once a SHTF scenario happens I am never coming home, I am going to protect myself with what gear I have, including my large alice pack, I bought the mask for tear gas protection, helmet and body armor is self explanatory. The knife is great for survival, I have two canteens with canteen cup and stove, a way to filter the water, a multitool and other things that is also non combative, the concept here is to show fear for those who wish to mess with me and my family/friends, such as marauders. Just my opinion though.
At the end of the day it all comes down to degree of luck as well as our hard earned preps, as I keep telling the folks in my small group you can be train as good as a Special Forces trooper and armed with the latest carbine and gear, but it only take one lucky 12 year old kid on his home territory hiding in the scrub with his little 22 rimfire to take you out.
I am just wearing the gas mask for show, I would be wearing a balaclava, and I live in rural area where it is nothing but green and trees. I carry this gear because I know that once a SHTF scenario happens I am never coming home, I am going to protect myself with what gear I have, including my large alice pack, I bought the mask for tear gas protection, helmet and body armor is self explanatory. The knife is great for survival, I have two canteens with canteen cup and stove, a way to filter the water, a multitool and other things that is also non combative, the concept here is to show fear for those who wish to mess with me and my family/friends, such as marauders. Just my opinion though.
Not cos your fugly then? :) :)
And I totally understand wanting to look like trouble for raiders. I guess that look screams "I'm a raider" to me, but to each their own. And agreed, it's all about the situation. If it's Red Dawn then you bet your arse I'll be out there armed to the teeth.

At the end of the day it all comes down to degree of luck as well as our hard earned preps, as I keep telling the folks in my small group you can be train as good as a Special Forces trooper and armed with the latest carbine and gear, but it only take one lucky 12 year old kid on his home territory hiding in the scrub with his little 22 rimfire to take you out.

Too true.
my own gear is a mix of everything,which is okay here,but if I get to the woods,something else is needed,like woodland.
having specs makes wearing some eye protection little bit difficult..which sucks

right now,if I had to go I would dress half white,half cover right now
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then again,despite of some surplus stores here,the range is fairly limited,in comparison to US based stores,not to mention more expensive.
my own gear is a mix of everything,which is okay here,but if I get to the woods,something else is needed,like woodland.
having specs makes wearing some eye protection little bit difficult..which sucks

right now,if I had to go I would dress half white,half cover right now

Yes, glasses are quite restrictive. I can't even wear sunglasses unless I want to shell out for prescription. My eyes are so bad I can't really get around without glasses.

So I'm guessing you're saying white because of snow? Light colored clothing is also good for spotting ticks and other pests before they become a problem. Also, camo does not equal invisibility. It does help but wearing it in the woods does not mean you are unseeable.

Also, with the gas masks... Where are you going that you'll have to deal with tear gas? Unless your bugout route takes you through a penitentiary, I don't see the need. (And if it does, you just need a better route.) I don't see the govt forcing us into refugee camps with teargas; if it came to that they'd save their time, gear, and effort and just leave us to die. That's what they did in New Orleans...
It's just precautionary, you cannot plan your next location, you may plan for one spot but what happens if you get run out of camp or are forced take a route through the city.. Like I said just precautions.
yup,white for snow,though I need to modify the all white with some stripes,it will blend in better in the forest.

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