Nicotiana rustica (Midewiwan Sacred Tobacco)

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
Nicotiana rustica (Midewiwan Sacred Tobacco) has large leaves and bright yellow flowers to add character to any garden area.
This species contains up to 3 times more nicotine than other common species and the high concentration of nicotine in its leaves makes it useful for creating organic pesticides!

It originated in Mexico but was widely cultivated throughout the Americas by native peoples for ceremonial purposes. Mapacho is considered very sacred by Amazonian shamans and is employed alone or in combination with other plants in shamanic practices. Some shamans drink the juice of tobacco leaves alone as a source of visions. Mapacho is used extensively in healing practices and is considered a medicine, not a health hazard, when used properly.

The Tukanoan peoples of the Vaupés often rub a decoction of the leaves briskly over sprains and bruises. Amongst the Witotos and Boras, fresh leaves are crushed and poulticed over boils and infected wounds. Tikuna men mix the crushed leaves with the oil from palms to rub into the hair to prevent balding. The Jivaros take tobacco juice therapeutically for indisposition, chills and snake bites. In many tribes tobacco snuff may be employed medicinally for a variety of ills, particularly to treat pulmonary ailments.

Other names: Wild Tobacco, Mapacho
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Considering the different things the FDA has given approval to lately, we are perfectly content NOT having their endorsement.






  • Comes in E-Z Lock resealable, reusable triple-layered foil packets
  • Seeds are open pollinated and can be grown, harvested, and replanted endlessly
  • Dried & sealed airtight for long-term storage
  • Nutritional value:
well.i finally planted the seeds.which makes them 2 years old.but yet.i think they'll still be good.i have them in small pots,and on a window seal for indoor sun,it's just a matter of seeing how things go with them now..
will do..and from what lil bit i've learned.i just might have some good luck with 2 primary interest with this try.1st is to see if i can grow tobacco..2nd is to get seeds from them,(if i can)..then the 3rd and final is i'll have tobacco to smoke.but that'll be another year if need be.
have to find out if it would be possible to grow tobacco on my balcony,it's quite a hot place in summer...the longterm forcast is somewhat bad for my region once my gardening is once again in jepardy,well potatoes should be fine...