Nothing on the Krav?

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Helen Back

Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2014
I have done various martial arts and was a bouncer for almost a decade, so I have been in a fight or a couple thousand. By FAR, Krav is the most realistic fighting defense/offense there is. Do it, even for 6 months. It is that awesome and will change your life. It's not about forms and chasing belts.
Krav is ok. Not the end all be all. It lacks serious ground skills and lacks serious weapons skill. Aside from that the skill in krav actually aren’t good for bouncing. How do you get away with punching and kicking in bouncing without risking serious lawsuit? The honest answer is it’s not the best martial art for bouncing. Judo, jujutsu, and wrestling would be far better skills for a bouncer. Krav Maga is a battlefield eclectic martial art. It’s meant for combat. Stay on your feet and keep moving. Kickboxing, some standing judo and karate are it’s main influences. I’ve studied Krav in its more pure form with some Commandos. It’s useful. However I am a Professional security expert with years of martial arts and tactical training and have trained and lead bouncing teams for 20 plus years but, do with that as you wish. Maybe in a foreign country kicking and punching the crap out of someone is ok. Not state side though. Now if it’s a real self defense situation and your bouncing I’d still recommend not punching the **** out of someone. Many of our team get arrested and charged in the end. Even when after it’s found that they acted in self defense. Anything you do as a security agent or bouncer should never “shock the conscience” of the court or jury. Someone all beat up, even if it was true self defense, tends to shock juries. I have yet to have any of my team successfully prosecuted. Usually we have video to show that it was self defense but it still means nights in jail and loss of freedom and time. Since 2000 we have implicated a no punch policy with our teams and work on their grappling skills and our time in court has dropped to almost nothing. However after 40 plus years of martial arts I can tell you that a swift kick or slap to the groin will gain you a great advantage and it usually doesn’t look too aggressive to the camera. Lol
Well then, a little story you can appreciate. I have only punched someone a few times; when fighting multiple people. In my state that's a felony so nobody complained. Submission is the best, and I have used a lot of trach pokes, show stopper and attention getter for sure. I wasn't talking about Krav as a model for crowd control at a dance club or bar. I meant in real life, close quarter do or die combat. Jitsu is a must have as most fights go to the ground as soon as someone is losing toe to toe, as you know. As I said, for real life fighting, not bad.

Now, to my favorite move ever. I get a call for assistance and go to see one of my guys watching a couple argue. He's yelling and screaming at her, in the hall entrance. Walking in I see two other guys watching with their backs against the wall. I asked the guy to calm down, maybe take it outside and he starts windmilling at me. I back up swiping them and watching the other guys step in so I go back to the wall. Long story short I end up taking down a guy, and the first guy ends up on one of my guy's back choking him. They go face down and my guy is getting choked pretty good. Several of my guys can't find his fingers, or hand even to pry him loose. I secure my guy and dive about 8 feet leading with my index and middle finger straight for his brown star. Contact! The two finger sphincter poke as I have come to call it worked like a champ. He let go instantly. Feel free to use it.
Every bouncer knows the brown button. It doesn’t always work. I’ll introduce you to one of our guys, his nickname is “Shits” he had a real drunk guy get a rear naked choke on him in a brawl. He slipped his hips reached back to brown button the guy, the guy was so drunk he didn’t notice and kept squeezing, they both passed out. Our guy had a finger full of **** and **** his pants when he went out. Lol it was hilarious.
Well then, a little story you can appreciate. I have only punched someone a few times; when fighting multiple people. In my state that's a felony so nobody complained. Submission is the best, and I have used a lot of trach pokes, show stopper and attention getter for sure. I wasn't talking about Krav as a model for crowd control at a dance club or bar. I meant in real life, close quarter do or die combat. Jitsu is a must have as most fights go to the ground as soon as someone is losing toe to toe, as you know. As I said, for real life fighting, not bad.

Now, to my favorite move ever. I get a call for assistance and go to see one of my guys watching a couple argue. He's yelling and screaming at her, in the hall entrance. Walking in I see two other guys watching with their backs against the wall. I asked the guy to calm down, maybe take it outside and he starts windmilling at me. I back up swiping them and watching the other guys step in so I go back to the wall. Long story short I end up taking down a guy, and the first guy ends up on one of my guy's back choking him. They go face down and my guy is getting choked pretty good. Several of my guys can't find his fingers, or hand even to pry him loose. I secure my guy and dive about 8 feet leading with my index and middle finger straight for his brown star. Contact! The two finger sphincter poke as I have come to call it worked like a champ. He let go instantly. Feel free to use it.
Every bouncer knows the brown button. It doesn’t always work. I’ll introduce you to one of our guys, his nickname is “Shits” he had a real drunk guy get a rear naked choke on him in a brawl. He slipped his hips reached back to brown button the guy, the guy was so drunk he didn’t notice and kept squeezing, they both passed out. Our guy had a finger full of **** and **** his pants when he went out. Lol it was hilarious.

LOL! Good bouncers know it. The question is how many are actually willing to check the oil?
As a paramedic, I could tell you stories about how people on certian drugs seem a lot less vulnerable in issues involving hand to hand combat.

The worst are junkies who mix PCP with heroin. These people can be immune to pain. I once watched a cop haul off with his PR24 side-handle baton (note to Ronin: it is similar to an Okinawan Tonfa . . . and Kobu-do Tonfa techniques work very well with this kind of nightstick) and whack an assailiant right in the testicles.

Before you cry "police brutality", please take into consideration that this drugged-up psychopath had a knife, and the cop didn't shoot because there were too many bystanders that could have taken a missed and/or richochet shot.

In any case, this perfectly timed and executed strike did nothing to slow him down until the cop used his baton a second time on the assailant's knee.

When I was treating and restraining this patient, it seemed like both of his testicles were quite ruptured and bleeding internally.

It didn't phase this guy at all . . . at least until the heroin and PCP mixture wore off.

Then he hurt.

And he was upset about my total and complete lack of sympathy.
Rodney King? People just don't understand how much they can take. Some of those drugs are crazy. If people knew what you first responders went through there would be so much more respect. Hats off to you, thank you for your service.

I love tonfas
When I did bond enforcement, I rarely had to do any hand to hand or grappling. I left that to the young newbs. I used tasers and a PR24, I did all the brain work and tricked them into finding me or there relative into revealing there whereabouts. I never learned a formal martial art. I did learn to disarm.
Rodney King? People just don't understand how much they can take. Some of those drugs are crazy. If people knew what you first responders went through there would be so much more respect. Hats off to you, thank you for your service.

I love tonfas
Thank you.

I don't do it anymore due to getting sidelined by a work injury.

Some EMS principles are timeless . . . but many things in my field change--often drastically--as science learns more.

Much of my info is out-of-date. When I make a medical statement, I often try to back it up with Internet sources, or--if someone PMs me--I'll get my source(s) and get back to anyone who wants to verify anything (I plead "guilty" here, as I'm a compulsive checker).
I always found the best way to disarm someone is with a smile. Then escalation of force from there.


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