Observations from Pearl's pool

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But what a beautiful relaxing place you have!! Just being around nature and watching the the critters is so amazing!!

It’s so good to hear someone else say that!! There is nothing like going out and being part of nature! I have deer that follow along (in the woods though) on my early morning walks. LOL. They know I will feed them when I’m done. Had 7 this morning. The new goslings are getting used to me and coming within a few feet. The wild turkeys and their chicks never come close tho.
It’s so good to hear someone else say that!! There is nothing like going out and being part of nature! I have deer that follow along (in the woods though) on my early morning walks. LOL. They know I will feed them when I’m done. Had 7 this morning. The new goslings are getting used to me and coming within a few feet. The wild turkeys and their chicks never come close tho.
Lol, yesterday evening I took my dog for a walk through the woods trails and had a deer and two cats come with us!! I too feed the deer, one even bangs on the back door when she wants a snack!
None bang on my door! Heavens, that deer loves you!!

That's Burberry, she even brings her new babies to my door!
The craziness and biting at people wouldn’t be a new sign but I guess foaming at the mouth would be a giveaway.
How did you hear about that? did my kid mention it?
OH. you mean that bar fight right? I thought you meant the other time.
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I had some barred owls on the property, they left a pellet on the deck. Messy. Skeleton of one of the blue jays, couple of feathers! Got to hear the owls a lot over the past 6 weeks or so...who who who cooks for you. There were some interesting sounds coming out of the back yard at night, I guess the babies learning how to make their hoots.
You're lucky to have road runners around.
The crows are already straightening up the nest for the next batch!!😮 Baby wrens are beeping when Mom feeds them!! Roadrunners have most likely finished their nest in Buddy's big Oak tree!! Linda deer is taking her baby to the local watering hole daily!! Bert the Peacock (down the end of the road) has been squawking loudly, everything sets him off!!
Crows aren't welcome here, never have been. War breaks out each spring when corn starts to sprout, then again in the fall. Especially when pecan husk's start to open. We have several big pecan trees, my grandpa set out most of them.

This was yrs ago, a great year for pecans... best one i remember. I'd picked them up after having them cracked in town. My favorite produce store has a machine that cracks the hulls. They charge by the pound.

Pecans boxed (1)a.jpg
I had ravens build a nest on an entry porch roof that backed to my bedroom. That was not going to fly. The next spring they disassembled the nest and moved it. They didn’t like me, it was mutual.
I've seen crows in my chicken pen... in a nest box. They'll crack open the eggs and have lunch. I draped a few strands neon green fishing line just above and in front of the nests. I want them to see it moving with wind. Crows hate fishing line on their wings, any kind of string. No more egg loss.

Crows will pull up sprouting corn for the seed. So I hang a strand neon green just above each row of corn for a few days as it sprouts in the garden. Same effect, crows won't go near it. When the corn is about 4" they leave it alone. Then I roll the line up and put it in the shop til next year.
Storms keep popping up!! I tried to vacuum the pool earlier, had to stop. Got it finished just in time for a good downpour (I was already wet 🤗), but got out for the thunder and lightning!! Air temp dropped from a humid 92° to 84°! Should be able to enjoy a few cold ones 🍺 on the float shortly 🤞!!
I've yet to get into my pool this season. But this is usually the time I do ... Memorial Day weekend. Maybe I'll test the waters and see if it's warm enough.
My Hubby won't get in until the water is 87-88°! He hasn't been in yet! My first day in was in February, the water was 59°!
My Hubby won't get in until the water is 87-88°! He hasn't been in yet! My first day in was in February, the water was 59°!
hard boiled and pickled you are !
Crows aren't welcome here, never have been. War breaks out each spring when corn starts to sprout, then again in the fall. Especially when pecan husk's start to open. We have several big pecan trees, my grandpa set out most of them.

This was yrs ago, a great year for pecans... best one i remember. I'd picked them up after having them cracked in town. My favorite produce store has a machine that cracks the hulls. They charge by the pound.

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We used a rubberized roller from an antique washing machine, I could do this amount in four hours.
Grew up swimming in Alaskan ocean water. Only the top 6” was warm on a sunny summer day. I was the diver on a commercial fishing boat. That meant that when a rope or net got caught in the wheel or rudder I was the one to correct the situation so we could go back to work. The coldest water I’ve been swimming in was in a body of water named Icy Straights. I think it was liquid rather than solid because it was salt water and it was moving. It was probably warmer than that but if so not by much. I usually put on my wet suit, but not always.
My Hubby won't get in until the water is 87-88°! He hasn't been in yet! My first day in was in February, the water was 59°!