Our biggest manmade disaster: welfare & blacks

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
Let me toss out an idea, and read through my whole point: blacks may have been better off under slavery than they are today under welfare with 'freedom'.

Bear with me. I'm not saying slavery was good by any means. But, 200 years ago, black slave men married black slave women and they had families and raised their kids well. Meanwhile, today, 60% of black babies are killed before they are born. And the majority of the remaining survivors grow up without a father, many not even knowing who is their father. Blacks are predominantly mired in poverty, drugs, and crime. They survive on welfare as a handout and vote like trained monkeys for the meager give-me's. There is no honor nor hope in this meaningless lifestyle.

So, compare the two. If I had the choice of being a black man in 1850 or in 2020, (well, ignoring air conditioning!) I'd choose 1850. I would rather live in slavery with a wife, a family, respectable work, honor, faith and meaning to my life. This idea that slaves were beat and in chains daily is a giant lie. Yes, it was a hard life. But I would have had twice the chance of surviving to birth. And even after all the diseases of those days and lack of medicine, I would still have a much greater chance of growing up. I would have purpose and honor rather than a drug/alcohol addiction. And rather than worshipping at the alter of democrats, I would have the basic understandings of Christian Faith.

So, blacks today are correct that they are far from "Free". They are slaves to welfare, to democrats, to drugs and to crime. What a sad life. I think the best things that could happen to the black community is for democrats to loose badly, for all forms of welfare to end, for an end to abortions/killing of the majority of black babies, and for an end to their addiction to gov't control which means they clean themselves up and get a job and get off drugs. Only then will today's blacks in the USA be better off than as slaves.

Your thoughts?
Back in 1967 I won a debate with a Black student (in Oakland Calif. school) using very much the same logic. Worked then, still applies today. Welfare is just slavery without the chains. Public schools are just re-education camps with a different name.
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Let me toss out an idea, and read through my whole point: blacks may have been better off under slavery than they are today under welfare with 'freedom'.

Bear with me. I'm not saying slavery was good by any means. But, 200 years ago, black slave men married black slave women and they had families and raised their kids well. Meanwhile, today, 60% of black babies are killed before they are born. And the majority of the remaining survivors grow up without a father, many not even knowing who is their father. Blacks are predominantly mired in poverty, drugs, and crime. They survive on welfare as a handout and vote like trained monkeys for the meager give-me's. There is no honor nor hope in this meaningless lifestyle.

So, compare the two. If I had the choice of being a black man in 1850 or in 2020, (well, ignoring air conditioning!) I'd choose 1850. I would rather live in slavery with a wife, a family, respectable work, honor, faith and meaning to my life. This idea that slaves were beat and in chains daily is a giant lie. Yes, it was a hard life. But I would have had twice the chance of surviving to birth. And even after all the diseases of those days and lack of medicine, I would still have a much greater chance of growing up. I would have purpose and honor rather than a drug/alcohol addiction. And rather than worshipping at the alter of democrats, I would have the basic understandings of Christian Faith.

So, blacks today are correct that they are far from "Free". They are slaves to welfare, to democrats, to drugs and to crime. What a sad life. I think the best things that could happen to the black community is for democrats to loose badly, for all forms of welfare to end, for an end to abortions/killing of the majority of black babies, and for an end to their addiction to gov't control which means they clean themselves up and get a job and get off drugs. Only then will today's blacks in the USA be better off than as slaves.

Your thoughts?

I don't know the data but I think there was still roughly the same number of absent fathers in 1850. Having lived and worked in West Africa and socialised with many of my African friends, I would say the vast majority of the men have multiple women on the go at the same time. It is cultural. It was also more common among the white population in the past.

Nearly all people are slaves today regardless of colour, if fact they are even worse off than slaves because they are puppets and they just don't know it.
Let me toss out an idea, and read through my whole point: blacks may have been better off under slavery than they are today under welfare with 'freedom'.

Bear with me. I'm not saying slavery was good by any means. But, 200 years ago, black slave men married black slave women and they had families and raised their kids well. Meanwhile, today, 60% of black babies are killed before they are born. And the majority of the remaining survivors grow up without a father, many not even knowing who is their father. Blacks are predominantly mired in poverty, drugs, and crime. They survive on welfare as a handout and vote like trained monkeys for the meager give-me's. There is no honor nor hope in this meaningless lifestyle.

So, compare the two. If I had the choice of being a black man in 1850 or in 2020, (well, ignoring air conditioning!) I'd choose 1850. I would rather live in slavery with a wife, a family, respectable work, honor, faith and meaning to my life. This idea that slaves were beat and in chains daily is a giant lie. Yes, it was a hard life. But I would have had twice the chance of surviving to birth. And even after all the diseases of those days and lack of medicine, I would still have a much greater chance of growing up. I would have purpose and honor rather than a drug/alcohol addiction. And rather than worshipping at the alter of democrats, I would have the basic understandings of Christian Faith.

So, blacks today are correct that they are far from "Free". They are slaves to welfare, to democrats, to drugs and to crime. What a sad life. I think the best things that could happen to the black community is for democrats to loose badly, for all forms of welfare to end, for an end to abortions/killing of the majority of black babies, and for an end to their addiction to gov't control which means they clean themselves up and get a job and get off drugs. Only then will today's blacks in the USA be better off than as slaves.

Your thoughts?

I'm acutely aware that this is my first post and it will look like I'm some Liberal no gooder but I couldn't help myself after reading some huge misconceptions here and would like to chime in. To begin, lets look at slave marriages and families. It's estimated conservatively that around 10-20% of slave marriages were torn apart by the sale of one of the parents, and that doesn't include the sale of children which was also not a positive thing for the happy slave family (source). Your fantasy of what being a slave is like is so monumentally skewed from reality I struggle to even begin. It is inconcievable for someone today to have their wife or husband sold. For money, a thousand if they were really good at slavin' away, like they were just some sort of unfeeling working machine.

Majority of black children today DO grow up with their fathers in the household (source), and on some metrics they are more involved with their children than any other racial groups such as Whites or Hispanics, in bathing and meal eating for instance.

And then the topic of abortions. I hate abortions, it's murder and it's disgusting that it's so common nowadays. I don't know the reality on the 60% number but it sounds reasonable to me. But it was also common back then. Abortions have been performed since writing was invented at least, and the 18th and 19th century were no exceptions. One estimate of abortion rates written in the 1860s suggests up to 10% of women had had an abortion in their lifetime, and up to 25% of all pregnancies ended in abortion. It's common now and it was common then. (source, page 76, sorry you need an account for this one).

In regards to what you said about their being no honour nor hope in today's meaningless life, I want to share with you some stories from former slaves regarding their fellow slaves taking their own lives. Talk about no hope. So no, blacks today don't have it worse than literal human chattel. Blacks today live well, they are more educated than ever, they kill themselves less than whites, and they are human beings deserving of basic human decency.
well,do all stats point it wrong then??
according to them blacks kill blacks far more and more often than whites??
Called tribal wars here and still ongoing. They hate each others guts, Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, Venda, Nguni, San and another 6 smaller tribes each with own kings and headsman.
Welfare - yes - here in Oz it was brought in for 6 weeks to enable those who lost their jobs to get by till they found another. Unfortunately for many it is now a way of life. And a cycle that is difficult to break. Free welfare, health, transport, benefits, subsidised rentals - who would want a 40hr a week job that pays barely more than the dole ( what we call unemployment benefits ), then have to pay for health, rent/mortgage etc on top.
Some do, and break the cycle. Many want to break the cycle, but find it difficult. I know many who hate being on the dole, but are in a cycle of crime, drugs, violence, and see nothing at the end of the tunnel.
And our Labor Party ( socialist leaning ) generally have the welfare voters in their pockets, promises of more money, benefits etc.

Control the purse strings, and you control the masses.
Majority of black children today DO grow up with their fathers in the household (source), and on some metrics they are more involved with their children than any other racial groups such as Whites or Hispanics, in bathing and meal eating for instance.
Have to call BS on your post. Nearly 70% of Black homes in America are WITHOUT a husband. Did you get “educated” in a liberal dump?
Majority of black children today DO grow up with their fathers in the household (source), and on some metrics they are more involved with their children than any other racial groups such as Whites or Hispanics, in bathing and meal eating for instance.
Your source had a convoluted method of coming up with the numbers that literally gave me a headache trying to read. Highly subjective, making a lot of assumptions.
But the CDC has a much more straightforward reporting method and you can download the data here:
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/vitalstatsonline.htm#DownloadableAccording to the CDC, 69% of African Americans are born in single parent homes as of 2018.
Plain and simple: If some entity other than yourself is providing your food, shelter, and medical. That entity is your Massar and you are their unchained slave. All the spin doctors in the world cannot change this simple fact.
I'm acutely aware that this is my first post and it will look like I'm some Liberal no gooder but I couldn't help myself after reading some huge misconceptions here and would like to chime in. To begin, lets look at slave marriages and families. It's estimated conservatively that around 10-20% of slave marriages were torn apart by the sale of one of the parents, and that doesn't include the sale of children which was also not a positive thing for the happy slave family (source). Your fantasy of what being a slave is like is so monumentally skewed from reality I struggle to even begin. It is inconcievable for someone today to have their wife or husband sold. For money, a thousand if they were really good at slavin' away, like they were just some sort of unfeeling working machine.

Majority of black children today DO grow up with their fathers in the household (source), and on some metrics they are more involved with their children than any other racial groups such as Whites or Hispanics, in bathing and meal eating for instance.

And then the topic of abortions. I hate abortions, it's murder and it's disgusting that it's so common nowadays. I don't know the reality on the 60% number but it sounds reasonable to me. But it was also common back then. Abortions have been performed since writing was invented at least, and the 18th and 19th century were no exceptions. One estimate of abortion rates written in the 1860s suggests up to 10% of women had had an abortion in their lifetime, and up to 25% of all pregnancies ended in abortion. It's common now and it was common then. (source, page 76, sorry you need an account for this one).

In regards to what you said about their being no honour nor hope in today's meaningless life, I want to share with you some stories from former slaves regarding their fellow slaves taking their own lives. Talk about no hope. So no, blacks today don't have it worse than literal human chattel. Blacks today live well, they are more educated than ever, they kill themselves less than whites, and they are human beings deserving of basic human decency.

Hogwash. And others have pointed this out (thank you). Depending on the study, 50-75% of black babies are killed before they are born. How can a father raise that child or live with him/her.... what, in a urn? Then almost 70% of the ones that survive grow up in single-parent homes. So that leaves about 15% who grow up with mom married to dad... at best!

Splitting a black family by selling one or the other parent isn't much different than a divorce, I'd think many of those 'broken' families were done due to family problems. I have no stat for that, but it seems reasonable. Splitting a family knowing that one will try to escape to return to his family does not make sense.

You wrote 'blacks today live well'??? How do you figure that? They kill the majority of their babies. The ones born live with unwed mothers. Drug addiction and unemployment and crime are rampant. And all of this is done by blacks to blacks.

I 100% agree that every person of any color deserves basic decency. But I don't see where blacks today afford that for each other. And it gets worse every day.
Hogwash. And others have pointed this out (thank you). Depending on the study, 50-75% of black babies are killed before they are born. How can a father raise that child or live with him/her.... what, in a urn? Then almost 70% of the ones that survive grow up in single-parent homes. So that leaves about 15% who grow up with mom married to dad... at best!

Splitting a black family by selling one or the other parent isn't much different than a divorce, I'd think many of those 'broken' families were done due to family problems. I have no stat for that, but it seems reasonable. Splitting a family knowing that one will try to escape to return to his family does not make sense.

You wrote 'blacks today live well'??? How do you figure that? They kill the majority of their babies. The ones born live with unwed mothers. Drug addiction and unemployment and crime are rampant. And all of this is done by blacks to blacks.

I 100% agree that every person of any color deserves basic decency. But I don't see where blacks today afford that for each other. And it gets worse every day.
Since the father doesn't ultimately have the choice whether or not a woman gets an abortion in America I hope you can see why it's not even remotely fair to say that black fathers are being absent from their unborn child's lives and to hold it against them. You are correct, it's literally impossible to be present in a dead baby's life. That's not the father's fault though, and it's not necessarily the mothers fault either. 20% of known pregnancies die from miscarriage. For unknown pregnancies, 30% to 50%!!!! of babies die. That's for white people too. That doesn't make their father a bad person for not being in their life. And if it is a problem then any family that loses a child to ANY other means should be shunned and berated for being absent.

My source I listed in my first comment that was previously dismissed by DrHenley as being too convoluted to read clearly distinguishes between absent and single parent homes. Absent fathers are just that, completely absent. Single parent homes however does not mean the father or the mother is not involved. It just means they do not live together. It doesn't mean that they are not married either, it just means they live apart for whatever reason. My neighbours for instance are happily married with kids, but the mum is working interstate and cannot travel home due to covid. She's going to probably end up being away for 9 months, but she's not absent. She still calls her children and husband everyday and is as involved in their lives as possible. Are long haul truckers absent fathers or mothers?

"Splitting a black family by selling one or the other parent isn't much different than a divorce". What an awful ******* thing to say. Seriously think about what you are saying and try and convince yourself you are at all a good or decent human being. I frankly do not know how you sleep at night having thought that, and then typed it out thinking it was a reasonable counter point. It seems reasonable? These people were considered sub-human property. In a divorce at least one person CHOOSES to separate. Often times both people CHOOSE to separate. They aren't ripped from their families because some slave-owner needed a quick buck. In what world is it remotely similar to a divorce? Your name is TexasFreedom, yet here you are arguing against the freedom of others.

How big of a problem you to think black unemployment is? Pre-covid it was sitting at 5.5% for blacks, the lowest in history thanks to Trump. Economists generally agree that around 5% unemployment is ideal, it means people are transitioning between jobs and there is a workforce available to fill any new employment opportunities. That doesn't sound like problematic unemployment to me. And crime? Violent crime is at the lowest point in 30 years. Don't get me wrong, it's still an issue, but it's getting better and will continue to get better assuming that the corona virus doesn't keep causing issues beyond the next year. "It gets worse and worse everyday" is just not true. It's been getting better and better for the past 3 decades. Black people came to America not because they wanted too, but because white people thought they made good slaves. It's no wonder people are still ****** from it. There are black people alive today in their 60s that were not allowed to go to school with white children. This **** was not that long ago. How are their children supposed to fare in the world? How about their grandchildren?
If you only have time to watch one of the videos, watch THIS ONE!

Well done Sir!
Very profound topic. Well presented and powerfully worded.
I have had a similar discussion with some young men I worked with about this. I was amazed at how they could not understand that they were their own worst enemy in terms of how they voted and blamed their positions in life on others. I fear for our future generations.
More people need to see this man's video, people of all races.
Hogwash. And others have pointed this out (thank you). Depending on the study, 50-75% of black babies are killed before they are born. How can a father raise that child or live with him/her.... what, in a urn? Then almost 70% of the ones that survive grow up in single-parent homes. So that leaves about 15% who grow up with mom married to dad... at best!

Splitting a black family by selling one or the other parent isn't much different than a divorce, I'd think many of those 'broken' families were done due to family problems. I have no stat for that, but it seems reasonable. Splitting a family knowing that one will try to escape to return to his family does not make sense.

You wrote 'blacks today live well'??? How do you figure that? They kill the majority of their babies. The ones born live with unwed mothers. Drug addiction and unemployment and crime are rampant. And all of this is done by blacks to blacks.

I 100% agree that every person of any color deserves basic decency. But I don't see where blacks today afford that for each other. And it gets worse every day.

you know I rarely agree with you and as silly a ass as you are this takes the cake

are you trying to get banned,,,,I will leave you with a joke,,,a bad joke,,,,

I have nothing against blacks,,,I think everyone should own at least 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

now that is a rotten joke almost as bad as your thoughts on slavery

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