Pandemic movies

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Awesome Friend
Mar 18, 2018
With the coronavirus slowly working its way around the globe I was thinking of watching a movie with a similar theme. I have enjoyed a few in the past. Contagion was quite good, Blindness was average, 28 days later and I am legend were good, world war z ok. Has anyone else got and recommendations?
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Not exactly a movie, but The Stand by Stephen King was made into a miniseries in 1994, and will be a TV series this year.
About a supervirus that leaked from a lab...hmmm...

My opinion only, The Stand may be my favorite Stephen King book, especially the later expanded version. The miniseries was good but was greatly edited to fit into the timeframe allowed. I am concerned about the TV series. Seems anytime a book it turned into a TV series, it goes WAY off track. Just look at "Under the Dome" or "Lost". Both started out good but within a couple episodes they lost direction and got totally off track. Sure hope this does not happen with 'The Stand", but probably will.
Must admit I thought the casting for the original mini series of the Stand was absolutely perfect.
Not exactly a movie, but The Stand by Stephen King was made into a miniseries in 1994, and will be a TV series this year.
About a supervirus that leaked from a lab...hmmm...
I believe that The Stand is his best work (and this irritates King to no end. "How would you feel if you were an artist, and your best work happened 30 years ago. It's like those townie guys who peaked in high school, and it's been a steady decline ever since. Nothing better in 40 years? Jesus Christ!!!"), and--although I agreed thst they sincerely tried--felt that the miniseries doesn't hold a candle to the book.

In any case, I compared The Stand as a novel forcasting the AIDS epidemic in exactly the way that an 1800s novel forcasted the Titanic disaster.

In The Stand, there is a "shifting antigen flu", which is "the exact reason why coming up with a vaccine will be almost impossible....." which is exactly what HIV does, and is why discovering an effectibe vaccine is so difficult.

Note in King's novel the symptoms, like swollen glands, fever, pnumonia-like symptoms, it flairs up, then dies down, there is sweating . . . and so far, this is all precisely true of AIDS.

Of course King got a few details off. Captian Tripps was contagious, highly airborne, and fatal from several days to a few weeks. None of this is true for AIDS, but he still got more details right than wrong.

The Stand came out--I believe--in 1978.

It was updated in the early 90s, but everything I said was from the '78 edition . . . 3 years before the discovery of the epidemic, which happened late in 1981 when 5 cases were written up in a mortality and morbidity report that comes out every month from the CDC.

Is King psychic?

No. I believe it's nothing more than coincidences and data-mining.
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I believe that The Stand is his best work (and this irritates King to no end. "How would you feel if you were an artist, and your best work happened 30 years ago. It's like those townie guys who peaked in high school, and it's been a steady decline ever since. Nothing better in 40 years? Jesus Christ!!!"

Kevin, you are spot on. All his best work is in the long ago past. So is all of mine but he is bitter and I am proud of my past accomplishments.
OK, I will risk turning this topic into a Stephen King discussion. But, If you read his Dark Tower (Gunslinger) series. The first books were written before his "accident" and they are very entertaining. The final books were written after the "accident" and are very lacking (close to boring). He seems to have lost something with the accident. I have heard that King, himself, has admitted that he was not satisfied with the ending to the Dark Tower.
OK, I will risk turning this topic into a Stephen King discussion. But, If you read his Dark Tower (Gunslinger) series. The first books were written before his "accident" and they are very entertaining. The final books were written after the "accident" and are very lacking (close to boring). He seems to have lost something with the accident. I have heard that King, himself, has admitted that he was not satisfied with the ending to the Dark Tower.

I did read the full set and have to agree with your review, 100 percent. The last book --- ending --- really was very poor. Sort like the season on Dallas, who shot J,R. season, it was all a dream ending sucked.

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