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Here is my buddy “Kit”, was thinking about him today. A couple of years ago he had a bad day. He was bleeding to death. I used “Yarrow” to save him, Achillea millefolium. The plant is named after Achilles, the ancient Greek Warrior who used the same plant to bind the wounds of his soldiers during the Trojan Wars, at least according to Homer's Iliad. The plant worked and Kit is still doing fine.

Kit 010 (2)_v1s.jpg
In what form did you give it to him ?

How long did it take to stop the bleeding?

I had some tincture. I guessed his weight at 450lbs and measured out that much tincture. He was in bad shape, extremely weak and I wasn’t sure I could get him to eat anything. I mixed the tincture into a handful of sweet feed, added some honey and minced apple. He didn’t want it but seemed to understand he needed it and ate.

10 minutes later the bleeding suddenly slowed, 2 minutes after that it stopped!:thumbs up:
Wow, thats incredible.
Now, is this something people could use ?
I use to, not anymore , get serious nosebleed that just would not stop.
I have a grandson that gets them.
Would this work? Ya think?

I don’t know, there could be many reasons for a nosebleed. I suggest finding a good herbalist in your area and talk to them. Yarrow is a very complex plant, lots of uses. I use it for pain in my leg where I had a blood clot. I also use when I cut myself shaving. Last year I helped a young couple get pregnant with yarrow. For thousands of years men have used it to stop bleeding. For just as long young women have been using it to have babies! ;D
View attachment 1052 Yep, pinch of a twig and stick it on my face. Yarrow grows wild here but is rare. I have some that came up volunteer at the end of my porch. I bought this plant last spring at Lowe’s and grew it in a pot.
Yarrow is practically an invasive weed up here, I try to keep a few plants aroun$ but I’m always pulling it with the other weeds. I’m kind of partial to the pink ones.
Wow, thats incredible.

Now, is this something people could use ?

I use to, not anymore , get serious nosebleed that just would not stop.

I have a grandson that gets them.

Would this work? Ya think?


We use to get nosebleeds. All mama did was fold up match book cover and put under upper lip, told us to hold head back till it slowed. Worked none of us bled to death. Maybe it is natures way to clean blood in head? :dunno:

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