Predictions Thread

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Christian groups are all over the place with what they recommend to parishoners. I can tell you that the amish are non mask wearers and non vaxxers. They don't care if someone else wears a mask or gets a vaxx. They still hold in person church. They did stop for a month when the pandemic first started as a precaution and that was about it. I went to a funeral, my cousin's wife passed, in November of 2020, and there were 400 people there elbow to elbow. No masks. There was hand sanitizer out at a stand near the door. This particular funeral went for three days, three different sessions, and I attended two of them.

And I predict my veggies will come up before the war is over in the Ukraine. I want to remember that there are wars, earthquakes, tornados, volcanos, hunger deaths, murders, abortions, pedophile damages and corruption DAILY!!! So...I also want to remember that I cannot personally do anything against most of all that, so I need to take care of my direct family, BOL neighbors and myself/wife. Do not be so WRAPPED up in what is happening in the WIDE world, that you forget to love your LITTLE world you call home and forget to spread more love than anger, hate, worry and sadness!!!!
We have had bad things and times for thousands of years, learning to live is more important than talking about death.
Do not worry about death, IT WILL COME SOON ENOUGH to each of free, love lots and dance like nobody is watching, Gary
I predict many democrats in office will switch parties to keep their jobs. They know The People are going to vote GOP in November. They will want to use name recognition. Swine, all of them. Never vote for anyone that was a democrat,... even Tulsi (as much as it pains me to say). Spread the word.
THEY will try to become RINOs to save their BUTTS!!
. I believe that Tulsi moved to San Jose area. She would be better than anything else coming out of that deep blue area.
Keep an eye on turncoats, But she has been making sense on Parler, Gab, and Fox.
She might end up being a RINO, but it could change a blue area red.

Every time I hear Tulsi speak, I like her. Still a democrat.
I predict many democrats in office will switch parties to keep their jobs. They know The People are going to vote GOP in November. They will want to use name recognition. Swine, all of them. Never vote for anyone that was a democrat,... even Tulsi (as much as it pains me to say). Spread the word.

Former Democrats converting to the Republican Party are surging in Pennsylvania, with four times the number of former Democrats registering as Republicans as vice versa in the battleground state.

Republican converts surge in Pennsylvania (

My wife works for a huge hospital network that incorporates 15 hospitals. They published a chart a couple weeks ago that shows how many Covid deaths have occurred among the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in recent months. I can't remember specific numbers, but it was blatantly obvious that over seventy unvaccinated people died for every one vaccinated person. Hospitalization rates for the unvaccinated were about twenty to one vaccinated. Regardless of what any person claims, it is so obvious that getting vaccinated is much much safer than not getting vaccinated. I absolutely respect your right to choose, but for you to continue your argument with what we now know just boggles my mind. Anyway, I predict that the Omicron strain is the blessing we needed to finally end this mess. It's voracious infection rate combined with less severity of symptoms will finally create enough immunity among the population of our planet that it will finally be over and done.

I respectfully predict you are delusional and/or brainwashed.

"Omicron strain is the blessing we needed to finally end this mess. It's voracious infection rate combined with less severity of symptoms will finally create enough immunity among the population of our planet that it will finally be over and done"...

Famous last words!

I predict there is more to come, maybe, maybe not direct Covid related strains (other than the obvious related jab (booster/s). The government and their helpers already have plans up their sleeve...biggest disease we have is crimes against humanity/FREE RIGHTS..and wait til the flood gates are REALLY open on our borders...

Prediction: We Ain't seen nothing yet my friend!
I predict many democrats in office will switch parties to keep their jobs. They know The People are going to vote GOP in November. They will want to use name recognition. Swine, all of them. Never vote for anyone that was a democrat,... even Tulsi (as much as it pains me to say). Spread the word.

I predict dems will win by hook or crook...if not, and the GOP do get in position to make a difference, it still won't matter as they won't do squat to actually change anything....they all cave and bow down to arse kissing whatever benefits themselves ..I think the professed positions they take a stand on last about as long as until they get elected....

I predict nothing would make me happier than to be wrong!
Omicron was one variant. Then there was stealth omicron.
Notice they aren’t calling it that anymore? Just some stupid letter and number combo.
Best thing about this combo, it had Pelosi, Biden, Harris, and the new Supreme Court Justice in close proximity. 2/4 had been exposed. 1 has it.
Thank goodness for superspreader events.
I predict the water supplies will be tainted soon, by whom it doesn't matter. They tried to kill us with a virus, now they are going to try to kill us by starvation, dehydration, and war. Whatever it takes.
Still goes back to that article posted over a year ago showing FEMA stockpiling plastic coffins down in Georgia!!!
I predict that the ONLY reason the Hunter laptop has been addressed/validated, is so he can take a plea deal for some easy time or even probation. They had to do it now, just in case for some reason, their Nov steal doesn;t work. They cannot have the GOP investigating it.
I predict that the ONLY reason the Hunter laptop has been addressed/validated, is so he can take a plea deal for some easy time or even probation. They had to do it now, just in case for some reason, their Nov steal doesn;t work. They cannot have the GOP investigating it.
YOU can BET they trying to cover up something!!!! This BICRAP is worse than Watergate!!
I predict that the ONLY reason the Hunter laptop has been addressed/validated, is so he can take a plea deal for some easy time or even probation. They had to do it now, just in case for some reason, their Nov steal doesn;t work. They cannot have the GOP investigating it.
I think you are a genius. If Hunter does a deal now, with the Big Guy Justice Dept., he will suffer only a slap on the wrist and it will not be possible for the Trump people, when he comes back to power, to force Hunter to spill the beans on Joe or anyone else. Hunter would be in a safe zone when he does a deal.
I think you are a genius. If Hunter does a deal now, with the Big Guy Justice Dept., he will suffer only a slap on the wrist and it will not be possible for the Trump people, when he comes back to power, to force Hunter to spill the beans on Joe or anyone else. Hunter would be in a safe zone when he does a deal.
HUNTER needs to be in JAIL for a LONG TIME!!!
I predict that nothing will happen to Hunter, the Clintons or any other Democrat. I predict that prices for food, fuel and everything else will continue to go up plus major shortages, illegals will continue flooding across the border, more government control and restrictions on our freedoms (whats left anyway), more new covid variations which will lead to more lockdowns and mandates, the anti American, anti White and the homo agenda will continue infecting our schools. Republicans will still be cowards and wimps and the citizens will continue to complain and gripe, but will do nothing and just roll over and accept the new "norm".
As long as the TVs are still working and the majority of the people still believe this crap what our despots in the government say our nations will perish, that with or without World War III.
I dont believe ANYTHING our government says anymore!!! They ALL are a bunch of crooks and Liers. Its time to change everyone of them!!! TRUMP ws the ONLY one that did what he said and you could believe it was in USA best interest!!!!
I dont believe ANYTHING our government says anymore!!!
"When you're on the other side of the looking glass, nothing is as it seems." - Melanie Benjamin

We are on the other side of the looking glass from the people behind all this. They know and see clearly what is happening and why but are keeping us confused.
I predict Covid will take down Kamala. Hillary gets the nod as VP. 25th Amendment gets invoked.

Biden & Company gets replaced by a totally "hands clean" puppet >>> seriously doubt the DNC can stop the deluge GOP win at the Mid-terms - means an azz biting host of investigations - only thing the DNC will have is their lame duck presidency - that POTUS needs to be clean of the stink
I think Kamala will get COVID so bad she has to resign from its effects. I've thought she was in over her head all along. Plus with all the negative publicity of her clashes with staff, she probably WANTS an easy out.

Think Biden will appoint Michelle Obama (with clean hands in the public's eyes) to be VP. That's how Barack can have that 3rd term he alluded to in an interview near the end of his term (or just after he left office). Sorry, I don't remember the network. Then he can just tell Michelle what Executve Orders to draft/sign that he didn't get to implement before departing the Whitehouse. President by proxy, in other words. I think that's who's running the show NOW behind the scenes from his mansion just down the street from the White House. I think THAT's why the Obamas didn't retire to Hawaii. Why do all that packing and moving mess if you have to turn around and come right back?

And of course, Hillary would then be picked for Michelle's VP. Everybody's happy and you have the first black, AND female president. First ALL FEMALE White House. Dems LOVE firsts! I sure can see it happening that way.

Dat's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
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I think Kamala will get COVID so bad she has to resign from its effects. I've thought she was in over her head all along. Plus with all the negative publicity of her clashes with staff, she probably WANTS an easy out.

Think Biden will appoint Michelle Obama (with clean hands in the public's eyes) to be VP. That's how Barack can have that 3rd term he alluded to in an interview near the end of his term (or just after he left office). Sorry, I don't remember the network. Then he can just tell Michelle what Executve Orders to draft/sign that he didn't get to implement before departing the Whitehouse. President by proxy, in other words. I think that's who's running the show NOW behind the scenes from his mansion just down the street from the White House. I think THAT's why the Obamas didn't retire to Hawaii. Why do all that packing and moving mess if you have to turn around and come right back?

And of course, Hillary would then be picked for Michelle's VP. Everybody's happy and you have the first black, AND female president. First ALL FEMALE White House. They LOVE firsts! I sure can see it happening that way.

That's my story and I's stickin' to it.
I posted mine 5 minutes after they announced Kamala has Covid yesterday. Mine was my first thought.
I do like yours.
Does anyone else think this is being written by script writers? And bad ones at that.

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