Preppers ?

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Awesome Friend
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Jun 14, 2017
Middle Tn .
This site will spoil You . We have experience, knowledge, common sense on this site . When we get someone new to Prepping they usually learn something . Unless they are just trolls .
I've been talking to "preppers" on Face Book and now I see why the outside see's us as the fringe of society. Everything is bug out the World is ending or every conspiracy ever heard of . In the middle of one conversation some one comes on " Its happening now North Korea just hit Japan " I guess His sorces give Him the inside information . There were a few solid Preppers on there but just a few .
This site will spoil You . We have experience, knowledge, common sense on this site . When we get someone new to Prepping they usually learn something . Unless they are just trolls .
I've been talking to "preppers" on Face Book and now I see why the outside see's us as the fringe of society. Everything is bug out the World is ending or every conspiracy ever heard of . In the middle of one conversation some one comes on " Its happening now North Korea just hit Japan " I guess His sorces give Him the inside information . There were a few solid Preppers on there but just a few .

The Doomsday Prepper show, conspiracy agitators like alex jones and youtube have broaden the interpretation of prepping making us out to be a bunch of paranoid people in public perception, hollywood zombie movies didn't help the perception but it did get people thinking and helping to grow the ranks in the community, same situation occurred with the survivalist in the 80s though pretty much negativity from the media and public perception. The whole 'doomsday' thing hits a lot of people wrong but preppers perception fares a lot better than the survivalist movement back in the day only because many preppers are also homesteaders, members of Churches like Mormons, gardening, conservationist plus youtube and some positive media plus big storms in the last 30yrs have raised awareness and many upon many good preppers books not counting we all aren't affixed to a single ideology, all this kept it from being demonized to hell. We do have our shares of ups and downs and negative media but for the most part not really threatening in the public eye.
Preppers/Survivalists seem to be trendy terms that have negative attached to them. The true preppers are solid decent folks that steadily work towards being prepared for whatever the world throws their way. Prepping in my opinion is not buying your survival it is learning how to incorporate our Grandparents way of living into a modern way of life. To often I read new preppers being urged to quit their lives and head for the hills.
Unfounded negativity unfortunately.
It is all media driven. Many incidents throughout time, the peoples have just wanted to be left alone and are very self reliant individuals. For some reason being self reliant is frowned upon. Our Grandparents would frown upon how dependent we have become but that is the way things seem to be moving.
we live in a capitalist consumer society, it is frowned upon being self reliant because unlike the rest of society we don't rely on "the system", if we were all self reliant and self sufficient the whole system would collapse in tatters, the consumer society cannot exist if we don't all consume, throw away and replace with new.
we live in a capitalist consumer society, it is frowned upon being self reliant because unlike the rest of society we don't rely on "the system", if we were all self reliant and self sufficient the whole system would collapse in tatters, the consumer society cannot exist if we don't all consume, throw away and replace with new.
Agreed. Very, very true!

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