Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My Aunt and Uncle are moving to an assisted living facility on Monday.
She is the one with heart problems and he had dementia.
He is going to be lost.
They have a beautiful custom built home they've lived in for over 20 years.
It breaks my heart but it's for the best.
I SO agree!! Sometimes what is best is best!!💗
old tex, I'm sorry you're dealing with that with your stepfather. That kind of thing is not uncommon with dementia patients. it's not that they want to remember, Its that the part of the brain that stores the memories is different. It is quite common for dementia patients to remember things from long ago in great detail but also forget long stretches of time and to not remember recent things. It comes and goes. I liken it to having data stored on different hard drives and one hard drive has died and another is acting up and has corrupted sectors. The things he want are stored on the SSD and are easier to access. The others were on an old slow HDD and its crapping out.

Nursing homes can be good or they can be terrible. In my area they are absolutely terrible.

Meanwhile, my sliding glass door is falling apart. Glass is separating from the frame and the sill is rotted. I'll have to get some pics at some point. So, not only do I need to replace the entire door, but I need to replace the sill underneath. Will need some guidance on that. Will also very likely have to hire someone to install it. The doors are not cheap either. I thought they were bad when they were around $600 but now they are double that.
What I haven't said:
Please don't call me when you've been drinking.
Don't ask me if I know what's going on in politics in Texas. Likely I don't but we're not going to agree anyway. I'm looking at the bigger picture.
Don't think that just because there are many news reports of tornadoes, hail storms, severe winds and severe thunderstorms, flash flooding, all in Texas, that I am affected by all of it. Texas is big, remember?
Yes, I remember that story, and that one too and I can fill in your details better than you can at this point on your evening timeline.
And mind your own business about my finances.
And stop interrupting me.
My Aunt and Uncle are moving to an assisted living facility on Monday.
She is the one with heart problems and he had dementia.
He is going to be lost.
They have a beautiful custom built home they've lived in for over 20 years.
It breaks my heart but it's for the best.
It happens sooner or later.
My aunt who is my Godmother, just moved into assisted living in March. It has been discussed for a while with her by her children. She lost her husband more than a decade ago and has been living alone. Her son says she is almost blind and is almost deaf. She has always been an extremely private person, but has lived independently until now.

Her brother, my uncle, and his wife also recently moved into assisted living.

Homes are being sold after going through everything that they have accumulated. It is a change for sure. These were both people that I would stay with when I went to South Dakota. It was just kind of expected. Now we'll be waiting for their next move, from their time on earth.
We keep getting spam calls from spoofed numbers with people trying to get out voices recorded and trying to get private info from us. I always answer in a put-on voice and hang up once they start their spiel. There's this one with a guy pronouncing my first name incorrectly (and not using my surname) as if he's familiar with me and saying something like "It's harder to get ahold of you than it is to get my kids to clean their rooms" followed by really fake insincere laugh from him and his voice and tone piss me off. Doesn't identify who he is. I just hang up. I used to not do that but a lot of these bots and scammers are plain rude.

Mom's blood sugar has remained high. I'd wanted them to give her a little insulin when we went to the doctor today but they didn't. It's so high her dexcom and the finger stick meter just say "high". The glucose meter at the doctor's office was not working. Mom had to get blood drawn to see what her ketones and glucose levels are but they didn't give the results yet. She was told to double the dose on the long lasting insulin and maybe get a fast-acting one as well. The NP has been arguing with the medical supply company trying to get the pump approved. They keep telling me she hasn't sent them all the info. She's saying she sent it multiple times and doesn't know why they are claiming that. I don't know who to believe or maybe something is getting lost. Not sure.

meanwhile, the box of test strips disappeared so I have to go buy more tomorrow. Already went to the store today and am not feeling great. I was useless yesterday. Was just exhausted and slept. Barely ate anything.

Friend's wife got confirmation that he fetus is dead and that it is so small they don't want to d&c. They are giving her something to induce labor and flush it out that way. She's heartbroken. Friend wants to get a vasectomy so she'll never go through this again.
We keep getting spam calls from spoofed numbers with people trying to get out voices recorded and trying to get private info from us. I always answer in a put-on voice and hang up once they start their spiel. There's this one with a guy pronouncing my first name incorrectly (and not using my surname) as if he's familiar with me and saying something like "It's harder to get ahold of you than it is to get my kids to clean their rooms" followed by really fake insincere laugh from him and his voice and tone piss me off. Doesn't identify who he is. I just hang up. I used to not do that but a lot of these bots and scammers are plain rude.
I don't answer calls from numbers that are not in my contact list. I do have a message that people hear that says to leave their names and information and I will return their calls. If the call says it is from Russia or some other ridiculous place, I immediately block it. Scammers are persistent and so many people get caught up in their schemes.
So I wake up in pain again, normal this last few weeks. do a jig getting to the head, limp and whine all the way back, and NOW I'm having a panic attack! Is it too early to hit the bong?
PEX !! A POX on PEX plumbing. TPR dripping at the north house, it's all PEX stuff :(. Well, soon enough The TPR valve discharge will be threaded plumbing .

WHY did I spend all that time learning to sweat copper :p
PEX !! A POX on PEX plumbing. TPR dripping at the north house, it's all PEX stuff :(. Well, soon enough The TPR valve discharge will be threaded plumbing .

WHY did I spend all that time learning to sweat copper :p
My TPR valve dripping was due to a bad pressure regulator. 150 PSI !

I like PEX and Sharkbite push to connect fitting.

I made a nice ham and mushroom omelette for dinner. Then found out the hard way the top was not tight on the salt shaker!


Had to run the omelette under the faucet. Still too salty. I am thirsty now.

My TPR valve dripping was due to a bad pressure regulator. 150 PSI !

I like PEX and Sharkbite push to connect fitting.

I'll check the pressure next time I go up. No regulator I am aware of.
I hate PEX. It is narrow. Loss of volume, rats like to eat it. Most clamps don't work perfectly, making them prone to popping off, leaking, or pinching.
I've been using pex for 25 yrs, with no problem . Maybe its your crimping tool ? Should be gauged each time before using. I did notice in tight places the coiled stuff is hard in tight places , puts a lot of strain on the fittings , Tight places I use the strait lengths .
Never had a leak (YET).
The only time I had a leak from PEX was when a plastic fitting broke. It was easily replaced.

I really hate my power company. Power went out around 6:30pm Thursday due to severe storms. I get that. Called to report outage and didn't expect any work done that night. Friday morning the automated message said they dispatched crews but they didn't. Got hopeful when I heard chainsaws but it was just the loggers. They cut just enough of a path that they could get through to work-- and they aren't supposed to be on the roads within 24hrs of substantial rain bc their trucks tear the roads up. They filled in some of the ditches to drive across and that led to flooding on the roads. They are supposed to put little bridges across or put in culverts but they never do. Same thing with digging the ditches out when they are done. So we had some flooding.

My power company is not the same as the one in town. The one in town had power back to people by Friday evening. My power company had power back to everyone in my area by 6pm Saturday-- well, everyone BUT me. Literally every other house and building had power. They called to tell me power had been restored so I drove my happy behind home expecting to find AC and be able to cook. All of the houses had lights, including my nearest neighbors. I get to my house and the security light isn't even on (and that is before my meter pole). Those clowns restored power to everyone else. My brother tried calling their emergency number but they wouldn't pick up. After over 100 rings they hung up on him. Kept calling and getting a message that there was "an open ticket" but nothing about sending anyone. There were no lines down, no trees on lines, etc.. No damage to lines between my house and the neighbors. No crews were dispatched.

The freezer side of the fridge started leaking water from defrosting and soaked the floor. When I got Mom's insulin out last night it was still slightly cold, but by the time they finally turned the power back on this afternoon, it was warm. Out at least $300 worth of food. Air fryer died from the power surges. Need to replace the insulin, etc. All bc they forgot to flip a switch to turn our power back on. They have switches for each customer that they can turn off due to nonpayment or when a customer needs it shut off to have an electrician work on stuff. They seem to have forgotten to flip it back on. And its not the first time they've done this to us either. They forgot in the past and restored power to everyone else. It got up to 90 two days in a row.

Been trying to clean up the water from the floor but I overheated and ended up racking out for the day. I didn't even eat today bc I was so aggravated.

At least Mom ate-- although she did fall down earlier. Bro wasn't home and Mom couldn't use intercom to call me bc power was out. So she went to her door to call for me, and then got dizzy (meds she's taking for leg pain make her dizzy). She apparently bounced off of a few things before she hit the floor. I rushed in as fast as I could and tried to pick her up. Called my brother but he didn't answer. Called my friend and he woke my brother up. Then Mom decided to try getting on her knees to crawl onto the bed. I braced her feet so she could push herself up. I was able to lift her legs and put them on the bed and then help her roll. She had her left arm stuck so I got her to roll enough that she could grab my hand with her left hand and I pulled it free. She still has a UTI and doesn't feel well.

If I thought it would actually do anything I'd send the power company a bill for my groceries. Have to replace everything-- including all the new stuff we just stocked the freezer up with. And it wouldn't have gone bad if they'd just flipped the switch when they did everyone else's. This is on top of them doubling what they charge bc they got a brand new CEO who got a huge pay raise. They raised the rates to compensate for his increased salary.

We are looking in to a solar package kit from Sun Gold now. They have a sale on right now and we could get 20kw. Comes with free shipping and free battery rack, all the batteries, the cables, the solar panels, inverters, etc. We can fit some of the panels on the roof and others in the yard behind, but will need to mow the grass and clear some stuff and put down weed tarps to keep weeds from getting in the way. Just need to find the best place for the batteries. Thinking of lining a closet with sheetrock and putting them in there.

I wonder how much it would take to run the workshop. Would only be running one tool at a time-- like a planer or tablesaw, plus the lights.
The only time I had a leak from PEX was when a plastic fitting broke. It was easily replaced.

I really hate my power company. Power went out around 6:30pm Thursday due to severe storms. I get that. Called to report outage and didn't expect any work done that night. Friday morning the automated message said they dispatched crews but they didn't. Got hopeful when I heard chainsaws but it was just the loggers. They cut just enough of a path that they could get through to work-- and they aren't supposed to be on the roads within 24hrs of substantial rain bc their trucks tear the roads up. They filled in some of the ditches to drive across and that led to flooding on the roads. They are supposed to put little bridges across or put in culverts but they never do. Same thing with digging the ditches out when they are done. So we had some flooding.

My power company is not the same as the one in town. The one in town had power back to people by Friday evening. My power company had power back to everyone in my area by 6pm Saturday-- well, everyone BUT me. Literally every other house and building had power. They called to tell me power had been restored so I drove my happy behind home expecting to find AC and be able to cook. All of the houses had lights, including my nearest neighbors. I get to my house and the security light isn't even on (and that is before my meter pole). Those clowns restored power to everyone else. My brother tried calling their emergency number but they wouldn't pick up. After over 100 rings they hung up on him. Kept calling and getting a message that there was "an open ticket" but nothing about sending anyone. There were no lines down, no trees on lines, etc.. No damage to lines between my house and the neighbors. No crews were dispatched.

The freezer side of the fridge started leaking water from defrosting and soaked the floor. When I got Mom's insulin out last night it was still slightly cold, but by the time they finally turned the power back on this afternoon, it was warm. Out at least $300 worth of food. Air fryer died from the power surges. Need to replace the insulin, etc. All bc they forgot to flip a switch to turn our power back on. They have switches for each customer that they can turn off due to nonpayment or when a customer needs it shut off to have an electrician work on stuff. They seem to have forgotten to flip it back on. And its not the first time they've done this to us either. They forgot in the past and restored power to everyone else. It got up to 90 two days in a row.

Been trying to clean up the water from the floor but I overheated and ended up racking out for the day. I didn't even eat today bc I was so aggravated.

At least Mom ate-- although she did fall down earlier. Bro wasn't home and Mom couldn't use intercom to call me bc power was out. So she went to her door to call for me, and then got dizzy (meds she's taking for leg pain make her dizzy). She apparently bounced off of a few things before she hit the floor. I rushed in as fast as I could and tried to pick her up. Called my brother but he didn't answer. Called my friend and he woke my brother up. Then Mom decided to try getting on her knees to crawl onto the bed. I braced her feet so she could push herself up. I was able to lift her legs and put them on the bed and then help her roll. She had her left arm stuck so I got her to roll enough that she could grab my hand with her left hand and I pulled it free. She still has a UTI and doesn't feel well.

If I thought it would actually do anything I'd send the power company a bill for my groceries. Have to replace everything-- including all the new stuff we just stocked the freezer up with. And it wouldn't have gone bad if they'd just flipped the switch when they did everyone else's. This is on top of them doubling what they charge bc they got a brand new CEO who got a huge pay raise. They raised the rates to compensate for his increased salary.

We are looking in to a solar package kit from Sun Gold now. They have a sale on right now and we could get 20kw. Comes with free shipping and free battery rack, all the batteries, the cables, the solar panels, inverters, etc. We can fit some of the panels on the roof and others in the yard behind, but will need to mow the grass and clear some stuff and put down weed tarps to keep weeds from getting in the way. Just need to find the best place for the batteries. Thinking of lining a closet with sheetrock and putting them in there.

I wonder how much it would take to run the workshop. Would only be running one tool at a time-- like a planer or tablesaw, plus the lights.
Havasu kept us posted on your situation!! What a bunch of jerks at the power company!! They should have to pay for your groceries!! You definitely need a backup plan!!! And the 'switch flipper' needs a good kick in the rear!!
I agree with you Pearl. I'm not seriously looking in to the 20kw package from Sugold. It has two 10kw inverters, 32 440w solar panels, 6 batteries, a storage rack for the batteries, cables, and things to mount solar panels to the roof.

I finally ate something this morning but my stomach does not like me now. Mom has an appointment with the doctor sometime today-- waiting for the callback from the office bc I can't remember when. If they don't call before noon I'll call them and ask.
I had to give your post the laughing 'like'. :(
I have received some after April 15th...
Fortunately they were not significant enough to get me put on 'the list'.
Nothing whatsoever happens to companies that are late sending them out.
When they finally get around to looking, the evidence is already out the door.
You thought I was kidding?
Here's a tax form I received today, mailed on 05-15-24 :

Just in time to make the filing deadline! :woo hoo:
Hope you get your taxes filed fast, Supervisor.

Another shoe has dropped and the jet pump for our well system isn't working. The pump to fill the cistern is working, but the jet pump is not. I don't know if its wiring, the switch, or the pump itself. It's close to $620 before tax for a replacement. Goulds J10S 1HP pump. We have a replacement switch so we can try that. Might as well try to get the pressure tank set up if possible. Might need to go get some more pvc fittings and pipe from the hardware store.

Friend said he'll try to look at it after work if possible.

Last night the water just stopped working so I went out with a flashlight and looked. Cistern water was low but that pump wasn't kicking on. I toggled the arm of the float lever and it kicked on to fill the tank. Really need to get a whole new setup, add conduit, plugs, etc to the wires. I wonder if I can get one of those things ACs have where you pull something out and it shuts the power off at the location (some sort of breaker?) instead of having to turn it off at the breaker panel in the house. Would make maintenance so much easier. Would be nice to separate it out so we could have power outlets or some sort of light working out there when the breaker is off. The guy who worked on my well in the past no longer picks up the phone or returns calls. Don't know if he's still in business or if he just doesn't want to come out here anymore. I know his father had been in poor health last we spoke and his father started the business.
Hey Old Tex..if you have POA on his money, or you are a signer on his account and he can afford it, I would put in the stair elevator. You don't have to tell him he paid for it. Then he could go upstairs safely.
I refuse to do anything with his money except move it around to make him more money. His nephew lived with him off & on & I'm pretty sure ripped him off for thousands of dollars. His surviving relatives are a niece & a sister. The sister wouldn't care but the niece would have a fit. So my rule of thumb is that I pay for everything except his medications. I don't want to be accused of anything.
Mini update. I bumped into a pipe in the pump house and the jet pump started buzzing for a few seconds but then stopped. I couldn't get it to do it again though. I'm really hoping the wires on the pressure switch are just loose again. They come loose a little bit with all of the vibrations from the pump.
Mini update. I bumped into a pipe in the pump house and the jet pump started buzzing for a few seconds but then stopped. I couldn't get it to do it again though. I'm really hoping the wires on the pressure switch are just loose again. They come loose a little bit with all of the vibrations from the pump.
Hit the bowl, eat an orange, and get a little better.
I'm really hating what life dumped on me lately. at
least I know who my friends are. four mean old tomcats
and the widow Maude coon.
And you guys obviously.
At least the parts and shipping weren't so bad on Rockauto and I was able to get good brand ones. My friend sent me the links to what to order. Since he works on vehicles he knows what is good and what to avoid and he's offered to do the labor to install the stuff for us. And he's going to install the new pump, the pressure tank, and make necessary electrical changes. Adding a sub panel in the shed so we can turn the pumps off individually as well as have an outlet.

Found out one of my high school teachers that I really enjoyed passed away from glioblastoma. He'd had multiple brain surgeries. His daughter posted the obit. Hadn't seen him in over 30 years but I was still ugly crying. He was such a sweet man.

On top of that, I found a tick on the back of my leg. Thought it was a skin tag. Had to pull the skin to be able to see it and realized it looked like a tick so I pulled. Felt like I had ripped off a skin tag but then saw it had legs and was trying to crawl. So I killed it. Skin is irritated where I pulled it off. I suppose I shouldn't have gone outside without pants the other day... LOL.

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