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So, let's have some fun. Does Trump appoint someone immediately? Or does he use it to get people to vote for him & he'll appoint her replacement the day after he wins reelection? So many fun ways to spin this. Well, I suppose he'll wait until she's 6 ft down before making the appointment.
Had to go back... remember when I started the pool to predict when she'll drop?
And, I'll steal a picture that Doc posted... just a little early!
Replacing Justice Ginsberg Must Happen Immediately — It Will Prevent Democrats from Stealing the 2020 Election

What this now means is that the judge will be praised for her service and then given a burial. Then President Trump and the Republican-led Senate will begin the process to fill the untimely vacancy to the nation’s highest court.

This is very tragic but we have to remember that the country must move on. Also, with the Democrats changing the rules of the election in so many states, there are likely to be some very important cases that reach the Supreme Court.

For example, just this past week the following occurred related to the US census:

A rare three-judge district court panel unanimously decided on Thursday that President Donald Trump’s attempt to exclude undocumented immigrants from the U.S. Census-based redistricting process is “unlawful.”
The court ruled that while there is “no dispute that the President has ‘accustomed supervisory powers over his executive officers’” and “thus retains some discretion in the conduct of the decennial census and resulting apportionment calculation,” President Trump did not act “within the boundaries” of the “authority that Congress has granted.”
The quirky three-judge district court designation means that a direct appeal to the conservative majority Supreme Court is in play. It’s anyone’s guess as to how the high court would rule, but it’s worth noting that SCOTUS has thrown a high-profile wrench into the Trump administration’s census policy goals in the past.
It’s time to get the Supreme Court back to interpreting the law and not making the law.

This is why the now vacant Supreme Court Justice position should be replaced as soon as possible.
It looks like Trump will announce his nominee "within days". Fantastic. Bring out that catholic lady with 5 or so kids. She'll be perfect.
I am truly disturbed that so many here are joyous over someone’s death. I don’t care about the politics not being the same as yours.
I won’t say that I am joyous about an actual death, but I am more relieved that we can now move forward on a replacing someone that was almost completely non functional.

She could have retired under Obama and he could have replaced her with a liberal judge that was only 4 years ago. She was incredibly frail then... but she didn’t want that.

She wanted to retire under the first female president (Hilary) but that didn’t happen.

She then wanted to outlast Trump.
She knew it was time to retire under Obama, but she was selfish. She was too frail to work anymore at that time. It was ridiculous!

Supreme Court justice should not have life long positions... I don’t care if you are conservative or liberal. We shouldn’t be held hostage by someone who is too frail to do a job, but won’t let go until they die.

Life long position should not mean until your last weak, frail, dying breath, leaves your body due to terminal cancer (in this case) because that’s what you want.
Again, I am not happy that someone is dead, but I am happy that we get to move forward and have a breath of fresh air.... and we could have done that under Obama... but that wasn’t what she wanted.
Now we move forward, with a conservative judge.
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That is rich, coming from a person who has and still is BACKING politicians who have allowed, pushed, cheered and bailed out rioters, thugs and murderers who have ruined the lives of 10s of thousands!! Some of these same animals have now been found to have started the fires that have burned innocent Americans alive and destroyed many many family homes and everything they own!
A few points.
1. I wanted RBG out of SCOTUS, no secret there. I would have been just fine had she retired. I would have been overjoyed if she left that way last year. She chose her way of exiting SCOTUS in a body bag. My celebration will not change because of her choice of an exit plan.

2. I keep hearing people saying that they can't wait for 2020 to end. Why? What makes them think 2021 won't be worse? Far worse? Specially for lefties. They're going to wish for the 'good old days' of 2020. But this is another topic deserving its own thread.

3. Judge Amy Barrett. She will quickly become the most loved and most hated woman in America. If she's willing to put her family in the cross hairs, and that is asking a tremendous amount from her. She can change our nation, but the price will be that it will change her family.

4. I'll predict a new 'movement'. DLM. Not kidding. Dead Lives Matter. The left is going to explode in rage that Trump will start appointing a new SCOTUS before RBG fully assumes room temperature. They will call it disrespect for the dead. But basically it will be DLM. Mark my prediction.
Didn’t take long for the threat of more BURNING THINGS DOWN from the Dems!

“Reza Aslan, the former CNN host who once ate human brains and advocated for assaulting Covington teen Nick Sandmann, has tweeted a threat to “burn the entire f-cking thing down” if Republicans try to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The tweet came soon after news broke that the 87-year-old Justice had passed.

this is Amy Barrett's seat >>> she's been bypassed waiting to specifically replace Ginsberg ....

it'll be announced about midweek - maybe funeral day as the GOP epithet to the old crone getting screwed into the ground ...

the Senate is getting ready for the nuke session that'll be necessary for the final confirmation vote ....

let's see how stupid the DNC Reps are about attacking a religious woman >>>> remember the HUGE negative swing after the Cavanaugh BBQ hearing?
I am truly disturbed that so many here are joyous over someone’s death. I don’t care about the politics not being the same as yours.

practicing your skyscreaming techniques?

a rival guy like Jimmy Carter deserves respect >>> POS like Ginsberg that PURPOSELY damaged the country DOESN"T ....

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