Saving the Economy From the Collapse

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It's true the savings of low income people decreases in value because of the increase in money supply, but low income people also tend to be in debt and inflation is good for debtors. Inflation makes their debt worth less. That can be good for people with car payments, mortgages, student loans etc. because it makes paying off the debt easier.
Only if their income increases to match the inflation, which often is not the case, especially when they have to retire while still in debt. Fortunately I paid off my house before I was forced into retirement and had no other debts.
With the interest rates on savings so far below the inflation rate, and retirements accounts being severely mismanaged, any savings people had in the bank and in mismanaged retirement accounts gets worth less and less.
Most nations have one currency, but Chile has two: the Chilean peso and the Unidad de Fomento (UF). Like most currencies, the peso is issued by the central bank. Local banks offer peso-denominated checking and savings accounts and Chileans use pesos to pay their bills, rent, and to buy food.

The Unidad de Fomento (UF) is a non-circulating currency used in Chile. It is a shadow currency. There are no UF coins or notes circulating in the Chilean economy.
The UF exists as a purely abstract unit-of-account, totally divorced from any medium-of-exchange.

The exchange rate between the UF and the Chilean peso is constantly adjusted for inflation so that the value of the Unidad de Fomento remains almost constant on a daily basis during inflation.

The UF is defined as the amount of pesos necessary for Chileans to buy a representative basket of consumer goods. The peso-to-UF exchange rate is calculated daily and published on the central bank's website.

Former Republican Speaker of the House and sound money advocate Paul Ryan proposed a similar plan to tie the US dollar to a commodities basket. Ryan
believes the best way to guarantee sound money is to use an explicit, market-based price guide, such as a basket of commodities, in setting monetary policy.

Robert Shiller also recommends the US introduce a new currency unit tied to inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index. Adopting this new currency unit, called a ‘basket’, would be essentially cost-free. It would be a way of nudging people to protect the value of savings and investments that would otherwise be eroded by inflation.

Like the Unidad de Fomento used in Chile, the 'basket' is a non-circulating shadow currency. Americans can keep using US dollars to make all their transactions if they like.
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I guess I am stupid. I don't see a benefit.

It reminds me of why I quit shopping at one grocery chain several years ago.
They allowed you to be a free member and carry a card. Two prices were on items: Member and non-member.
To me they were saying they would screw you if you didn't complain.

I am seeing the same in Chile. Why not just stop all the raping and play fair for all?
Cut out the double talk.

Several centuries back the Catholic Church had a similar dilemma.
Lords on a daily basis sent their knights out to rape and pillage the neighboring Lord's lands.
It got so bad that peasants were fearful of going to church on Sundays.

So the Vatican, in it's wisdom, damned all raping and pillaging on Sundays. Why didn't they ban it entirely if they had the power to do so?
To me the answer is obvious. They were in a powerful position and wanted to remain there. The hell with being Christ-like.

The same is true with a dual currency system. The government gets to remain in power and cheat all it wants (except on Sundays).
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Doesn't the Bible prophesy a one-world currency?

Isn't there some sort of mark that will be required in order to buy and sell?

Financial technology like that could establish a universal system of control very easily.

Think about it.

Some politician comes along and tempts the people to go to a cashless society by promising a new kind of digital currency that will end inflation. All you have to do is vote for it.

It's either that or be unable to buy or sell because of inflation.

I know who I'd vote for.
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Rhian: I don't know you and therefore, I do not know what side of the coin you are coming from. You seem to be playing both sides of the coin.

You said: "Financial technology like that could establish a universal system of control very easily."
Question: Control of who or what?

You said: "Isn't there some sort of mark that will be required in order to buy and sell?"
That is the problem. That is what the grocery store was testing for. Could they eventually charge membership fees? So my question is What did you mean by that and why did you put that statement there?

You said "Doesn't the Bible prophesy a one-world currency?"
Question: The bible never foresaw "Currency", only money. I feel that gold and silver is fairly close to the primary money in use historically, more so than wampum, beads, etc. Although we are trained to no longer see gold/silver as money, it still is the most prevalent money.

So my question regarding the bible is "So?"

What is it you stand for; want; preferred system we use?

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Doesn't the Bible prophesy a one-world currency?

Isn't there some sort of mark that will be required in order to buy and sell?
There was already a one-world currency at that time, silver and gold, so no it wasn't predicting what already existed.
It says nothing about currency, just that without the mark you can't buy or sell. The exact nature of the mark has been endlessly debated.
There was already a one-world currency at that time, silver and gold, so no it wasn't predicting what already existed.

Wait, is silver and gold money or currency? I thought gold was money and the stuff the government prints is currency.
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From Merriam Webster

Definition of currency

1a: circulation as a medium of exchange
b: general use, acceptance, or prevalencea story gaining currency
c: the quality or state of being current : CURRENTNESSneeded to check the accuracy and currency of the information
2a: something (such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes) that is in circulation as a medium of exchange
b: paper money in circulation
c: a common article for bartering Furs were once used as currency.
d: a medium of verbal or intellectual expression… neither side possessed any currency but clichés …— Jan Struther

That's Okay.

It doesn't have to make sense.
Stop playing word games Rhian, nobody is fooled.
Read the definition of "currency" I posted above and it does. Specifically 2a and 2b. Jim is referring to definition 2b which is the more narrow definition. I was using the word in the broader definition, 2a.
Robert Shiller is one of the nutty professors giving President Pudding Head economic advice. Like almost all these frauds, Shiller gives to ACTBLUE, the fund for Democrat hacks. He handed $1,000 each to Biden for President and the Biden Victory Fund. Shiller really loves Hillary, she grabbed $7,400 from Shiller.

Here he is with Klaus Schwab.

Shiller has long been designing a digital currency to solve the inflation problem. He wants big data to create the perfect electronic money by basing currency units on people's economic needs.

The plan is for sophisticated software to aggregate the price of typical consumer’s daily purchases and a basket of their typical purchases chosen so that the price of the basket in dollars rises with inflation.

Shiller wants to introduce this new digital currency, called a ‘basket’, into the US economy. It will be free and will protect the value of people's money that would be eroded by inflation.

It works similar to the Unidad de Fomento, a non-circulating currency used in Chile. It is a shadow currency. There are no UF coins or notes circulating in the Chilean economy. It is a purely abstract unit-of-account, totally divorced from any medium-of-exchange.

Like Chile, the US government would adopt a shadow currency Americans will use for their transactions.

Now Dementia Joe has signed an executive order entitled "Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets". This order, directs information gathering on the affects and plausibility of developing and implementing a United States Central Bank Digital Currency (USCBDC).

The very thing we've all seen coming down the pike is finally here. We're starting to say goodbye to cold hard cash. Think of the abuse of power this kind of system could bring about.

I'm pulling out all my cash at the slightest whiff of a government shadow currency being implemented.

Don't panic, but be prepared. I foresee a bank run before the end of President Houseplant's term.
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$1K and $7400 is not much for these billionaires. I'm sure they didn't even notice.
You're preaching to the choir "warning" us about a bank run. Remember what forum you're on!

The shadow currency is the first step toward the mark of the beast foretold in Revelation.

Protecting the value of our money from inflation is the bait they will use to seduce us into accepting total slavery.

The whole plan is laid out in his book "The New Financial Order".

you can read about it here
I'm not sure that the shadow currency is the first step toward the mark of the beast. Besides, from your posts, I was guessing you do not believe in Christianity.
And...expressing concern about what will seduce US in to accepting total slavery, I thought you were a commie. Didn't think you call all of us here and you, "US"
I'm not sure that the shadow currency is the first step toward the mark of the beast. Besides, from your posts, I was guessing you do not believe in Christianity.
And...expressing concern about what will seduce US in to accepting total slavery, I thought you were a commie. Didn't think you call all of us here and you, "US"

I thought you could connect the dots but it looks like you're not picking up what I'm laying down so let me spell it out for you.

The only thing currently stopping our democratic republic from being completely taken over by a socialist tyranny is that over half the population is still refusing to bow down to it.

But they know the patriotic freedom loving part of the electorate is being ground down by inflation. Many of us are on fixed incomes. Our strength is diminishing.

It is clear to those who can read the writing on the wall what the 2024 campaign strategy will look like. The global elite now have in their possession financial technology that can lift the burden of inflation off the back of the people. It is a classic carrot and stick situation. Either vote for the party that will launch a new digital currency that promises to kill inflation once and for all, or continue to be stomped down by the boot of financial repression.

I know many will choose to do the right thing but the temptation for many more to go over to the dark side will be overwhelming.

The solution is clear. We need to spread the word far and wide and do it pronto so folks out there will be prepared well in advance to resist the full force of the coming onslaught of the global financial elite and their socialist dupes.
We are a representative republic, not a democratic republic. And your tone has changed. I'm wandering where you are copying your words from. Why are you calling socialists, "dupes" if you like them and commies so much?
Almost sounds like a different person responding.
Was thinking the same thing. Multiple personalities or a different person from before.
I had to show you how easy it will be for people to rationalize socialism when their instincts for self preservation take over, or you wouldn't take this information seriously.

A lot of Americans talk a big game when it comes to loving their freedom and liberty, but will they be able to stand up to the heat when the time comes?

Most voters are not as well informed as you are and that makes them susceptible to political manipulation.

Don't have to take my word. Do your own research, draw your own conclusions.

Just wanted to put the word out so no one gets caught off guard.

Forewarned is forearmed.

If you fail to prepare, you're preparing to fail.
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Just trying to get the information out to the folks who care about these issues. Hopefully I've presented some new information and analysis that challenges the conventional wisdom on the topic.

I've been upfront in saying you should verify it for yourself. If you do, you'll eventually agree with me because you're smart and I'm right.

I'm not trying to tell you what you should do about it. You can decide that for yourself.
And yet they keep printing money to give it away. I pulled out of the stock market in Feb. Trying now to sell some rental properties. Its time to cash in and be ready for the dollar devaluation.

It certainly is time to get out of debt…get out of stocks…and put your money in gold, silver, food, ammo or anything that you can see having value in a deep depression.

I don’t think they are giving that money away. I think the bide Regime is laundering it.
It certainly is time to get out of debt…get out of stocks…and put your money in gold, silver, food, ammo or anything that you can see having value in a deep depression.

It's time to start investing in cockroach and maggot farms. And shorting cows.