Several people killed and many injured after two explosions in Manchester

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I wonder how many of you think much about 911 anymore,,,,we were very lucky that day,if they had targeted say a NASCAR EVENT OR NFL STADIUMS DURING A GAME,,,,,,the death toll could have easily reach 100 k,, when caught shoot them on sight,but we are to civilized for that
Gray ghost, my husband covered NFL for years and always said that a stadium full of fans is the perfect target.

I've always felt that way about testing chemical weapons on a cruise ship.
I'm seeing now they are leaning towards a sucicide bomber at one of the exits just as people were leaving. 19dead, 50 wounded.
22 dead inc kids, 59 injured by lone suicide bomber at Manchester arena. religion of peace again, if they are not grooming and abusing our kids they are selling them drugs or blowing them up. Naturally the UK political world and left wing media is playing down the obvious Islamic connections, and they are rolling out the usual members of the Muslim community who make platitudes and them being a peaceful community. my wife is always at that venue for concerts with her friends its the second biggest area in Europe.
I see the Lib Lab Cons, Greens, Plaid, SNP and EU are making the usual platitudes and words of outrage but they will do NOTHING to deal with the ROOT CAUSE of this Islamic Muslim extremism blighting Europe. Even today every politicians is waffling on about united communities, standing together, lone extremists but NOTHING< NADA< ZIP ZERO about dealing with the Muslim community who are responsible for all of these outrages This attack was deliberately aimed at killing young British Children. If these bastards are not sexually abusing our kids they are selling them drugs or killing them.
The problem is not just islamic extremist, its Islam follows the WRONG gospel! Muhammad claims to follow the teaching of Abraham through Ishmael when the Bible said that God would bless all nations through Isaac's seed not Ishmael and that seed would be in CHRIST!

"But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year." (Gen 17:21 KJV)

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." (Gal 3:16)
President Trump tweeted.....


Says it all really.
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Seems like there's a massive idiot somewhere in the US intelligence. Info has been leaked to the New York Times who have gleefully reported it, that could well affect the investigation. I hope whoever did it gets a nasty rash in an unmentionable place that refuses to respond to treatment.
Seems like there's a massive idiot somewhere in the US intelligence. Info has been leaked to the New York Times who have gleefully reported it, that could well affect the investigation. I hope whoever did it gets a nasty rash in an unmentionable place that refuses to respond to treatment.

I have often wondered how much they are paid for their leaked info
Seems like there's a massive idiot somewhere in the US intelligence. Info has been leaked to the New York Times who have gleefully reported it,
There are a bunch of massive idiots in US intelligence leaking to the press. And a lot of what they are leaking is actually misinformation for political purposes. Draining the swamp is going to be a huge undertaking.
Seems like there's a massive idiot somewhere in the US intelligence. Info has been leaked to the New York Times who have gleefully reported it, that could well affect the investigation. I hope whoever did it gets a nasty rash in an unmentionable place that refuses to respond to treatment.

The whole point to the leaks is to discredit and destroy trump not only here at home but also abroad unfortunately. These leakers are willing to destroy a nation for nothing more than ideology (the oldest political play in the books)

From what I read in another paper was the leak was from Law Enforcement not the intel community, we may never know the truth :(
Manchester is a hotbed of terrorists, there have been 16 arrests just in that area for terrorism related offences in the last few years, now there have been 10 more over this latest atrocity.
I have just been banned from a UK LEFTIE/snowflake forum for saying "those that don't speak out against terrorism are supporters of it"!!:p
Manchester is a hotbed of terrorists, there have been 16 arrests just in that area for terrorism related offences in the last few years, now there have been 10 more over this latest atrocity.
I have just been banned from a UK LEFTIE/snowflake forum for saying "those that don't speak out against terrorism are supporters of it"!!:p
Good for you. Speak the truth brother. :)
yes, well it was a non prepper, left leaning, labour supporting, liberal/snowflake p.c. forum.
that probably tells you all you need to know about their attitudes.
These types of atrocities will continue until ALL muzlims are considered potential terrorists and deported. But unfortunately there are too many people who are afraid of hurting the feelings of the "good" muzzies. When will people wake up and see these animals for what they truly are?
too many of the snowflake/p.c. brigade for that to happen anytime soon.