Shingles vaccine

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Sep 7, 2013
So they have this new wonder vaccine called "Shingrix" for shingles that has all sorts of added benefits like boosting the elderlys' immune systems. My doctor was like a kid with a new toy. He insisted I get the new vaccine. They said I would have some soreness for 24 hours at the injection site so I needed to move it around a lot. I went swimming and I figured that constant movement was sufficient.

When I went to bed last night there was some mild soreness but nothing too bad. But when I woke up this morning, Oh My! Actually I woke up several times. The first few times I couldn't get out of bed. I finally dragged myself out of bed at 9 o'clock to make some coffee (and went straight back to bed)

Side effects? Like a bad hangover, combined with the flu, combined with getting your shoulder punched by Mike Tyson. "Some soreness" my ass! Well the coffee has kicked in and the headache is almost gone. Still achy but not as bad as when I first got up. I think I can get up now.

And I have to go back in six months and do it all over again.
It sounds bad, but not as bad as shingles.

I had shingles once about 4 years ago. It was only a very mild case, but it still kicked my ass quite thoroughly.

I wouldn't have minded the symptoms that you described if it meant that I wouldn't have had to go through this.

The economic loss from missed work alone was bad enough.
Hard to be objective about it when my head is pounding and my stomach is churning.
I agree.

I just ask you to consider how you would feel with the equivalent of a second-degree burn running along the dermatone from your spine to your sternum, and how it takes six weeks to go away.

It thought the itching (and lack of sex) was going to make me crazy.
I never had chickenpox as a young one, I couldn't catch it, ma said she tried and I just wouldn't get it but I had measles. Sounds like I would prefer the shot than to go through another colonoscopy!
A colonoscopy has to be a real pain in the ass.

I'm sorry...I just couldn't resist. It would be almost criminal to let that one go.
A colonoscopy has to be a real pain in the ass.

I'm sorry...I just couldn't resist. It would be almost criminal to let that one go.
I have managed to avoid one so far, but because I'm 65 my doctor started throwing everything at me including the kitchen sink. I'm supposed to have a consult next Wednesday about the colonoscopy. Not looking forward to it...
I have managed to avoid one so far, but because I'm 65 my doctor started throwing everything at me including the kitchen sink. I'm supposed to have a consult next Wednesday about the colonoscopy. Not looking forward to it...
I hope you get it, and not because I'm an a---hole who wants to gloat at your indignity.

The indignity of a colonoscopy is absolutely nothing next to the loss of dignity that comes from colon cancer, chemotherapy, colostomies, and so on.

I, for one, am greatful that I live in an age of colonoscopies where cancer can be nipped in the bud like pulling a splinter.

And I hope I caused no offense. I'm just speaking my mind.
I'm past due for second one. Dignity goes out the window, you drink things that plant your ass on the toilet then you go into a place that's full of perverts then you are slipped a micky through IV and then they rape your ass then you feel a sinse of guilt for the rest of your life for volunteering. And that's why my second one is past due.
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I'm past due for second one. Dignity goes out the window, you drink things that plant your ass on the toilet then you go into a place that's full of perverts then you are slipped a micky through IV and then they rape your ass then you feel a sinse of guilt for the rest of your life for volunteering. And that's why my second one is past due.
At least you're alive to feel these things.

And you would have rather not had the mickey?
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Another point occurs to me: this forum is about prepping and survival. We trade ideas and info about surviving nuclear war, pandemic, economic collapse, and so on.

Being a prepper (or survivalist) is just as much mental as it is physical.

If we balk at colonoscopies because they're offensive to our sense of propriety, then why bother about discussing how to eat rats, for example?
Another point occurs to me: this forum is about prepping and survival. We trade ideas and info about surviving nuclear war, pandemic, economic collapse, and so on.

Being a prepper (or survivalist) is just as much mental as it is physical.

If we balk at colonoscopies because they're offensive to our sense of propriety, then why bother about discussing how to eat rats, for example?

Not all rats taste bad ;) I’m not against colonoscopies at all, my statement above was all in pun as the reason I written the way I did ;)
Part of my aversion to colonoscopies is because of my daughter who has Crohn's disease. The colonoscopies she had to get regularly caused her Crohn's symptoms to intensify, both from the prep and from the actual colonoscopy, and it took her a long time to recover. The symptoms got much worse after the colonoscopies to the point that corticosteroids would not provide relief anymore. We eventually had to take her out of school it got so bad. It wasn't until she went into remission (thanks to Remicade) that she could get a colonoscopy and not be in excruciating pain for months afterwards.
Part of my aversion to colonoscopies is because of my daughter who has Crohn's disease. The colonoscopies she had to get regularly caused her Crohn's symptoms to intensify, both from the prep and from the actual colonoscopy, and it took her a long time to recover. The symptoms got much worse after the colonoscopies to the point that corticosteroids would not provide relief anymore. We eventually had to take her out of school it got so bad. It wasn't until she went into remission (thanks to Remicade) that she could get a colonoscopy and not be in excruciating pain for months afterwards.
I'm sorry that your family went through this. In my earlier posts, I hope you don't think I was being dismissive.
I have managed to avoid one so far, but because I'm 65 my doctor started throwing everything at me including the kitchen sink. I'm supposed to have a consult next Wednesday about the colonoscopy. Not looking forward to it...
It’s a piece of cake Doc. The prep is horrible, but if you just don’t eat for 24 hrs then you should be cleaned out anyways and skip the prep. They expected me to drink thirty gallons of this horrible salty lemon lime concoction. I made it about 1/3 of the way thru it. Trust me, starving for a day is the better way.... other than the prep the procedure was easy. They used propophyl on me and it was lights out in 2 seconds. No pain or discomfort afterwards at all. Still glad I’m good for ten years though....
BTW, the hangover like symptoms have abated but the flu like symptoms haven't. It's well past 24 hours after the shot and my shoulder is still extremely sore. I don't like being lied to!
There’s a reason they call it practicing medicine. Everyone reacts differently to meds and treatments. You just got the short straw on this one. I still need one too, and you’re not helping my motivation much lol
On Topic. Just finished the second shingles shot. Yes my arm really ached the first and most of the second day. As a military brat, I have gotten many, many shots (traveled to foreign countries), this one was easy going in but was the sorest of any I have ever had.

Off topic: I have to get a colonoscopy about every 5 years. I have had the procedure with and without pain killers, trust me you do not want to be awake.