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Awesome Friend
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Jun 14, 2017
Middle Tn .
Was just trying to resuscribe to one of my favorite magazines as well as one of my main news sorces . Soldier of fortune magazine and found out they have quit printing . They are now online E subcription . Not my thing . Iv read them since the late 70's . I actualy joined a group trying to help fight communist in Centrial America in the early 80's that got shut down during the Iran / Contra case . I may try the E scrip but haven't decided . Just thought it interesting such a icon has quit printing .
Was just trying to resuscribe to one of my favorite magazines as well as one of my main news sorces . Soldier of fortune magazine and found out they have quit printing . They are now online E subcription . Not my thing . Iv read them since the late 70's . I actualy joined a group trying to help fight communist in Centrial America in the early 80's that got shut down during the Iran / Contra case . I may try thr E scrip bot haven't decided . Just thought it interesting such a icon has quit printing .

Most younger people don't read print anymore. Google, Amazon Kindle and YouTube are now the primary source of information today. Brick and mortar book stores have been going out of business for years. Library's are becoming obsolete. I'm not saying I agree with's just the path we're headed in.
I don't read military magazines, as far as I am concerned they have very little to do with prepping or survival.
I read "Home Farmer", "Smallholder" and "Permaculture" magazines.
Brick and mortar book stores have been going out of business for years. Library's are becoming obsolete.

And thank goodness! That'll save me a lot of $$$$$$$. I'm drawn to bookstores like a moth to a flame and, along with my debit card, held captive for hours till sufficient ransom is paid. Just kidding....I do not want to see the end of bookstores. I am a fairly avid reader & especially like bound/printed books/magazines. I have a Kindle reader, but it was a long slow process getting me to use one.
Was just trying to resuscribe to one of my favorite magazines as well as one of my main news sorces . Soldier of fortune magazine and found out they have quit printing . They are now online E subcription . Not my thing . Iv read them since the late 70's . I actualy joined a group trying to help fight communist in Centrial America in the early 80's that got shut down during the Iran / Contra case . I may try the E scrip but haven't decided . Just thought it interesting such a icon has quit printing .
Yeah, I used to read SOF back in the 70's & early 80's.
And thank goodness! That'll save me a lot of $$$$$$$. I'm drawn to bookstores like a moth to a flame and, along with my debit card, held captive for hours till sufficient ransom is paid. Just kidding....I do not want to see the end of bookstores. I am a fairly avid reader & especially like bound/printed books/magazines. I have a Kindle reader, but it was a long slow process getting me to use one.

It's not really a choice. It's like with music as well. People my age and younger don't buy CDs. We download or listen with our phones.

Your smart phone is essentially a supercomputer. The entire universe within your finger tips.
Your smart phone is essentially a supercomputer. The entire universe within your finger tips.
and nothing exists outside of it, for most people anyway, gawd help them when TSHTF.
Was just trying to resuscribe to one of my favorite magazines as well as one of my main news sorces . Soldier of fortune magazine and found out they have quit printing . They are now online E subcription . Not my thing . Iv read them since the late 70's . I actualy joined a group trying to help fight communist in Centrial America in the early 80's that got shut down during the Iran / Contra case . I may try the E scrip but haven't decided . Just thought it interesting such a icon has quit printing .

I've been down their through the 80s both Central and South including Africa, I've been stationed at Ft. Sherman and where I received my training in the early days. A lot of activity in them day's then the Brits, Aussies and Americans pulled out, now we have a great deal of chinese, russian influence and even cuba have expanded it's involvement as surrogates for both china and russia though that's not really new but what is new is the influx of middle eastern influence into the underworld. it's an abyss :(
I felt the same when ASG first got taken over and got ruined by the new owners only for them to end up closing ASG when their changes destroyed a sucessful magazine.

American susvival guide or ASG is back in print but is price'y and may have couple good articles the rest packed full of adds . I have collected a few old copies from the 80's that I refer tl from time to time .