Solid First Aid / Treatment Resource for Family Pets / Farm Animals...

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Jan 28, 2021
3rd Rock from the Sun
So, kind of found a 'Hole in our Preps', this weekend, relative to Family-Pet First Aid, and thought I'd share the 'patch'.

We're Very-well prepped for a Wide-variety of Emergency Medical Care / 'First Aid' - for us 'Bipedals' ;) Even including 'Advanced' Dental Emergencies / Repairs / Cleaning, etc.. But, for our Pets, well.. Reasonably-well prepped for any 'Large-Trauma' incidents, ie: non-fatal GSW / injured Leg(s) / Lacerations / Wounds from a 'fight' with another animal, etc, but..

..The 'hole' I found was more along the lines of Information / Documentation, for the 'Little stuff that Could become Big / Life-threatening. I guess it could be labeled as a 'normalcy bias blind-spot'.. 🤔 (thinking: 'Oh, for something like that, we'll just Call the vet / ask'.. Yah - a lot of good that "solution" will do with No Cel-service / Vets avail TO answer the call, DerpJer.. ;)

..And, further, for the Others in our Fam / MAG... I mean - I may Know 'what to Do' for several-types of trauma / injuries, etc for our Dogs, but.. That knowledge doesn't do anyone Else in the Fam, et al, Any good, if I'm not around / reachable by cel. Thus, the 'hole' was having whatever info I Did have DL'd, in a Referenceable / Searchable - and 'digestible' - format for the Others in our Fam / MAG, etc for Our Dogs.

The 'hole' was revealed, when I discovered that I did Not have much of anything 'DL'd for the Particular problem that came up yesterday: Some kind of allergic reaction to (???) in one of our Dogs, that started as a few hives on his flanks - but within a couple hours turned into a Totally-ballooned face / body-wide hives presentation, and I was even concerned (initially) that it might have been devolving towards anaphylaxis... :oops:

..But, once I ruled that out (vitals / examination / his behavior, etc) I had to search-up - Online - the correct Dosing (for his weight) of 'Benadryl', and then get that going into him. Turns out - Whatever the reaction 'was To' - the Diphenhydramine pretty much 'cured it', but.. That result took a good few Hours / close observation to 'pronounce him OK', so.. Emphasized to Me that - yep - that's an 'Info Hole to Patch, ASAP'. SO....

Found this as an Excellent Online resource: :cool: Totally Searchable, and has a Lot of the info presented in 'Two Levels' - the 'Everyday Pet-Owner-Language' level, and the 'Professional-Care Provider / Vet' level, with more technical / deeper biological / interconnecting-info, etc.

..AND, for those with a 'smartphone', it's available as an App (I DL'd / installed it on my iPhone - works Great.. :cool: Just use "Merck Vet Manual" as the search term, in your favorite 'App Store', etc..

I Also found an OCR'd PDF of it, online, here: (And Yeah, that's .ir as-in Iran.. :oops:

Now, I was a Bit 'apprehensive' about clicking Anything on that site (though, there's a TON of Really helpful / legit Vet-Books, DL'able, therein at the 'Home' level: ..but, I reasoned: a) We're not at "official War" with them, yet.. o_O And, b) I mean, 'Docs are Docs / Vets are Vets, the World-over', so.. I went ahead and DL'd the Full PDF (a 3,300 Pager - I'd 'Upload, Here', but it's Over 200 mB!) and vetted it, and It's 'legit' (comparing it to Online 'previews' of the Most Current Edition (11th) so I trust recommending it.

Nonetheless, for those who don't feel 'comfy' DL'ing from That .ir Site, I've put it up, Here, for any who wish to DL the Full PDF: ..but Note that this Link will be good for 7 days, only, then will Expire.. So, giddy-up, if ya want it. 👍

That said, the Online-version (and the 'App') Are really helpful / util, as-is, etc, but.. Personally, I like having things Offline as-well, for, well.. 'MadMax Werld' reasons. ;)

Fwiw, but it sure Helped Us, and now a Very-Important 'Info-Gap / Hole' is patched in Our Family Preps. :cool:

I've used the Merck site as reference for livestock for many years. Excellent information, very helpful in diagnosing issues.

I put a book in the library, Complete herb and stable by Mrs. Levy. Also an excellent reference but using herbs instead. She wrote a book for household pets, cats, dogs too. Both are available on amerzit.
Thanks. I had forgotten about Merck’s. My dad kept a copy.
In addition, consider a round of medicines to have on hand. Allivet was helpful to us last week for antibiotics for some unexpected kitten eye issues.
Most issues are unexpected, and usually happen (for us, anyway) on the weekend or whenever a vet isn’t available. Seems like a shortage of vets too, no longer accepting new patients or caring for just certain animals.
Merck’s is on my list now.
Just remembered, my big sheppard had an ear hematoma. The puppy liked nipping at his ears, must have punctured an artery.

It was on the weekend, no vet. I mixed a couple herbs together but had no way to keep it on the dogs ear, until... I came up with something I've been using ever since. Preparation H is now a permanent member of my farm animal medical kit.

It's great stuff, even antiseptic! Most importantly, it's astringent, its drying. Helpful with seepy wounds and it protects from airborne contaminants. I can think of a lot of situations where i'd use it, especially infected wounds.

And... its great for getting meds to stick to an animals skin. It sticks to anything and is so astringent no critter will eat it, even a dog won't lick it off! 🤣 No need for a cone of shame!

I chopped my herbs up, mixed in Prep H and smeared it on the dogs ear, worked great! Anyway, here's the thread. Might be helpful. Post 30 has the ingredients of prep h.
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A bit of a suggestion if I might:
Update your burn trauma materials, you never know when we might get a nuclear tan from a city near us sprouting mushrooms these days!
So, kind of found a 'Hole in our Preps', this weekend, relative to Family-Pet First Aid, and thought I'd share the 'patch'.

We're Very-well prepped for a Wide-variety of Emergency Medical Care / 'First Aid' - for us 'Bipedals' ;) Even including 'Advanced' Dental Emergencies / Repairs / Cleaning, etc.. But, for our Pets, well.. Reasonably-well prepped for any 'Large-Trauma' incidents, ie: non-fatal GSW / injured Leg(s) / Lacerations / Wounds from a 'fight' with another animal, etc, but..

..The 'hole' I found was more along the lines of Information / Documentation, for the 'Little stuff that Could become Big / Life-threatening. I guess it could be labeled as a 'normalcy bias blind-spot'.. 🤔 (thinking: 'Oh, for something like that, we'll just Call the vet / ask'.. Yah - a lot of good that "solution" will do with No Cel-service / Vets avail TO answer the call, DerpJer.. ;)

..And, further, for the Others in our Fam / MAG... I mean - I may Know 'what to Do' for several-types of trauma / injuries, etc for our Dogs, but.. That knowledge doesn't do anyone Else in the Fam, et al, Any good, if I'm not around / reachable by cel. Thus, the 'hole' was having whatever info I Did have DL'd, in a Referenceable / Searchable - and 'digestible' - format for the Others in our Fam / MAG, etc for Our Dogs.

The 'hole' was revealed, when I discovered that I did Not have much of anything 'DL'd for the Particular problem that came up yesterday: Some kind of allergic reaction to (???) in one of our Dogs, that started as a few hives on his flanks - but within a couple hours turned into a Totally-ballooned face / body-wide hives presentation, and I was even concerned (initially) that it might have been devolving towards anaphylaxis... :oops:

..But, once I ruled that out (vitals / examination / his behavior, etc) I had to search-up - Online - the correct Dosing (for his weight) of 'Benadryl', and then get that going into him. Turns out - Whatever the reaction 'was To' - the Diphenhydramine pretty much 'cured it', but.. That result took a good few Hours / close observation to 'pronounce him OK', so.. Emphasized to Me that - yep - that's an 'Info Hole to Patch, ASAP'. SO....

Found this as an Excellent Online resource: :cool: Totally Searchable, and has a Lot of the info presented in 'Two Levels' - the 'Everyday Pet-Owner-Language' level, and the 'Professional-Care Provider / Vet' level, with more technical / deeper biological / interconnecting-info, etc.

..AND, for those with a 'smartphone', it's available as an App (I DL'd / installed it on my iPhone - works Great.. :cool: Just use "Merck Vet Manual" as the search term, in your favorite 'App Store', etc..

I Also found an OCR'd PDF of it, online, here: (And Yeah, that's .ir as-in Iran.. :oops:

Now, I was a Bit 'apprehensive' about clicking Anything on that site (though, there's a TON of Really helpful / legit Vet-Books, DL'able, therein at the 'Home' level: ..but, I reasoned: a) We're not at "official War" with them, yet.. o_O And, b) I mean, 'Docs are Docs / Vets are Vets, the World-over', so.. I went ahead and DL'd the Full PDF (a 3,300 Pager - I'd 'Upload, Here', but it's Over 200 mB!) and vetted it, and It's 'legit' (comparing it to Online 'previews' of the Most Current Edition (11th) so I trust recommending it.

Nonetheless, for those who don't feel 'comfy' DL'ing from That .ir Site, I've put it up, Here, for any who wish to DL the Full PDF: ..but Note that this Link will be good for 7 days, only, then will Expire.. So, giddy-up, if ya want it. 👍

That said, the Online-version (and the 'App') Are really helpful / util, as-is, etc, but.. Personally, I like having things Offline as-well, for, well.. 'MadMax Werld' reasons. ;)

Fwiw, but it sure Helped Us, and now a Very-Important 'Info-Gap / Hole' is patched in Our Family Preps. :cool:

he Manual can be purchased through Amazon. That is where I got mine a few years back. I also have reference for herbal health care for pets and livestock. I print out and laminate any info on med dosages for our animals that I have indeed used. They are stored in a binder in the mudroom with the animal supplies and first aid box. I have a second binder and box in the bunny barn just for the rabbits since they are a trickier animal to treat. I do keep multiple copies of vet records printed out for all our animals in various locations so I can grab them if they are every needed. I even scan in any paperwork I get from the vet so I can print even more if needed.

After having to re-spay our hunting dog this summer I learned to keep EVERYTHING related to our animals as you will end up needing it.
On a side note. Bleed Stop now sells an animal safe clotting product. Worth having in your animal/livestock kit. We all know they will cut themselves and bleed badly when we least expect it. I have heard stories of horses getting spooked in their paddocks and jumping a fence only to end up de-gloving a leg when they get it stuck in the wire.

Bleed Clot
Is herbal and Natural remedies by Juliette de Baïracli Levy. ?

I got up and went and looked- yep. That’s the one. 😁

Which book are yall talking about? You have me confused... I followed the amerit link. In the list of books there wasn't a title.. "Herbal and Natural remedies". (but there are a couple i want to buy 😁 )

I have these 2... both excellent. The Common Herbs book was written in '96 after she had lived and taught in the US. It's very easy to read and covers a lot of basic herbs.

The farm//stable is thorough, a great book i've used for years. but... Mrs Levy is a brit who lived in europe after ww2. She wrote this in 1952 about european plants. Many of the same plants grow here or have alternatives. So i have no trouble using it. (of note... medical vocabulary changes rapidly, older books can be a bit more challenging, but i enjoy it.)

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Which book are yall talking about? You have me confused... I followed the amerit link. In the list of books there wasn't a title.. "Herbal and Natural remedies". (but there are a couple i want to buy 😁 )

I have these 2... both excellent. The Common Herbs book was written in '96 after she had lived and taught in the US. It's very easy to read and covers a lot of basic herbs.

The farm//stable is thorough, a great book i've used for years. but... Mrs Levy is a brit who lived in europe after ww2. She wrote in 1952 about european plants. Many of the same plants grow here or alternatives. So i have no trouble using it. (of note... medical vocabulary changes rapidly, older books can be a bit more challenging. but i enjoy it.)

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It’s the second one on your table Peanut. I was going off memory because I didn’t have it at hand when I was typing the post. Dave figured out what I was talking about better than I knew what I was talking about 🥴
I plan to use the online searching but wanted to be ready if craziness shuts down the internet...

Yup, that's where the PDF I uploaded (and.. Of Course, the Hard Copy.. ;) is useful, as it was 'OCR'-scanned (Optical Character Recognition-scanned) not 'scanned as images'.. Thus, it's 'Fully Searchable', just as the Online-site / App, etc.. :cool:


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