Stand Too!

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Awesome Friend
Jul 17, 2021
Stand Too is a military doctrine of being prepared for a attack at certain times..dawn and dusk for example. I was looking at my world map and moving pins around based on recent news events. And my EMDCOA analysis is that from this weekend until July 4th. Is Stand Too for America and the West. In the Pacific Taiwan will fall irregardless but Russia and China will likely attack Japan first while NKorea will attack SKorea simultaneously. Russia will finish Ukraine and Iran and others will definitely do something. And All the 5th column sleeper cells coming across our Southern Border the last 2 years will activate. Think October 7 attack in Israel on steroids. All this is going to happen at the same time. It's being coordinated as we speak. EMDCOA is Enemies Most Dangerous Course Of Action . Meanwhile the entire uniparty establishment elites in the District of Corruption are prostituting themselves to the CCP for coin.
With modern night vision, stand too is now a 24/7 thing.

Matthew 25:13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.“
I picked this Time pattern based on ocean currents in the Pacific this time of year. Taiwan straits, Sea of Japan, South China Sea etc..

Invasion season for Taiwan is June-August.

The rest of the year, the Taiwan Strait is too rough and unreliable for logistical support of an invasion force.

.......but there is also plenty of intel that President Xi has told the Chinese military to get prepared to invade Taiwan by 2027.

So the BIG question is "what does that mean"?

Does he intend to invade in 2027......or some time after then.......or even earlier?

Or is he just trying to apply enough pressure to make Taiwan cave in to reunification without an invasion?

The biggest risk for the West is the scenario where even the West gets intimidated by the Chinese war plans and China takes Taiwan unopposed.

If that happens, then the West will have lost and China will be the dominant world power.
I highly doubt that Xi would tell us anything.

Invasion season for Taiwan is June-August.

The rest of the year, the Taiwan Strait is too rough and unreliable for logistical support of an invasion force.

.......but there is also plenty of intel that President Xi has told the Chinese military to get prepared to invade Taiwan by 2027.

So the BIG question is "what does that mean"?

Does he intend to invade in 2027......or some time after then.......or even earlier?

Or is he just trying to apply enough pressure to make Taiwan cave in to reunification without an invasion?

The biggest risk for the West is the scenario where even the West gets intimidated by the Chinese war plans and China takes Taiwan unopposed.

If that happens, then the West will have lost and China will be the dominant world power.
I highly doubt that Xi would tell us anything.
No - he is telling Taiwan that he believes they are part of China and he will take them by force if he has to.....and he is telling the West to stay out of this dispute.

He is serious about both those messages.....but he is sending both those messages in the clear to try to avoid actual war.

But as I posted above......the West will lose if they get into combat with China and lose......but we will also lose if an invasion happens and we don't respond.

Sun Tzu said:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

That is done with messages......both verbal and physical........and it can also be a form of bluff ......but the best bluffs are those that are backed up with the plan and capability to actually do what you are threatening to do.
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The whole scenario reminds me of this piece of crap from the 80s starring Hollywood's biggest America haters.

It pretty much made American women out to be whores for the commie soldiers, American men to be limp-wristed, gutless clowns, and survivalists/preppers to be leaderless, ineffective buffoons... Wait, where are we as a culture again?
No - he is telling Taiwan that he believes they are part of China and he will take them by force if he has to.....and he is telling the West to stay out of this dispute.

He is serious about both those messages.....but he is sending both those messages in the clear to try to avoid actual war.

But as I posted above......the West will lose if they get into combat with China and lose......but we will also lose if an invasion happens and we don't respond.

Sun Tzu said:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

That is done with messages......both verbal and physical........and it can also be a form of bluff ......but the best bluffs are those that are backed up with the plan and capability to actually do what you are threatening to do.
Agreed i was talking about the time frame, he stated 2027. Everything else agreed 100©
i want us to put our time,energy and more inside our borders....!

while we fiddle across the globe our house is falling down around our ears.
i want us to put our time,energy and more inside our borders....!

while we fiddle across the globe our house is falling down around our ears.
Yep - sure......the domestic threats to the US are bad.

But isolationism isn't much of a plan.

  1. When you retreat to your borders, your enemies advance to your borders......people should think about what that would look like.
  2. US corporations make a lot of money offshore - most of that money comes back to the US. It can be argued that is the only thing keeping the US economy afloat. The corporations that off-shored their manufacture will never bring that back to the US......the numbers don't add up. Labor that costs more than ten times as much can never be viable/competitive.
  3. Look at the balance of trade. The US has the biggest trade deficit in world history. No president in the last 30 years has been able to do anything about that.......But disengaging from the rest of the world would make that worse.
  4. The US dollar is only still viable because it is used as the world's common currency - even that is under attack. But if the US went genuinely isolationist, the US dollar would be quickly supplanted and would soon collapse.
  5. For now the US calls the shots....but if someone else takes that power/role, then they will call the shots, to their benefit.....and the US will decline much faster and then collapse.
  6. Much of the worlds area, population and economy is bound up in smaller nations. Smaller nations have little choice but to ally themselves to one side or the other. If the US became genuinely isolated, they would have no choice.
  7. History has shown that when empires are in decline and retreat back to their home territory, the process of decline speeds up more so than slows down.
  8. Most of the money the US spends on the US military ends up back in the US.....paying wages and dividends on Wall Street. Most US military aid gets spent of US military products - that is part of the deal. Most current allies of the US spend a very big proportion of their defense budgets on US made products.
  9. "Divide and conquer" is a real and very effective strategy - the West will last longer if it sticks together. If it fragments and nations try to go it alone, then decline will accelerate and collapse will arrive sooner. The nations of the West need each other like never before.
  10. The West once had principles that were held in democracy, rights of the individual and self determination of populations. If those principles get thrown under a bus.....then what does the West stand for?
Isolationism is fundamentally a single dimensional plan....and the problems for the US are multidimensional and interconnected.

These nations that want to replace the US as the dominant world power are actually pretty fragile (at least for now). A better plan is to frustrate their plans and go after them where they are weak.

But to do that, the US needs to stay engaged with the world around it.

China has territorial disputes with most of it's many neighbors.

That is a key weakness that the US needs to continue to exploit.
We have no borders to retreat too , America's enemies are pouring across our borders as we speak..

Time is running out.

Those that are shouting at the storm, need to to accept that the storm isn't listening.

Some of those that are really getting prepared might make it.

Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

Only the Chinese leadership know their own minds.

All actions that seem like preparation for an invasion could also actually be intimidation.

We all need to be prepared for the crisis to occur..... or anytime.

An invasion of Taiwan would trigger a trade crisis on a scale the world has never seen.

People should look at all the things they buy that are made in China.....then think of all the other locally made goods that rely upon something made in China.

That pretty much covers everything......

....and based upon what has happened in Ukraine, that trade crisis might drag on for years.

Handling that crisis without extreme hardship would require very deep preps.
34 trillion reason to do less globally.

less bases...we are spread to thin already....history shows all great empires fell mostly when stretched to thin on various levels.

nothing wrong with having regional powers or dont trade with others...stop or limit international corps having so much influence in our govt...its we the people..not the corps and a few dreams...and its turned into 2 cents.

charity begins at home...320million dollar dock !...what a crock of crap !

things are broke here that need fixing and cleaning up...its all out of control....we are about to reach a tipping point of aging infrastructure needing fixing,replaced or done away with...we have been living fake prosperity now for many decades...the note is coming due now..its main reason debt is jumping..we didnt set aside money to pay it off when they came we are borrowing to pay others off and robbing peter to pay paul type thing as well.

we need to mind our business inside our borders...cause its out of control..treat veterans like trash..destroy their bodys and minds and toss to trash pile...i seen it in my own family..sick of it i tell ya...sick of it !

we need to stop making enemies around the globe.

god/jesus didnt die and put the u.s. in charge..far from it.

lots of biblical stuff..i just save it though...we are going to learn a hard lesson...might not be any coming back from it either.
That national debt is mostly a result of running trade and budget deficits for decades.......a nation that has developed bipartisan support for the fundamental lunacy of kicking the debt can down the road.

Most of it has been spent on internal consumption......not the military.....or bases....or aid.

The US is addicted to the national equivalent of credit cards......and unaffordable consumerism.
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...invasion of Taiwan would trigger a trade crisis on a scale the world has never seen.

...Handling that crisis without extreme hardship would require very deep preps.

Aye, and 'Olympic-Level Adaptation'.. which Most Americans are clueless where to even Begin, ('..Whattya mean Weld it??' etc) let alone will be Able to stay calm enough to even Try..

Yep - Once things kick off 'For Reals' - This 'Titanic' will sink with Astonishing speed and Merciless, indifferent Violence. Will make 'The Road' look like Sesame Street, imo.. o_O

As @Sourdough quipped in his Other thread... 'Harden Your Hearts' - Now - because the American 'poles' are Gonna get flipped. o_O (metaphorically-speaking, mind you..)


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