Starting a survival community in the remote mountains of southern Ecuador.

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user 7586

Sep 11, 2022
I am just starting to form a survival community here on a large property in the remote mountains of southern Ecuador. In case anyone is interested I can provide more details.
I am interested . My group of 15 have been pondering an site as to where we could leave the United States and settle , in the unlikely event that after the Nuking is done ground troops would be sent in to invade the United States . We have already trained a aircraft piolet and purchased an airplane for evacuation .
Wow about the airplane. Fifteen people in addition to the others that will be here may put too much of a strain on the water system towards the end of the dry season, although it is rather easy to claim water rights from wetter areas higher up and bring it down in a hose. All the water here comes from high mountain springs and has been tested by scientists and found to be the purest water in the world.

There is also a lot of excellent land all around here for sale, including most of my neighbor's properties. So you could get those pieces separately or we could get those jointly and form an even larger community.

I've noticed the gun mentality on this kind of forum, and wholeheartedly that they are needed in the soon to be Zombieland up north. Here, this far from big cities, it is much safer, and in Ecuador gun laws are much stricter. Even if a policeman shoots someone in self defense the police officer goes to prison (Laws like that are thanks to the drug cartels). Also the police are reluctant to act because the judges almost always let the bad guys go free. The police, however, are very casual and don't really give a damn about enforcing the law, so it is very far from being the kind of police state that exists in the US. It is easy to get an unregistered gun, and they are cheap. You can also get used registered guns and the required permit, but those guns are quite a bit more expensive than in the US. Bullets are quite expensive. I have also heard that each immigrant can import one gun, but it requires heaps of bureaucratic bologna in advance. I'm going to check into that myself.

There isn't much crime around here, but in areas where there is more crime no one bothers the police, they just dump the body on the highway during the night.

Anyway, the Ecuadorians in these rural areas are quite friendly, and the ideal relationship is to hire the neighbors to help with construction and farming. It helps them a lot since there isn't much work, and then they like you and will help take care of any 'problems'.

The main focus on the communities that are forming here is survival via growing your own food. I moved here because there is a 12 month growing season.
What is the general going price of land in your area ? Neighboring property sounds interesting . As you mentioned a natural water source would be much desirable . How for would the closest airport be ? Even a small dirt runway would suffice . --- Actually considering the unlikely probability of us actually moving there , would consider some sort of arrangement where the landowner keeps his land and we simply lease the option of evacuating to the property . Some crude shelters for our group in case we arrive would be good , a water source and farmable land a plus .
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I wouldn't mind hanging out in Ecuador some, I think they let you import you tools and stuff without taxing you. But I think they still run everything on 50 hertz 220 don't they? I'd have to build a water wheel and make mericun electricity. A lot of work to convert.
There is quite a lot of American influence here, the electricity is 110V and 60 hertz. They also use the American dollar. You can import shipping containers full of stuff without paying import duties on it, but you should hire an 'importing' agent to assist or else the customs authorities will play bureaucratic games at your expense. I can share the name of a good one.
What is the general going price of land in your area ? Neighboring property sounds interesting . As you mentioned a natural water source would be much desirable . How for would the closest airport be ? Even a small dirt runway would suffice . --- Actually considering the unlikely probability of us actually moving there , would consider some sort of arrangement where the landowner keeps his land and we simply lease the option of evacuating to the property . Some crude shelters for our group in case we arrive would be good , a water source and farmable land a plus .
There is no such things as dirt strips around here, the nearest airport is the Loja airport which is in the city of Catamayo, which is about an hour and a half away from the popular tourist town of Vilcabamba. There are a lot of people escaping the land of poison and moving here so that is driving up prices. Land close to Vilcabamba has been high for a long time and is going up, but land further to the south, on the Amazon sideof the Andes, which is close, is prety cheap. River bottom land, which is ideal for farming, is quite expensive, but the ridge top land which I got was pretty cheap, like $2000 per hectare, or $1000 an acre, but the guy who was selling mine needed to sell so he had a fair price (for that time). I have not kept track of how the prices are going up, but I'm guessing it's around double what it was.

I like to be helpful, and it is possible to do a lease. I'll need to get some advice from friends on how that could work, however I'll be starting this community and I have the feeling that the others won't like this 'unknown', they would probably want to meet you. When I start selling joint ownership of my land I/we will probably buy some of the neighboring land. The land here is too steep for machines, so 'farming' is all done by hand. there are varied patches of land all over, in some places it's pretty good and in others it's only good for making bricks or adobe. Some of the land along the ridge tops is very nice for growing stuff.