stay in the military?

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New Friend
Jan 4, 2022
Hello everyone.

Before I get to my question, a little bit about me for context.

I'm currently serving in the military, stationed in colorado, and will seperate from the Army pretty soon. I am a single soldier with no dependents living on base in the barracks.

I'm also a new prepper. I've been purchasing survival gear, 6 month supply of food, and a few tools for self defense. I've also been investing in gold, silver and bitcoin. What I'm prepping for is an economic collapse. I'm not very knowledgeable in the area of economics but for the past year I have been doing some research and consuming content of a few economic experts who have been watching the US economy's path. Digesting all this information I've come to believe this crisis will happen some time this year or next year at the latest.

Which brings me to my question. Should I reenlist in the Army? I do want to go back to civilian life but I wonder if now would be a bad time to do so. Would it be easier to endure a crisis like this as a servicemember rather than a civilian? There are supposed to be systems in place for this kind of event and its seems there is a widespread belief is that things would start to get back to normal after 6 months of hardship. I have my doubts about it being so short and obviously "normal" is relative. Things wouldn't be exactly as they were before. The Army always says it takes care of its soldiers and their families. I believe it, along with the government, would try but I have my doubts about that too. The coming crash is supposed to be REALLY bad. Will the government/military actually be able to pay/care for its servicemembers during this time? I think back to what I know about the great depression. Before WW2 it had been going on for 10 years and had no end in sight due in large part the government trying to manage it but doing so poorly. I understand this isn't the same country it was back them but it reminds of the saying "never underestimate how badly politicians can screw things up".

So which would be better? Reenlist in the Army and rely on it to help me through or should I become a civilian and link up with the local prepper community for assistance? Thoughts?
My guess Fort Hood? I am very familiar with Colorado with family living there and as a kid vacationed your state every summer.
Thank you for your service protecting our country, I do have a question for you. Would you be willing to follow the "woke" military if they were against the American people or would you be willing to stand up with us if the time came?
If surviving economic collapse is your goal, I can't think of anything better than owning a piece of fertile land with water away from the vast majority of humans. I mean weeks away from most humans at walking speeds. If I had it to do over, the first thing I buy is remote dirt with surface water and put in at least a shallow hand pump water well. Deep well is better. Learn how to hunt and grow food. Learn how to preserve meat and can food. Stock up on medicine, medical supplies and knowledge of how to use them. Tools, power and hand. Live in an insulated shop building until you have need for a real house. Learn how to at least listen to the airwaves. I believe this will put you ahead of 99% of the planet.
I look at it like this, in economic collapse, how is Uncle Sam going to pay you? What does Uncle Sam offer that would make you stay and follow any orders? I would leave, and make some plans with some of the guys you trust in your group.

Thank you for your service. I am preparing to fight the flag burners, and hope we are on the same side.
This economic collapse will be far worse than we’ve ever seen. The reasons are many. The dollar will no doubt collapse and inflation go the way of Brazil, Venezuela and so many others. Bitcoin is not a good investment. The Globalists will crash it or regulate it out of existence, so they can put in THEIR bitcoin. Silver and gold is solid. Land is valuable. Get a group together now and start preparing to grow your own food and raise at least some chickens and rabbits for food. Time truly is short.

Thank you for your service!!
Should I reenlist in the Army?
That is an extremely loaded question TS...
How are you feeling in uniform at the moment?
How are you feeling in your skin at the moment?
Do you have enough $ to get your own land?
Where to get your own land?
Do you have any family or trustworthy contacts for advice?
How well can you love yourself alone?
Is you physical strength and mental status strong?
Could you assume full responsiblity for your life and not hang on the money, safety of job, daily routine, daily food, paid training, Hopeful future in the military and get on your feet alone?
How much trust do you place in the Gov't AT THE MOMENT to take care of you very long: looking at the OTHER 80,000 HOMELESS VETERANS on the streets at the moment?
What is your future worth after: THEY HAVE TAKEN THE STRONGEST AND MOST VALUABLE years of your life which you could have used to work your way up in a better paying job???
Many of us here have served in uniform (me: 7 1/2 years) and know what we had, what we left and what we are doing now...some retired, some out after ENOUGH years...thanx for your service, but do not forget: YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE!! (until you get married) and you must live with all decisions you make on your own power and not from some liberal, woke, unknown power in the PENTAGON in the future...
Put it all on the scales, weigh the balance of choices and give it all your strength.
One of my most important decisions in life was:
Even if it is only peeling an orange...whatever you are doing at the moment, do it to 1000% correct...IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD...or you should NOT BE DOING IT!!! Live free, Gary

PS: we all only have so much time on this earth, do not waste it with stupid persons, bad jobs, cheap liquor or aggressive persons...Gary
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I think your decision is not easy, I can understand that.
Of course, it is currently unsafe to leave the army and enter the private sector when the economy is stagnating.
If you stay in the army you have very safe your pay or salary, but you probably come more under the wheels if Grandpa Jo again makes a new regulation on the army or wants to start a war with another nation, it is always the normal soldiers first burned, that is a risk for you.

You should also consider that if it comes to a world-wide crash, that the army is then probably placed against its own people, which means that you have to bludgeon your own countrymen in the case if Grandpa Jo or your superior demands it, or if you have very bad luck that you must shoot at your own countrymen if your superiors so order.
If it comes to the situation, you will only have the choice between shooting and refusal of orders, refusal of orders can then lead to the fact that you are shot by your superiors or land in front of "court martial".

I was proud to serve my country as a soldier in my time, I would have fought for my country if I had to, regardless of whether I survived or not.
But my absolute nightmare has always been to stand against my own people, and my death nightmare would have been to shoot at my own people. For this reason, I was glad when I completed my term of service and I am very happy that I am currently no longer in the situation where someone can order me to do so.

I can't take this decision away from you, you have to make it yourself, but when you prepare for a crisis you have to consider everything, including an ultimate scenario, and you should think very carefully about what you can handle.
Even if we don't live in the same nation, respect your service, stay loyal to your country, with or without army clothing.
A high school classmate enlisted in 1965. He stayed for a tour and then left. He re-enlisted and stayed until 1992 when he retired. The military is for some people and some not. I don't think the major consideration should be prepping.
Same here. I do not give advice on the military. It has been 50 years since I rode the skids of a Huey into the tall grass and my feelings have changed so much. Wisdom acquired through the decades does that to you.
It has been 50 years since I rode the skids of a Huey into the tall grass and my feelings have changed so much.
Thanks for your service there in the last, lost war called a "police action"...
One uncle left and came back wounded 3 times, the fourth time they would not let him return again. The other uncle left in '64, I remember him kissing me and my 2 brothers goodbye in the middle of the night. He is still MIA.
My lessons came in another stupid civil war in the 90's and neighbors/friends were killing to protect house and home, when I came home, the germans were killing each other for a parking space or a soccer game and could not understand why something like what is happening in the Ukraine today...
you can't fix stupid and you must choose your own fronts to fight. Gary
I look at it like this, in economic collapse, how is Uncle Sam going to pay you? What does Uncle Sam offer that would make you stay and follow any orders? I would leave, and make some plans with some of the guys you trust in your group.

Thank you for your service. I am preparing to fight the flag burners, and hope we are on the same side.
Hello everyone.

Before I get to my question, a little bit about me for context.

I'm currently serving in the military, stationed in colorado, and will seperate from the Army pretty soon. I am a single soldier with no dependents living on base in the barracks.

I'm also a new prepper. I've been purchasing survival gear, 6 month supply of food, and a few tools for self defense. I've also been investing in gold, silver and bitcoin. What I'm prepping for is an economic collapse. I'm not very knowledgeable in the area of economics but for the past year I have been doing some research and consuming content of a few economic experts who have been watching the US economy's path. Digesting all this information I've come to believe this crisis will happen some time this year or next year at the latest.

Which brings me to my question. Should I reenlist in the Army? I do want to go back to civilian life but I wonder if now would be a bad time to do so. Would it be easier to endure a crisis like this as a servicemember rather than a civilian? There are supposed to be systems in place for this kind of event and its seems there is a widespread belief is that things would start to get back to normal after 6 months of hardship. I have my doubts about it being so short and obviously "normal" is relative. Things wouldn't be exactly as they were before. The Army always says it takes care of its soldiers and their families. I believe it, along with the government, would try but I have my doubts about that too. The coming crash is supposed to be REALLY bad. Will the government/military actually be able to pay/care for its servicemembers during this time? I think back to what I know about the great depression. Before WW2 it had been going on for 10 years and had no end in sight due in large part the government trying to manage it but doing so poorly. I understand this isn't the same country it was back them but it reminds of the saying "never underestimate how badly politicians can screw things up".

So which would be better? Reenlist in the Army and rely on it to help me through or should I become a civilian and link up with the local prepper community for assistance? Thoughts?
Brother, this is a question that only you can answer for yourself. I will say that being in the barracks and prepping is extremely difficult. However, if you believe an economic collapse is coming then getting a new job would be hard as well, if not impossible. It all depends on what you want. I will say that if you have a prepared mindset then the military probably needs you right now. I understand looking at the organization and thinking there are better things on the civilian side. My advice is to look back at why you first joined, and decide if your motivations are the same, or have changed. If they have changed then look at if the army still fits what you want to do. If it doesn’t then it’s time to leave.

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