Steri Pens

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
I am wondering if anyone has tried one of these water purifiers?

Their website ( states the following;

SteriPEN harnesses the brilliant power of ultraviolet light to make water safe to drink. It’s the same technology used by leading bottled water manufacturers, as well as major cities in the U.S., Europe and Asia to purify water. View the WQA video explanation Extensive testing has proven SteriPEN to be safe and effective, eliminating over 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and protozoa that cause water-borne illness. SteriPEN has earned the Water Quality Association’s Gold Seal, certifying its effectiveness.

If you have tried one or know someone who has can you please post something about how they like or dislike the Steri Pen.
I've used larger versions of UV light on my saltwater fish tanks, but I've never used one to treat drinking water.
Thanks for the info. I wonder how that would work for a 29 gallon freshwater tank.
The problem i see is it has a battery, what if it's dropped ? To fragile for me, i go with a good ceramic filter like a katadyn. Just my 2 cents
I think I am going to pick up the USB chargeable version. That way I can charge it off of the Biolite stove I plan on item on my wish list!

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