Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

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I turned on the Roku to see if I could find it on the Rumble app on there and it was the top recommended. My husband and I are watching it now.

I'm so glad that all of my blood transfusions were prior to the vax. Hopefully I'll never need another but if I do, I'll try to get one from a family member.
I turned on the Roku to see if I could find it on the Rumble app on there and it was the top recommended. My husband and I are watching it now.

I'm so glad that all of my blood transfusions were prior to the vax. Hopefully I'll never need another but if I do, I'll try to get one from a family member.
Thank the Good Lord!! If you need a true blood, I am type A. . . willing to give. Have no idea if we can wish blood to recipients.
I turned on the Roku to see if I could find it on the Rumble app on there and it was the top recommended. My husband and I are watching it now.

I'm so glad that all of my blood transfusions were prior to the vax. Hopefully I'll never need another but if I do, I'll try to get one from a family member.

I have people calling me every week for my AB negative pure blood. Your welcome to some, if we can get a clinic to ship it.
I turned on the Roku to see if I could find it on the Rumble app on there and it was the top recommended. My husband and I are watching it now.

I'm so glad that all of my blood transfusions were prior to the vax. Hopefully I'll never need another but if I do, I'll try to get one from a family member.

Raising my hand volunteering to give you blood. Will even come your way to do it. I’m O negative.
"The Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada, who oversaw the country’s response to Covid-19 and the rollout of the vaccine, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 35."

I've seen other places they said this was suicide. Anyone know?
I saw this article yesterday, but no mention of how he died. You do have to wonder though, right? Considering his high position in the "Health of Canada" you would have thought they would.
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I saw this article yesterday, but no mention of how he died. You do have to wonder though, right? Considering his high position in the "Health of Canada" you would have thought they would.
His "friends" who haven't seen him in years all imply suicide and substance abuse but they won't come out and say it.
Curiouser and curiouser.

A handful of liberal sites say it's probably suicide based on the donations, yet the guy worked in health policy.
Probably like all of the other people dying of surprise heart attacks, that somehow get blamed on dehydration, or climate change.

The other day I heard on the radio how 5 million people died FROM Covid. Apparently the MSM refuses to acknowledge the CDC's own change stating that only 6% of deaths blamed on Covid, were actually FROM Covid; the rest died WITH Covid. A HUGE DISTINCTION.
Probably like all of the other people dying of surprise heart attacks, that somehow get blamed on dehydration, or climate change.

The other day I heard on the radio how 5 million people died FROM Covid. Apparently the MSM refuses to acknowledge the CDC's own change stating that only 6% of deaths blamed on Covid, were actually FROM Covid; the rest died WITH Covid. A HUGE DISTINCTION.

They have lied so much it is hard to keep their lies straight. Wasn’t it MAGICAL how the yearly flu deaths DISAPPEARED in 2020-2021 season? Death numbers have been tracked for years and years…and they have been steady, then all of a sudden Covid comes around and POOF, the flu death were gone!
The other day I heard on the radio how 5 million people died FROM Covid. Apparently the MSM refuses to acknowledge the CDC's own change stating that only 6% of deaths blamed on Covid, were actually FROM Covid; the rest died WITH Covid. A HUGE DISTINCTION.
And how many of those that died in the ICU on a ventilator were actually killed by Remdesivir?
His "friends" who haven't seen him in years all imply suicide and substance abuse but they won't come out and say it.
Curiouser and curiouser.

A handful of liberal sites say it's probably suicide based on the donations, yet the guy worked in health policy.
Maybe he woke up and realized the error/s of his evil ways (as #1 a liberal organizer, #2 and if he was a clot shot pusher, etc.) couldn't live with himself.

That or he boosted himself to death...

Sorry, I'm evil..I couldnt give a tooty fruity about his passing as to why/how he passed
Maybe he woke up and realized the error/s of his evil ways (as #1 a liberal organizer, #2 and if he was a clot shot pusher, etc.) couldn't live with himself.

That or he boosted himself to death...

Sorry, I'm evil..I couldnt give a tooty fruity about his passing as to why/how he passed

You aren’t evil. Recognizing evil is actually a good thing! I’m right there with you.
Heey, another died suddenly of a heart attack, at 37. I'm sure the death certificate will say died of dehydration, or climate change.

How can anyone not question WHY these young and youngish, in previously good health are dying suddenly? Are they all so brainwashed that they believe the truly stupid lies that climate change did it? Or are they too afraid to consider the real reason?
Some of these sudden deaths can be accounted for through drugs use, licit and illicit. Cocaine is notorious for causing heart failure even years after last use. Nicotine can also induce heart attacks and these days people are vaping 10x and more nicotine in one short sesh than anyone ever did with cigarettes.

And then there are the stimulant drugs for kids from the happy docs. Many cousins of amphetamine prescribed to the youngsters who won't knuckle-down and conform. These drugs can also cause sudden death through heart failure.

And so can the so-called anti-depressant SSRI and SNRI drugs. Now, these days, if you aren't on a happy pill, there must be something seriously wrong with you. These drugs can also induce sudden death, through heart attacks and heart failure.

All this sudden death... you'd think people would read the small-print.

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