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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 11, 2017
people often focus on guns and bullets and such. but the reality of it..often..the day to day needs of us humans are needed. just look at collapses the last bit and how it went. as a whole there was no wide spread chaos, was there death and destruction yes. but look at Venezuela as example.7 years in and i know folks been robbed,kidnapped and more but its been a very small percentage. the majority of population stayed put and grinding out daily lives as best they can.russia in 1990...lebanon..and so many more.

men if you have daughters and wives you need to do whatever it is to protect and secure items they need on regular basis. its not always about bullets and more bullets.theres lots of options out there for these needs. so show some love for women in your life or even possible woman in your life set the overpriced box of bullets back on shelf and get some female products for the women in your lives.

edit...to see video click on underscored part saying watch on youtube.

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I'd also have pads available. Some can't use tampons. Toxic shock is a thing and SUCKS!

yes...ANYTHING..the females in your household needs men need to know and UNDERSTAND. i would like to know just how many men actually know exactly brand,type,preference their wives and girlfriend want.i had a friend getting ready to deploy on fire fighting duty. she came to me saying i got a problem and we are leaving in a few hours and i gotta get my stuff packed. she told me she was on her period and needed tampons etc. would i be to embarrassed to go buy her some while she packed.i laughed and said i dont embarrass to easily ..lol..but i dont have experience in these things you need to write down exactly what you want...all info...and then write down second choice so if shelf is empty i dont have to do a enny meeny miny moe pick off the shelf. so on long drive in there i stood in dirty filty woods work clothes buying tampons and surf boards for her. i got back in time as they were about to take off.

as a crew boss most of my crew were women so in my early 20's i got to learn to talk with people and get them to explain any troubles they had while we were in woods so i could help take care of said problems.when you are remote often 2.5 hours from nearest help people around each other need to talk to each other so problems can be fixed.
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Diapers would also be a good idea to stock, especially if you'll be with someone who is of childbearing age, even if they don't currently have kids. If SHTF, the routine way of preventing pregnancy might be a thing of the past. Condoms, the pill, and other OTC products could be difficult to get just like everything else. Actually having cloth diapers on hand for just such a scenario would also be beneficial. However, if traveling or in a situation where washing diapers would be extremely inconvenient, disposable diapers could be critical.

Feminine pads can also be used for urinary incontinance and also for bandages.
Good point, Elkhound. We have a significant supply of toiletries and personal care items. Everything that I use my son could use as well. Not so sure how complete my wife's supplies are. I think I would take a little different tack, and point out to her the need to have those items in long term preps. I would then offer to get things for her, but it would probably be best if she picked them up herself. That way she knows she has exactly what she needs, and where she has it stored.
Diapers would also be a good idea to stock, especially if you'll be with someone who is of childbearing age, even if they don't currently have kids. If SHTF, the routine way of preventing pregnancy might be a thing of the past. Condoms, the pill, and other OTC products could be difficult to get just like everything else. Actually having cloth diapers on hand for just such a scenario would also be beneficial. However, if traveling or in a situation where washing diapers would be extremely inconvenient, disposable diapers could be critical.

Feminine pads can also be used for urinary incontinance and also for bandages.

If you don't want babies when SHTF get your tubes tied NOW!

I did. As did K.
We keep a shelf of supplies for the granddaughters, but I do have alot of new flannel material tucked away. I'm with Grimm, cloth pads were used long ago, and would need to be used again. Mom is 88 and remembers soaking them, rinsing, then washing with the wringer washer. They typically dried in the washhouse or basement though. Not the clothesline.

According to my wife, those things are the best invention ever.

QUOTE="Grimm, post: 390769, member: 50"]
If you don't want babies when SHTF get your tubes tied NOW!

I did. As did K.

I mean,......I dunno. My wife and I managed to not have kids for eight years, because we didn't want one and then have one within a couple months of deciding to, and then not have another one for six years so far because we haven't decided to have another one. I guess I always think people act like its hard to NOT have children, but honestly.....its not that hard...Its one of those things that always confused me.

I guess I don't believe in 'accidents', just bad choices.
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I hadn't thought of this. My daughter likes to tell me she needs them about 5 minutes after needing them started. I should just go buy about a years worth and stick them in the cabinet...

And that would make you a good dad.
..men if you have daughters and wives you need to do whatever it is to protect and secure items they need on regular basis. ..

One of the First things I 'stacked & packed' back in ~2014-ish (when I realized I Really need to 'get going' / serious on 'LT Preps'..) was Cotton Diapers, and stuff to make both soap and bleach (when all such is gone..) for this Very purpose.. Sure, there's a 'transition pack' of stocked pads / liners, whatever (Not tampons, Oi..) but that's just for the Transition - when dey Gone, dey Gone, Mama.. Oh, and a couple 'handheld Bidet's - PURE GOLD! :cool:

Certainly one of those important 'comfort items' to help with the (undoubtedly) brutal transition(s) we'll all face.. And Chocolate. :)


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