"THAT" Repulsive & Nauseating point where reality slams your being.

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
That point where you have to choose, you have to block out everything repulsive to you, somehow knowing once you choose, you can never reconsider the decision, that door "must be" slammed shut.
That point where you have to choose, you have to block out everything repulsive to you, somehow knowing once you choose, you can never reconsider the decision, that door "must be" slammed shut.
huh?? I havent got a clue what you are talking about.
That point where you have to choose, you have to block out everything repulsive to you, somehow knowing once you choose, you can never reconsider the decision, that door "must be" slammed shut.
Prayers for this decision and you!
That point where you know good humans will die, as a result of your decision. You can't save everyone, you may fail to save those you have chosen, you may fail to save yourself. Failure is probable, not choosing guarantees failure.

The horror of being a leader.
That point where you have to choose, you have to block out everything repulsive to you, somehow knowing once you choose, you can never reconsider the decision, that door "must be" slammed shut.
I went dark and off-grid at a remote wood dump for three years over this. there is only so much different crap you can care about at once. I tamed a tribe of feral cats, made nice with the coons and possums, hung out with inter-dimensional aliens, and had a Sasquatch girlfriend, Someday soon, I'm going back!
Have you read books and military subject matter on the loneliness and responsibility that falls on command? It is a heavy burden but in any group if things fall apart there has to be a command structure and a leader.
The Bible even extols us to follow the leadership wherever their power envelope encompasses, not blindly only as long as they are just.
The collapse of the US will happen in one day and on that day and for many afterward the decisions that have to be made cannot be made in a round table full member discussion.
You have that luxury now.
Choices and decisions have to be made as well as situations that happen to ones self. Giving it up to god is one way. Some counselers also teach the method of having a "lock box" in your head where you lock away the horrible stuff. That way it doesnt immobilize or cause bad reactions right now.
Later you may need to unpack that box and deal with it.
One does what one has to do in the moment then sorts out the mental and emotional ramifications some time down the road. With any luck you will come to an end before you reach that point. People who have to live with regrets are usually more ****** up than a politician in San Fran, so make the best choices you can under the circumstances and never question them again. If you are incapable of doing that, you might not be the leader your people need.
There are horrors not known, and totally not comprehendible to todays preppers. "Harden your Heart".
There are horrors not known, and totally not comprehendible to todays preppers. "Harden your Heart".

To "some" of today's preppers, but certainly not all. We all have our stories and they are not all rainbows and lollipops. But yes, there are certainly a lot of people who are unprepared for a world where the rules no longer apply and survival is more than beans and rice in 5 gallon pals.
I harken back to a couple sage quotes:

“The important decisions have already been made.” - Ol’ Remus.

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” — Admiral James Stockdale.
There are horrors not known, and totally not comprehendible to todays preppers. "Harden your Heart".
Oh, I don't know about that, I've seen some of them and quietly whispered warnings in here and other places for years now and even pointed out the flow of things. The depths of the souls of the men who truly run the show are so black that even some demons scream "ENOUGH!"
Oh, I don't know about that, I've seen some of them and quietly whispered warnings in here and other places for years now and even pointed out the flow of things. The depths of the souls of the men who truly run the show are so black that even some demons scream "ENOUGH!"
somebody had to say it, most won't admit it exists
That point where you have to choose, you have to block out everything repulsive to you, somehow knowing once you choose, you can never reconsider the decision, that door "must be" slammed shut.
I started doing that quite a few years ago.

It works. There is nobody in my life that is toxic and anyone or anything that turns toxic gets deleted. ... no longer there.

Occasionally there is angst during the letting go part, but that cleanses the soul of the badness. Don't look back and wonder "what if?"
all we can do is ask God for for his protection, guidance, providsion and a mountain of discernment as in where do i nee3d to be, who to trust, who to help, who and what to avoid,

there is a crap load of not nice stuff coming at us and its picking up speed. i dont believe this can be stopped , but God said he will hold us by our right hand and guide us thru the storms..
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Sourdough bud, I humbly advocate you turn off the TV, computer, and news-talk radio for a month, and go relax somewhere quiet and peaceful where you feel safe, commune with your mind, soul, and spirit on YOUR terms, and let the world go fornicate itself on its own dime! When you let that trash live in your head rent-free it's like having a mentally unstable meth-head as a roommate! The time you take is your own, seek the peace of the god(s) of your understanding, go, do, and be!
I’m lucky, when things go bad I focus on the task at hand and get the job done. Afterward it might catch up to me but by then the danger has passed so it is too late to worry. Builtin delayed emotions really has helped me through some serious events.

Accepting the inevitable has worked well for me as well. I recently had a toe amputated. I accepted that I had to loose the toe or loose me. When they put me on the operating table there was no fear of loss and no feeling sorry for myself. I watched the surgery with an interest in the procedure. I did what I could do to keep the toe but when that battle was lost I moved on to the battle of healing. I even got a momentoe out of the deal.

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