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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Since 4 am the monday morning after LV shooting I have been glued online reading and viewing the growing number of witness reports, videos, audio files and various other documents regarding the shooting as well as all the press conferences.
As with many other shooting incidents and attacks on the US people (false flags) there are many things that do not match, as well as facts and other pieces of evidence that are not being looked at or totally ignored and as with other incidents like this they are and will be swept under the rug and be lost.
The official report is that a 62 year old man snapped and did all this by himself. Way too much for a man that snapped to have pulled it off alone. a man that had snapped would not have taken the time to install cameras inside and outside his room. Since Paddock had a high rollers pass to the service elevator and was trusted as well as treated like a king he had all the time and room to put this all together but he did not do it alone.
Police audio confirms many times that there was in fact more than one shooter on the 32nd floor. There are reports by officers to dispatch of a shooter around the 4th to 6th floor and several reports to dispatch of at least one more shooter in or near the concert by sheriffs officers. I have seen 3 different views of a shooter on the 4th floor. the video clearly shows a shooter with an automatic weapon and the flashes match perfectly with the gun reports coming from the window. there is also video proof of a shooter shooting single shots near 2 sheriffs inside the concert grounds. There is also a video of acoustic analysis of audio taken from 3 different cel phone videos. this was done by an X seal who has the resources and knowledge of guns and bullets and the know how to seperate the audio from the video and found 2 audio signatures that differ in distance by evaluating the lag time between the gun report and the impacts of the bullets themselves. One shooter was on the 32nd floor as per the distance in yards and the second shooter was 250 - 270 yards away from ground zero. at this 250 yard circle around ground zero there was to the north an AM PM, to the south was an elevated mound of dirt and to the east was a pyramid type building. all 3 of these locations well suited and great line of sight for a shooter. so far no evidence or reports that niether the LVDP or the FBI has even attempted to evaluate every aspect of this crime or go through ALL the evidence.
There are several other points or reports that don't match and have not been looked at or completely ignored. i guess when the FBI is pulling your strings you must say what they tell you to say.
The reports say the shooter had no government connections. There was a report that said the shooter worked for lockheed-Martin as an anylist but an x navy seal reported that the shooter was a military contractor for LM and to him it sounded like a high level gun deal that went bad. The FBI has before sold guns to ISIS people in hopes to track the guns and make arrests but some of those have gone bad in the past.
either way, something is wrong with this incident, even with the fact that some videos could have been setup along with other reports which could have been injected to confuse or deflect our attention.
In one of the videos while the automatic fire is spraying the crowd and the crowd is in panic trying to get to cover the shooter of the video is calmly scanning around with his cel phone. He's either real stupid or he isn't concerned about the shots and why? Was he wearing protection? even a hispanic couple had warned concert goers prior to the show that they were all going to die.
It's a screwed up false flag where the bag it was in has come apart at the seams and someone is doing their best to contain it as best they can.
It's sad that some high ups in the government believe that a few deaths are worth supporting their agenda to keep trying to remove weapons from citizens. the wheels are moving again in washington to continue attacking the people and now that most are scared and worried about automatic weapons they will try their best to push bills through to take more guns away.
Praise America and it's people. Under fire normal americans helped other americans in their moment of need not worrying about the threat of being killed themselves. These are true Americans who live by "you don't leave anyone behind". They have more gutts than the cowards who set this up.
I have prayed for the casualties and injured and the families. I have sent eveidence packages to 2 of my local news stations, the Nevada governor and clark county sheriffs. I have a small amount of hope that someone will feel as I do and look at this ignored eveidence and shine some light on it.
It's sad too that we have evil people amongst us who are supposed to be protecting us rather than using us a pawns in a shooting fest.
American lives matter, more than some politicians.
God Bless America(ns) and the Home of the Brave and Courageous.
Just way too many unanswered questions with this shooting. I just can't see how he could have done all this on his own. Two dinners got served. Two windows blown out. Two shooting platforms. Local police said at first no way he pulled it off himself, then backtracked their original statement. And why did his Reno home get broken into after bring search by police?
It's really simple. Start paying attention to all of those connected that either end up dead or go missing.

We're already up to at least 4 or more....even including the "hero" security guard...who vanished the same day he was scheduled to do 5 interviews, and has been missing since the beginning of this month! How the hell is this not even in mainstream news as a major story? And mainstream news has reported it even, just not making a stink about it.
I have deleted several posts on this subject that I had written and didnt post so far. I will make this one post. I have gotten information on this event that I belive to be 90% acurate. It is very dangerous to spread the truth about this event and even more so to what its connected to. The truth is out there and pieces are being revealed though most information is deceptive, which is the only reason Im posting now. What is happening to our country and our world makes my stomach churn and is almost as bad as my worst fears. Almost nothing is as it seems. Be careful and right with whatefer higher power you have faith in.
the one thing about this shooting that strikes me as odd,,,,in the past a mass shooting would be milked for weeks from every angle for ratings,,,,,,,,,,,,this is the worst shooting this country has ever had and the media coverage has died out completely ,,,,, WHY
in the past a mass shooting would be milked for weeks from every angle for ratings,,,,,,,,,,,,this is the worst shooting this country has ever had and the media coverage has died out completely ,,,,, WHY

Because the official narrative was already unraveling with scrutiny. So, the only way to squash it, is to bury the story, now matter how big. A news anchor may want ratings, but not more than they want to stay alive. And when you can get a shotgun blast to the back of the head ruled as a suicide....I can't say I'd want to mess with them either....
MIA security guard left right before being interviewed by press what was it a couple days after the shooting? Now he is to be on the Ellen show airing today. He leaves all media to be interviewed by Ellen. No tough questions there and probably very rehearsed. Just thought I would mention if anyone was wanting g to catch the episode later today.
I see that, will have to check it out when I can. I'm sure this is after a thorough debriefing by the authorities, so expect it to stick to narrative. I see a new house/vehicle in Mr. Campos'
I see complimentary chips, meals and VIP suites at the Mandalay Bay (similar to what the shooter was getting) in his future if he plays his cards right.
As they say it's a single shooter incident a few videos prove otherwise. This on clearly shows shots being fired from a helicopter. If you have any knowledge of air traffic and the locations of strobes on aircraft (helos) you will clearly notice flashes coming from the door of a bell 412 or an AS-350. It shows the strobe on the tail and at times you can see the front strobe. After overlaying a properly zoomed 412 you cannot argue and say it's a strobe. It is in the exact location of the left hand door.
In the start of the video the helo is circling and you can clearly see what side of the helo the shots are coming from.

I had another vid from a cab driver who filmed a shooter on the 4th floor. It is without a doubt shots being fired from the 4th floor. This video was sent to 2 local news channels here, 1 to Navada gov and 1 to clark county sheriffs. the only responce I got was from the sheriffs and they said thank you but the flashes in question are a reflection of a strobe on a helicopter. WTHeck? The flashes never move even while the cab driver is changing position and in an audio overlay the flashes match exactly to the audio file.
This second video i'm sure will bring the same response.

I guess if we were members of the FLC (CIA) then we would understand more about the operations within this club. Oh yeah, The Federal Liars Club.
IF this was a staged event to push gun control ? exactly what steps have been taken to disarm anyone after this shooting ? Slidefire stocks have not been made unlawful yet ? would that not be the first thing to make illegal ? An immediate Executive Order ? You can still buy any gun you want, any amount of new legislation is on the floor for any votes.....IF this was about gun control ? why has nothing been done yet ? the muddy water surrounding this will fill your gut with sand if you let it.....I see the whole situation as a failure of LE who are suppose to be prepared for these things....complacency and a total lack of preparedness.....way to many complacent people these days who think it won't happen here or to me....I avoid those places and people....LE has proven it will not or mostly cannot do anything to protect anybody....
Yes I've seen the flashing light on the fourth floor. Keeps flashing after the gunfire stops. And how the hell did they fix the window without anyone noticing?
As for why haven't they made things illegal yet...the answer is simple. A) it takes time. B) it will take more such attacks to completely galvanize the public behind any kind of gun control they want to go for.

That helicopter footage is pretty frickin' amazing. Of course, the due diligence here, would be to find out who was flying in the area (if possible), to rule out others, but man, those flashes sure seem out of sync for a nav strobe.....
I know helo's and those flashes were not strobes and not even close to where the strobes are. The flashes were coming from the left hand door and if you watch closely keeping in your mind a visual of the helicopters structure, it was the left hand door the flashes were coming from and this is confirmed as they helo turns and the flashes disappear. Another question that should have easily been answered is who's helo was it but this has not as of yet even been introduced as evidence.
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Not to push gun control...its to push for banning them altogether.

This is just the beginning. For the next few months...these will be at least monthly if not weekly occurrences

The scapegoat has even been already manufactured. Keep an eye open on Nov 4th.
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So right Gaz, a complete removal of all weapons. Can anyone name another country where the citizens of that country have guns and many of them?

Below is an addition I needed to say. Having knowledge of the truth is very frustrating when your part of the minority that knows.

Here we are again with the aftremath of a terrible incident that killed many good americans. An incident that brings more questions than answers. An incident that has way too many things that do not match and evidence that has not even been considered evidence. The mainstream media has said less about the Las Vegas incident than they have said about the church shooting. They have given this church shooting more coverage and I am not surprized.
With the Las Vegas shooting there are too many pieces of evidence that have not been mentioned in press conferences to this day but there are eye witnesses and video evidence of bodies being taken out of hooters and as many as 15 ambulances on staging to remove more bodies. Why haven't questions been asked about the hooters incident being part of the Mandalay Bay incident?
I must say that after 13 years of researching the various incidents that have been labeled false flags I see that the ones doing these false flags are getting sloppy or it maybe there fals flags are getting too complex to control. Either way it has "false flag" written all over it and as usual, same as all flase flags in the past there are a huge majority of folks who are going to believe what they see on TV as it is reported by the mainstream media and not be curious enough to look into the facts and find the holes in the stories themselves. It happened in Vegas, the twin towers (911), Oklahoma, Pearl Harbor, our decision to go to war in Europe to name a few are all part of a vast story telling group of men who manipulate things for their benefit. Our decision to go fight in Europe (WWI) was created by Winston Churchill and president Woodrow Wilson's top advisor Edward Mandall House to put americans in harms way to create an attack by German Uboats. when the Germans torpedoed the Lucitania knowing it had tons and tons of munitions onboard but did not know there were about 200 Americans onboard. The two men stated came to an agreement that if the germans torpedoed the Lucitania and killed 200 Americans this would politically get us in the war. One of the many ways polititians have manipulated things for political and financial gaines.
Standard Oil Company delivered $20 million worth of anti-knock aviation fuel to Germany (WWII) to support the air attack on Europe and many people made millions. These evil men were only interested in the financial gaines and supporting both sides was just a great business move.
The start of the Vietnam War was created from a lie as well. August 4th, 1964 in the gulf of tonkin's international waters the USS Maddox is attacked by north vietnamese torpedo boats, or so they say. Evidence has since proved that the Maddox was not even near the location mentioned but was in a coordinated mission with south vietnam. The attack on the Maddox was created so President Johnson could declare war on North Vietnam. In 2003 defense secratary Robert McNamara admitted that the attack never happened. False Flag?
President Roosevelt knew about a huge fleet of Japanese airplanes and a fleet of ships headed to Pearl Harbor and ignored it. Just as provoking the Germans to fire the 1st shot, they wanted Japan to fire the 1st shot. The commanders of the hawaii fleet were warned about an attack but it was mostly ignored and Roosevelt was shocked that the base was not prepared.
Moving forward there was Oklahoma, 911, various strange shootings around the country ending so far with Vegas and the church shooting. So far I believe the church shooting was a legit nut who had a fight with family and this one seems legit so far.
In every incident there has been an introduction of something that moved us closer to fighting terrorists and further away from being completely free. Every incident has taken a bit of our freedoms and it's going to continue this way until the American people have no more rights or until the American people wake up and there is a revolution, or better would be a total denial of compliance and demands of truth from the government.
This is a bankers and polotitians control mechanism and it didn't start yesterday. 200 years ago many of the bankers and polotitians who are freinds today were freinds back then and it's a long time plan to continue to manipulate the people through media and lies in hopes that we will not see the truth and we will stay focused on the good things in life and we will never see it coming.
You can't say your a Patriot or an American unless you have knowledge of the truth and the lies and you are more concerned about your country and rights than you are about your "stuff". In stuff I mean all the things that some of us have and in some cases it makes us feel like a queen or king. Believe in yourself no matter what you have and remember when you first came into this world, were you nothing then? Hell no, you were a human being with rights, God given rights and NO ONE should ever be able to take those rights from you.You are just as important today as you were when you were born and without your stuff. I see this all the time, some are so happy with stuff and when they lose all their stuff they are nothing. Not true but how do you convince someone who is spoiled and manipulated by the evils of the world? Evils meaning the ones who are pulling the strings.
I think most people know something is very wrong in the world but not many take the time to care. It's a passing thought but they are distracted by "stuff". The daily routines, kids, school, football practice, the super bowl, that great movie now playing or special episode on TV you just can't miss.
So much manipulation of our minds. It's a psycological game that the ones high up have spent millions learning how to play and so far they are winning.
I am sad but I have hope that the people of the world will change this by demanding what is right. It's already starting with demonstrations all around the globe because people aren't being treated right and their rights are being taken away and those above are breaking the law. People are getting tired of being walked on. Sometime soon the threads are going to break and you have SHTF.
It will get worse before it gets beter because the ones who hold the aces are going to fight to the death before they will give up that control. THink about it, a few very rich families who are in powerful positions own the world. I believe too that false flags were a part of all polotics going back to the time of Egypt or even before. Anyway, i'm tired of bringing up old horrors in my mind.
Hope I didn't offend anyone nor do I point finger at anyone, especially here at DPF.
God Bless and be safe and well.
"Those who have not remembered history are destined to live through it again"
Looks like the video was removed by you tube. ??????????

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Read about another death in regards to the case. Hit and run victim now.

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