The Delicious Downfall of Fauci

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I don't "believe" Fauci is "gone" . . . just as "O'bomber" was not "gone" when he left the White House.
I will practically guarantee Fauci has influence, and lots of it, and he is still using it, though less overtly. (He now has credible deniability.)
He will cease to have influence when he is in prison or buried, not sooner (and perhaps not even then).
I don't "believe" Fauci is "gone" . . . just as "O'bomber" was not "gone" when he left the White House.
I will practically guarantee Fauci has influence, and lots of it, and he is still using it, though less overtly. (He now has credible deniability.)
He will cease to have influence when he is in prison or buried, not sooner (and perhaps not even then).
I vote buried. Let's try that.
We had mob problems here back in the 50's across the river in Phenix City AL. Fort Benning is just south of the city limits and soldiers went over to Phenix City for "entertainment" and were taken advantage of by the mob and by the police who were all on the take.
It got so bad, Patton rolled a line of tanks up to the bridge over the Chattahoochee River and threatened to come across the river and level Phenix City.
My husband was the last class to graduate from Fort Gordon right outside of Augusta, Ga before they closed it. It was where the Military Police were based. From there the MP's were moved to Fort Benning then later Fort Leonard Wood. He says that Fort Gordon was the most miserable place on earth and absolutely nothing but sand. He was there with the Marine MP's from Paris Island and back then they trained together. Once he was back stateside from Vietnam he ended up in Fort Chaffey guarding the Cubans and Vietnamese. Anyway back then I guess problems like that were common around many of the bases.
I like the buried idea,
Buried? in tons of used needles with the rest of the Pfizer clot shot, they should set him up against a wall and use a high pressure air cannon to shoot him with the used needles till he is fuller than grandma's PIN CUSHION, cover him in clear plastic so he never fades away as a warning for the next POS who calls himself a doctor but is the Devil in person...and hang him in the Smithsonian like Lenin, inclosed forever.

Same reason Biden, Clinton, Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer and a LOT others are not already in Jail, Seems no one in this country has the guts to do it!!! Its already been proven so many times these people are criminals and we had a fraudulent election and NOBODY has done a DAMN thing about it!!! Seems people in USA have become nothing but SHEEPLE!!!
So I ran across this video

Which made me look up the Guinea pig kids experiment. This video is from 11 years ago. Maybe I’ve already shared? Fauci does need to be in jail for his crimes against humanity. Didn’t scientist and Doctors hang during the Nuremberg trial for this kind of experimentation.


Floridians Seek Justice For Dr. Fauci, Medical Establishment​





October 26, 2023. Vires Law Group of West Palm Beach, FL, announces the filing of a detailed request to Attorney General of Florida, Honorable Ashley Moody, for a criminal investigation of Dr. Anthony Fauci and five other high-ranking federal officials, together with the Administrators of hospital systems providing patient care in Florida (the "Accused").

The filing was made pursuant to the requests of 32 residents of Florida who are next-of-kin of relatives of deceased victims who perished due to COVID-19 infection mismanagement and/or fatal “COVID countermeasure” treatments received while life-saving treatments were suppressed and denied in Florida hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities.

The 20-page brief with exhibits requests investigation of several alleged crimes under Florida state law, including: 2d degree murder while committing acts of terrorism; 2d degree murder while committing aggravated abuse of the elderly and disabled adults; aggravated manslaughter of the elderly, disabled adults, and children; and racketeering.

The filing states that the accused violated Florida criminal law through their widespread and coordinated actions to use tax-payer money with the prosecution authority of government agencies to force healthcare facilities and providers to give Floridians “treatments” under

"COVID counter-measures” and “vaccines” they knew would cause suffering and increased mortality, without informed consent and often against the victim’s wishes…”

Article here
Basically since we have Merrick Garland for DOJ, **** will happen because he won't touch it even though Fauci LIED to congress. This is behind a paywall. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) says he's pursuing federal criminal action against Dr. Anthony Fauci for perjury before Congress.
In an American Thought Leaders interview with Jan Jekielek, senior editor with The Epoch Times, Dr. Paul said he's asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to prosecute Dr. Fauci for giving false testimony during multiple congressional hearings.
"We haven't had a lot of luck," Dr. Paul said. "Garland is not paying attention to the referral, but (Fauci) did lie to Congress."
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The Epoch Times reached out to Georgetown University, where Dr. Fauci is employed, for comment but did not get a reply by the time of publishing. In July, Dr. Fauci joined the university as a distinguished university professor in its School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine.
Dr. Paul alleges Dr. Fauci—and multiple other parts of the federal government—engaged in an "extensive" cover-up of the origin, threat, and potential treatments for COVID-19. The senator said he detailed the two-year misdirection in his book "Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up" published in October.
"Virtually everything they said in private, they said the opposite in the public at the same time," Dr. Paul said.

As early as February 2020, Dr. Fauci and other scientists convened and discussed their conclusion that the virus's genetic sequence appeared manipulated in a lab to make it more infectious to humans. They were doubly concerned because they knew the Wuhan, China, lab performed so-called gain of function research.
Furthermore, Dr. Paul alleges many of the scientists involved in the American public health response to COVID were "funding the lab in Wuhan."

"They actually have a direct conflict of interest because they are the ones that will be culpable," Dr. Paul said. "Why is (Fauci) so wedded to trying to make you believe it came from the animal kingdom and not the lab? Because he funded the lab."
Exclusive: New Fauci Email Reveals EcoHealth Admissions About Wuhan Lab | Truth Over News

The entire motive of the alleged conspiracy was to do everything possible to avoid attachment to money that went to the Wuhan lab or to gain of function research "because it attached guilt for the pandemic to them," Dr. Paul said.

More Secretive Than The CIA​

Although the pandemic is long over in the United States, and the worst of the hysteria is fading from public memory, the executive branch of the government is still hesitant to share non-classified information with Congress and the public.
Dr. Paul said the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health agency are more secretive and hide more materials than the CIA. There are long waits for relevant documents. When they arrive, much of the information is redacted. He said the secrecy is indicative of having something to hide.
Dr. Paul said Dr. Fauci personally chose to avoid safety procedures to fund and conduct research in a dangerous, totalitarian country like China.
The book's goal, Dr. Paul said, is not just to correct the record on Dr. Fauci and the pandemic but to prevent another, worse situation. If it had been a more virulent pathogen, like the Ebola virus, undergoing gain-of-function research that escaped into the world, the consequences would have been much more dire.
"So this is a discussion ... that's as important or more important than nuclear weapons," Dr. Paul said. "It needs to be treated that way."

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