The Digital Dollar Will Not Be ‘Anonymous,’ Says Fed Chair Powell

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.

The central bank digital currency (CBDC), or digital dollar, would not be anonymous, according to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, thereby eliminating one of the main advantages of using cryptocurrencies.

If the Fed were to pursue such an option, said Powell, there would be four minimum CBDC characteristics. The first would be intermediaries—it wouldn’t be based on a peer-to-peer distribution network like Bitcoin. The second would be privacy protections. The third would be identity verification, which means the digital dollar “would not be anonymous.” And the fourth characteristic would be that CBDC would be “transferable or interoperable.”

“We would be looking to balance privacy protection with identity verification, which has to be done, of course, in today’s traditional banking system as well,” Powell said during an appearance at a Banque de France event on Sept. 27.
Yeah, I heard him say that a few months ago. Of coarse it can't be anonymous b/c they wouldn't be able to charge you fees for saying the wrong things, not spending your money on time, eating meat, breathing air, or whatever they feel like punnishing you for on any particular day. They want total control, yet they'll cite safety and security concerns of the public as a means for implementation. They want to block transactions, monitor behavior, steal your money, and investigate innocent people without a warrant.......Constitution be damned. However, I smell a Revolution coming before this whole system is shoved down our throats.

But don't worry, it's just another conspiracy theory. :rolleyes:
Find a very-very quiet place, take lined legal pad, and at the top write: What will I wish I had done in 2023 to have avoided the "CURRENT" conditions today 2033.

There is much you can do to mitigate the future, "BUT" you must act now. Don't procrastinate. You will likely not do any of it, "SADLY".
Same thing as the arm brace ban, nobody wants on the regime's sh1t list of people to cancel disability/retirement for or be wire tapped.
You know on a forum full of forward thinking people that is just condescending and insulting , but maybe that is just me.
I'll stand by my comment. I suspect you are unclear the gravity that I am proposing.
I think it would be helpful to list the things people can do to avoid the digital currency.
Here is a thread that discusses that and much more.
When that thread started in 2019, I didn't think a cashless society would come to pass in my lifetime, but I'm not so sure about that anymore, and it's only 3 short years later. I'm hoping the will of the people will stop this from happening. I think folks are waking up to the possibility of it and pushing back. It has already been tried in other places and people can now see the horrors of it playing out in real time. I pray that a digital slavery system will not become a reality b/c once it does, we are all toast and I fear that hyperinflation may help to usher this monstrocity of a system into play.

In the meantime, I use cash, buy PM's, buy assets, work on becoming even more self sufficient, call my legislators, and spread information regarding the horrific nature of mandated digital currency. The masses must resist! It is a huge move toward a totalitarian government and one world order.

However, there will always be a barter system in place (as there is today) so if a digital currency were to be implemented, you can always set yourself up now to be able to barter. You just have to ask yourself, what do I have that is valuable? Then beef up whatever that is, regardless if it's a service or a product. That needs to be done sooner rather than later. Just look what has happened in 3 short years.:(
Hope everyone has planned for these?
They will "NOT". There are ways, just as there are way to mitigate everything but death. But people are too lazy, they would rather complain.
And that right there can happen to us in the US. .. Hope everyone has planned for these?
It already has. during the Y2K hoax and the onset of the Covid, when nobody knew how bad it would be, ATMs were restricted to $800 a week.
$600 during the Y2K crap.
Every payday, I go to the bank and yank all but $100 and cram it into my ammo can. Now by the end of the month its normally empty, but I have my money and a big leg up in case something screwy goes on.
It already has. during the Y2K hoax and the onset of the Covid, when nobody knew how bad it would be, ATMs were restricted to $800 a week.
I don't remember that, but I don't use ATM's so I don't doubt that it happened.

What I do remember is the NO CASH accepted during Covid in many stores due to fear of spreading the virus. It made no sense b/c cash was not accepted at a self serve checkout but was accepted at a human manned checkout. Ummmm, what now? I think that was the start of 'them' trying to institute a digital currency for good. Their plan unraveled when people started waking up to the whole hoax, but I have no doubt that they will try it again.

Oh, and the 'great change shortage' crap too..... Gee, whatever happened to that? Another lie.
...I think folks are waking up to the possibility of it and pushing back.
Ehh - Some people are, but.. Most of the 'unwashed masses' are simply too drunk on the "Convenience" (ie: 'tap-to-pay' / phone-pay (ie; ApplePay, etc) etc - Because of Course, the NWO's 'Goebbels Arm' (the MSM..) pied-pipers people into seeing CBDCs as simply 'another Convenience', and ANY evidence / discussion / opinions to the Contrary, well.. That's 'Right Wing Extremist Conspiracy Hate Speech and/or Violence'.. :rolleyes:

Nothing will change until it becomes 'Open Season on the MSM' (Equipment / capabilties, not talking People..) and their 'narratives'.. :mad:
It has already been tried in other places and people can now see the horrors of it playing out in real time....

Agreed, and - That ^ - may be the 'Only hope', nearfield (People seeing / extrapolating - for Themselves, Unplugged from the MSM kool-aid - the 'net result' of CBDCs / cashless Societies, and saying 'Woah... Yeah, we don't want That 💩 ..Nonetheless.. CBDCs are Coming, there is No Doubt.. Prepare Accordingly. 🤔

PS - IMO, we should keep a close-eye on Brazil - if, ie: thier recently Brazenly / Undeniably-Clearly-Stolen Presidential "Election" :mad: ends up 'congealing' to the side of the hard-left simp that "won", and there Aren't 'sucessful Revolutions to the contrary' (from the People, and/or the Mil..) - If they will, soon thereafter, end up 'adopting' CBDCs.. That will be a Very 'telling warning', Imo..

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Last major hurricane we had here, most store would only accept cash or check because the card system was down, which would include the ATM machines. I have NEVER used an ATM, but my Hunny does. He keeps trying me to go "modern". I don't even own a debt card. I stick with cash in hand or write a check.
That will be a Very 'telling warning', Imo..
Not sure how much "warning" others need.
Wise words from long-long ago: You can listen to the whispers or listen to the "SHOUTS".

(Clue, when it gets to shouts, sadly you done missed the train.)
Last major hurricane we had here, most store would only accept cash or check because the card system was down, which would include the ATM machines. I have NEVER used an ATM, but my Hunny does. He keeps trying me to go "modern". I don't even own a debt card. I stick with cash in hand or write a check.
We do the same thing here every year or 2 :thumbs:.
Am I worried about this topic?
Not at all.
Today, 90% of my purchases are plastic (trackable-digital), another 8% are transfers from checking (trackable-digital), the remains are meaningless trivial small cash, all income has been electronic (trackable-digital), for years.
Do I care if it is monitored?
Not at all, just boring everyday stuff that could put even the best robot to sleep.😞:rolleyes:
The only ones peeing their pants over cash losing it's "anonymous" are skirting the law by buying illegal stuff, or not reporting income, (dodging taxes).
(oh gawd! I sound like I'm siding with the guvment!gaah)
Edit: Oh, and banks have already been tracking cash for years, simply by scanning the serial numbers on C-notes.
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banks have already been tracking cash for years, simply by scanning the serial numbers on C-notes.
Yeah, I always demand my payout in hundreds. They'll see groceries, smoke shop, booze and bills, and that is all I allow them to see.
Hey, Amish Heart, I live a BORING LIFE, but I still LUV YA, lol... :oops:

Sometimes, BORING is GOOD!!! ;)

But you're still right, that's not the point, lol... :rolleyes:
I agree also, which is why I used the 'gaah' emoji.
....And you thought I couldn't :brewing:. 😁
I still think I did a good job with the sleeping-robot emoji:(. (did you notice that it wasn't 'normal'?)
Today, 90% of my purchases are plastic (trackable-digital), 8% are transfers from checking (trackable-digital), the remains are meaningless trivial small cash, all income has been electronic (trackable-digital), for years.
Do I care if it is monitored?
Not at all, just boring everyday stuff that could put even the best robot to sleep.😞:rolleyes:
Will you care when the guv starts deciding how, when, and where you will spend your funds or how, when, and where you won't? By then it will be too late to do anything about it.

The only ones peeing their pants over cash losing it's "anonymous" are skirting the law by buying illegal stuff, or not reporting income, (dodging taxes).
That is a complete myth. I CARE!......and I'm not doing anything wrong. I can see what's coming down the road if we allow this to happen. THAT's what I'm scared of. If not for me, then for my kids. Why would anyone just hand a huge control mechanism over to the government and not care about it??? I do not want, nor do I want my kids to live in a totalitarian government!
I have voted a straight Republican ticket in each and every election since 1972.
Mid term and general.
And we have a government like this.
My vote doesn’t matter, it never did.
And your vote doesn’t matter either. It never did.

Armed revolution is probably the only answer, but that will never happen, either.

This country’s public school system and universities are pumping out little socialists at a mind boggling rate. Within 20 or 30 years we will have an openly socialist government, which will be happily voted into power by Americans.

What breaks my heart is all of us who went halfway around the world to fight communism will perhaps live long enough to see it here.
We do the same thing here every year or 2 :thumbs:.
Am I worried about this topic?
Not at all.
Today, 90% of my purchases are plastic (trackable-digital), 8% are transfers from checking (trackable-digital), the remains are meaningless trivial small cash, all income has been electronic (trackable-digital), for years.
That's true. But until recently, anyway, no banks have intercepted transactions and declined them in real time. That would certainly be possible with digital cash that runs through a central bank.
Do I care if it is monitored?
Not at all, just boring everyday stuff that could put even the best robot to sleep.😞:rolleyes:
Hey, if you have no vices and are making purchases the government would always approve of, good for you. But maybe someone is buying "too much" tobacco or too much alcohol or too much sugar. Maybe they're buying too much beef and not enough meal worms. Maybe guns, accessories or ammo purchases must be approved and justified ahead of time or transactions will be declined.
The only ones peeing their pants over cash losing it's "anonymous" are skirting the law by buying illegal stuff, or not reporting income, (dodging taxes).
That's completely wrong. I don't buy any illegal stuff and this is extremely concerning to me. I'm sorry you can't see the problem.
(oh gawd! I sound like I'm siding with the guvment!gaah)
No, you sound like you don't see the magnitude of the problem. That's a pity.
Edit: Oh, and banks have already been tracking cash for years, simply by scanning the serial numbers on C-notes.
That tracking is largely useless. There's no way to know how many face-to-face transactions bills are used in. Only when the bills are scanned by banks can they be "tracked" geographically.
That's true. But until recently, anyway, no banks have intercepted transactions and declined them in real time. That would certainly be possible with digital cash that runs through a central bank.

Hey, if you have no vices and are making purchases the government would always approve of, good for you. But maybe someone is buying "too much" tobacco or too much alcohol or too much sugar. Maybe they're buying too much beef and not enough meal worms. Maybe guns, accessories or ammo purchases must be approved and justified ahead of time or transactions will be declined.

That's completely wrong. I don't buy any illegal stuff and this is extremely concerning to me. I'm sorry you can't see the problem.

No, you sound like you don't see the magnitude of the problem. That's a pity.

That tracking is largely useless. There's no way to know how many face-to-face transactions bills are used in. Only when the bills are scanned by banks can they be "tracked" geographically.
Not so much, hold a big bill up to the light. see the dark thing? they can point a detector at a stack and not only tell you how much is there, but the serial numbers. soft RFID.

Fun fact:
Pull one out of a bill and pop it in the microwave. it screams. 0_0
Not so much, hold a big bill up to the light. see the dark thing? they can point a detector at a stack and not only tell you how much is there, but the serial numbers. soft RFID.

Fun fact:
Pull one out of a bill and pop it in the microwave. it screams. 0_0
Yeah, I know about rfid chips in currency. Without a scanner - and it has to be very close - there's no tracking.