The Establishment start to think like preppers

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I see no mention in the article about stockpiling or prepping, it seems to be about climate change and overpopulation, well SHTF will take care of the overpopulation and so will climate change.
Everybody is screaming to stop using the land to feed livestock and the water for the livestock also. (200 gallons of water for each kilo of meat or some such figure) If we use the land to make food for the population instead for the livestock, are we not going to be creating the wide open door for those who cannot or will not stop pumping out babies???? Shamefully said: we are losing 20,000 childred a day from starving. What will happen if we provide food for all in the world? What will happen if even and ever more stupid children producers have even and ever more children? This poor Earth cannot support 7 billion more people multiplied by themselves each 10 years!
Soylent Green takes on a new meaning slowly. I feel so helpless in the plea for the children bombers to understand. They just keep holding out their hands and crying for even more food and help, when they themselves are the problem. I hope their children learn the lessons from their parents and realise that THEY were hungry because their PARENTS could not control themselves and their genes. God help us all...GP
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Everybody is screaming to stop using the land to feed livestock and the water for the livestock also. (200 galoons of water for each kilo of meat or some such figure) If we use the land to make food for the population instead for the livestock, are we not going to be creating the wide open door for those who cannot or will not stop pumping out babies???? Shamefully said: we are losing 20,000 childred a day from starving. What will happen if we provide food for all in the world? What will happen if even and ever more stupid children producers have even and ever more children? This poor Earth cannot support 7 billion more people multiplied by themselves each 10 years!
Soylent Green takes on a new meaning slowly. I feel so helpless in the plea for the children bombers to understand. They just keep holding out their hands and crying for even more food and help, when they themselves are the problem. I hope their children learn the lessons from their parents and realise that THEY were hungry because their PARENTS could not control themselves and their genes. God help us all...GP

North Africa, somalia, ethiopia , sudan, syria, iraq been at war AND in some places severe drought for over ten years. The land is barren and dry, no one is sustainable farming its all increasing desertification with slash and burn agriculture. They are making the deserts bigger. Same in the Amazon area. But they are still breeding like rabbits. As soon as we in the west give them food aid the first thing they do is breed even more. You cannot have continious population growth in an area turning into desert and utterly reliant on foreign aid.

I believe foreign aid should be limited to medical care NOT food in those area. Its estimated at todays rates that over 22 million unskilled, uneducted, unhealthy North africans of assorted flavours are wanting to come into Europe and they bring nothing with them cept diseases and empty bellies.

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