The Most Important Asset

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Awesome Friend
Sep 30, 2022
Another thread got me thinking. In my opinion, your mindset is the most important asset. I noticed this with cancer treatment.

Obviously, it's not the people who give up or have a pessimistic outlook who statistically do the best. However, it may surprise folks to know, those who get "f*ck cancer" socks and call themselves warriors are  also statistically less likely to make it.

Who makes it most often? It's the people who accept that death is a part of life and work through that while also holding onto their humanity. It's the people who lean on support (that one was particularly hard for me) and who learned a nee way of life while also finding joy amidst the unpleasantness of it all.

This is verifiable through countless studies. There is a "cancer" mindset and there is a "survivor" mindset, though the "survivor" mindset is often misrepresented as one who is a bad*ss who can do it all.

Applying that to disaster preparation or a SHTF scenario, I suspect that those who would survive the best are also ones who are able to accept the possibility of death, work with others, and just make the best out of a bad situation while not becoming frantic to live.

Another thread got me thinking. In my opinion, your mindset is the most important asset. I noticed this with cancer treatment.

Obviously, it's not the people who give up or have a pessimistic outlook who statistically do the best. However, it may surprise folks to know, those who get "f*ck cancer" socks and call themselves warriors are  also statistically less likely to make it.

Who makes it most often? It's the people who accept that death is a part of life and work through that while also holding onto their humanity. It's the people who lean on support (that one was particularly hard for me) and who learned a nee way of life while also finding joy amidst the unpleasantness of it all.

This is verifiable through countless studies. There is a "cancer" mindset and there is a "survivor" mindset, though the "survivor" mindset is often misrepresented as one who is a bad*ss who can do it all.

Applying that to disaster preparation or a SHTF scenario, I suspect that those who would survive the best are also ones who are able to accept the possibility of death, work with others, and just make the best out of a bad situation while not becoming frantic to live.


I am not sure about accepting death so much as keeping a positive attitude.
Faith and hope are powerful Ju-ju.

In life, not just illness, there are things you can control and things you cannot control and as the serenity prayer states, it is having the wisdom to know the difference that counts.

I know so many people that try to control something that they cannot; and they are quite often some of the most pessimistic people out there.

It isn't that you roll over and give up, instead, simply focus on the aspects of most situations that you can control and stop banging your head against brick walls when it is something you cannot change.
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When my wife got throat and stomach cancer, she went thru the whole chemo, had a port installed under her left collar bone so they would not have to set new needles daily, came home and cooked and cleaned like she had been shopping and just lived as nothing was happening. A terribly soft hearted woman with a great love and faith in God. After her OP, she stayed in ICU for 8 days and then got transferred to a normal room, got the spinal tap pulled and cried for days since the nurse refused to bring her anything and I had gone back to work. After throwing a brutal temper tantrum and getting the doctors attention, he gave her a pain shot personally and told the nurse that it was not her job to decide if someone needed a pain killer or not. Helena was virtually tortured by the bitch after that and every day when she got her anti-thrombose shot, the bitch would literally throw the needle into Helena and enjoy the painful wincing on her face.
My wife said nothing to me since she KNEW what I WOULD HAVE DONE to the nurse and her frigging needles....
But, back to the thread, NOBODY knows how it will end up, everybody must go with the treatment or let it be and the only thing that changes the whole story is: a positive mind-set or a negative mind-set will indeed influence those around you as you are in therapy. You can take it like a grown-up or cry the whole time like a baby and eventually get them to the point that they do not want to come and visit you any more. Your choice. Live free, Gary
My education is in Cognitive Psychology (study of the internal processes of thought). A few weeks ago I bought the book "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" by Mattias Desmet

Haven't gotten a chance to get very far into it but heard a podcast with him today, where he talks about how "normal" is where people feel connected to each other but, once that is destroyed, it provides an opportunity for a government or system to step in and create a new connection.

The new connection formed is not between one individual and another individual but, instead between an individual and the collective. This allows for Totalitarianism to get a foothold.

In the trailer, he speaks about what gives us the courage to face our mortality and relieve anxiety...

This is the trailer for the book

And this is the podcast where he talks more about how to destroy "mass formation".
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My education is in Cognitive Psychology (study of the internal processes of thought). A few weeks ago I bought the book "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" by Mattias Desmet

Haven't gotten a chance to get very far into it but heard a podcast with him today, where he talks about how "normal" is where people feel connected to each other but, once that is destroyed, it provides an opportunity for a government or system to step in and create a new connection.

The new connection formed is not between one individual and another individual but, instead between an individual and the collective. This allows for Totalitarianism to get a foothold.

In the trailer, he speaks about what gives us the courage to face our mortality and relieve anxiety...

This is the trailer for the book

And this is the podcast where he talks more about how to destroy "mass formation".

I love watching he said about just continuing to speak in a quiet way about what you believe.

Back when we started homeschooling, everyone thought we were nuts. I realized it takes a person who is a little weird to choose homeschooling, anyway, because it is a break with the norm. It's rejecting what society says you should do and doing what you, as an individual, feel is the right choice for yourself.

I am okay with being weird.
I homeschooled children #3, 4 and 5 back in the early 90's-2000's. Not k-12 but, for a few years until they were ready to go back into the system. I think it is the opposite of weird. It is the most natural thing you could do!
FWIW we no longer have as educational system we have an indoctrination system instead. All of these crazy people trying to get children to accept their abnormalities as normal. That doesn't fly with me. Even though I have no children I would expect them to be educated in a proper manner.

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