the new budget deal

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Awesome Friend
Jan 22, 2015
northern Minnesota
Anyone else see the bipartisan budget deal sent to the white house.It is basically a blank check and removes the debt ceiling altogether for the next year. Its basically a budget that there is no budget just go hog wild.

This can't be good in any which way. Anybody else see a problem?
Anyone else see the bipartisan budget deal sent to the white house.It is basically a blank check and removes the debt ceiling altogether for the next year. Its basically a budget that there is no budget just go hog wild.

This can't be good in any which way. Anybody else see a problem?
Does anything the govt does really surprise you? Always remember, we let lawyers handle our money. Why should we be suprised when they keep getting richer and the country is getting broker. I'm sounding kind of cynical here!
No not really. And with the stupid crap the country concentrates on, the guberment gets away with everything and no one seems to care there more worried actors and actresses and the mentally Ill and special priviledeges for certain groups then actually worry about whats actually important and would rather keep their heads buried. But this is extremely dangerous for our country, especially with the impostor in chief in the white house. With his tendency to blow our money, any semblance of an economy will be destroyed and the country will siese to exist in any relevant form.
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I believe Obummer is poisoning the well for his successor, which will likely be a Republican. What absolutely blows my mind is that the Republicans in Congress are enabling him.

IMHO we are now sliding full speed down an irreversible slippery slope towards the destruction of the dollar. First comes deflation, then hyperinflation, then collapse.
You really think any of the Republican candidates are going to beat Hillary? I don't want her either, but I simply can't see any other outcome. The GOP will never make Trump their front-runner (even with the poll numbers), and if he ran independent, all he'd do is split the conservative vote. Bush won't beat Hillary in the election, and the other GOP candidates have even less a shot at it. Of course, whether it's Hillary or Jeb, they both answer to the same corporate masters we're kind of doomed either way.

With the election coming up no none wants to rock the boat. The debt is so big it will never be paid - it has gone beyond the point of no return. Not sure it makes any difference at this stage.

It doesn't, and hasn't since 2008. The situation is even worse now, and the bailout tools we used then to keep this artificial global economy afloat, are simply no longer available. There WILL be a crash...a matter of WHEN, not IF......

I am almost at the point of starting to panic prep.

You should be. That's why we're all here of course.
I really don't understand all the hype about Hillary being inevitable. I mean com'on, she could not even beat an unknown black dude for the Democrat nomination in 08. I think this whole Hillary bandwagon is a media created illusion. Have you seen how few people show up at her media events?

But, I have been wrong before...
I'm with DrHenley on this one. Hillary is ten points behind Ben Carson at this point. There are 2 Republicans with double digit leads. And jeb has pretty much dropped out of the race. Hitlery and bush at this point are almost irrevalant. Who knows later on. But as far as either being a sure shot I don't see it.
My crystal ball still says Hillary will win, for better or worse. I still think Carson would be ok, but think Hillary is going to take it.
Carson has gone on a bit of a nutjob period lately. I get that he's ultra-religious, but comments about the pyramids being built by David for grain storage and the like, are simply eroding his credibility left and right. My guess is that his campaign will implode before the new year.

Polls now don't mean too much, but nearly every one of them has Hillary edging out would-be GOP candidates. The right/wrong VP pick is still out there to be made too...and as we saw with Palin, that could be huge as well. It's all far from over, so any poll numbers now are a bit superfluous, unless you're so low that you shouldn't even consider it.

I don't like it either, but I just can't see a good combo that will overtake Hillary in a general election. A lot of the younger generation is simply CONDITIONED to vote for her. Case in point. My household. The three people in their 20's were all for Hillary, as was my wife. I asked them why. They really couldn't tell me. I said, do me a favor. Visit this site, and read where she stands on the issues, and compare it to others. See who you agree with. Also, see where they stood back during the last election. Who has changed their view? Why did they change it?

None of them are going to vote for Hillary now. (small victory) Doesn't mean they all switched to the same, but it doesn't really matter as the lesson was learned. Educate yourself. Don't vote blind. I don't care if you agree with me, but for damnsakes, make sure you at least know what you're choosing.

But, this shows that without educating themselves, the voters are defaulted to this idea of choosing a female President. Hillary is seen as a bitch, but as one that gets things done. When really, she isn't. In fact, what she IS good at, is making mistakes. Not to mention being bought and paid for by corporations who routinely sell us out to the Chinese and the Middle East. But, this media image everyone has of her, coupled with the same media image of her hubby being the last "cool" President, is going to matter to younger voters. Likewise, the proportionately larger factions of the population that typically vote Dem are going to continue this trend.

Conservatives ignore it at their own peril.

You may think Jeb is out, but I'll go out on a limb and say nope. Carson is going to implode, and eventually Trump will either be edged out by the RNC (because he won't play NWO ball) or he'll leave to run independently when it's apparent he won't get the nomination. That's going to leave Jeb and Rubio. And that's why I see a Bush/Rubio ticket. Which has Hillary picking a Hispanic VP choice, i.e. Julian Castro.

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