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That machinist made a mistake (ok, more than one). You can make all these 'ghost guns' you want. Nothing illegal there (assuming you're not a felon or such). No serial number, nothing traceable. In fact it's easy (if you know how to run a mill & are handy). You can learn the basics of a mill in an hour, and the first one will take an hour or three to finish milling (staring with an 80% lower). Add another hour or two assembling your 'ghost' AR15. Yup, your first one will not be very good, call it a learning run. But I'll wager that machinist didn't have that learning curve.

The mistake is that you can't sell them. Never. Not one. You can't even give them away. You can't put them in your will. I'm not sure you can even legally let other people fire them. This issue is only the lower, the rest of the gun could be disassembled from the lower & sold (recover $550 out of $600?). I've seen 80% lower sell for as little as $50 i recent years, so you're not really losing that much other than a little time.

The lesson here is that gov't thugs are always trying to entrap people. They can't get the evidence to nail you on what they don't like (or it's simply not a crime), so they find another way. This is what started Ruby Ridge, undercover gov't agents spent months begging Randy Weaver to make them a sawed off shotgun. He had said "no" over and over and over and over. But he was broke and desperate, and finally the cash was too tempting. So they had him and they changed the court date without notifying him and that lead to the killing of his son and wife. The gov't was sued (but of course nobody went to jail) and paid Randy $3million as their valuation of his wife and son.

This machinist needs a good lawyer, and he needs to claim the she-man Janet Reno defense. If the federal gov't can let thousands of weapons go straight into the hands of the drug cartel with no legal consequences, why is this machinist due any worse? Rub his reputation in the mud a little, shake your finger at him, and let him go.

Oh, he made one more mistake. The machinist should have stated to the undercover agents that he was only making these guns as part of the Fast & Furious program, and record that conversation to present in court. If I was on the jury, I'd consider it!
A lot of questions, Why did the informant approach him ? apparently machinist was on the radar for some reason ? and apparently machinist had no issues with building guns that may eventually be used to kill Americans ? and then to offer to make that many more sounds like machinist had little care about breaking the law in such a big way ? If he had cut a couple lowers for family or friends then I would have an issue with it, but when you agree to make so many for a convicted felon, that is crossing the line to me.....machinist's actions could create a lot of damage for legal gun owners and builders....I realize a lot of people ( holder ) for one get away with some serious crimes, but does not mean I'm going to try and get away with it.....machinist will get some serious time and he can only blame himself....
Don't get me wrong, I agree that getting another 100 AR15's into 'unknown' hands isn't that smart. But we don't know what the FBI guy told him, the article did say they were to be exported. We know it was a 'story', it could have been for white farmers in Africa to defend themselves? For Europeans to fight back against refugees? I don't know, none of us do.

What we do know is that this was a setup. The FBI directly went after this guy. No comment about WHY. Yes, he was stupid to do it for 5 or for 100 guns. But the story is not and SHOULD not be about him doing this. That's just a fact. The story should be WHY is the FBI going after him? In fact THAT is what I would decide (on the jury) about guilty/not guilty.

An example again, Randy Weaver. The FBI/ATF went after him because they wanted an informant inside a white supremacist group. The FBI were happy to write off his crimes if he became a snitch. If they can make that decision based on that reason, why couldn't a jury decide the same way?

Can you see my point? This is a story about blackmailing IMHO.
IF someone known to you approached you and wanted to pay you to break the Law, would you ? The machinist make a conscious decision to do it....he could have said F you and stay away from me.....end of would be nice to know why the machinist was on FBI radar, if we knew that it could very well change how you feel about it....machinist may have been involved in gang activity or any number of things that made him a person of interest....
usually,ending up on some FBI **** list,the reason must be something more serious that taking a few cookies from your mothers cookie jar.
usually,ending up on some FBI **** list,the reason must be something more serious that taking a few cookies from your mothers cookie jar.

Jontte, Would that be just like Cliven Bundy?
had to check it out,that dude obviously stepped on some FBI toes and I belive it was money too that played a part in that whole thing. is a great site for all your non S/N unregistered guns of choice....indulge yourself in a great hobby....