The Wave

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Time traveler
HCL Supporter
Dec 3, 2017
All rights reserved. No part of this story may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in article articles and reviews.

This is a novel.

To maintain historical accuracy this story is based on ships logs, diaries, official reports, and first hand interviews. If you weren’t there none of these characters are based on you.

The Wave

by Allen Arre


They were finally underway, he always felt better at sea. They called her a Suezmax. At 50 meters wide and 18 meters draft, loaded, she was as large a ship as you could take through the Suez Canal, but that was not her destination today.

She was his ship. It didn’t matter what the papers said. She was registered in Liberia but had never stopped there, not even once. She was owned by a shell corporation but that only mattered when they were tied to a dock. He had just picked up a cargo of oil and she was his. The oil wasn’t the only cargo this trip, or even the most important, not to him.

They had just spent three weeks in dry dock making alterations. Midship and just starboard of the keel they had installed a vertical shaft 2 meters across and 20 meters tall extending just above the waterline but well below the top of the cargo level in that oil tank. Next installed was the mechanism and lastly the device. Device was such a polite word.

1 Sept. 1317 hours UTC

The passage was uneventful and they slowed to 2 knots as they passed Las Palmas Island on the west. Normally they wouldn’t allow themselves to come this close to shore but this is where the cargo was destined. As they hit the waypoint Captain Mohammed put his key into the trigger and turned. Those crew that were awake felt a mild upheaval but that was all. The captain ordered full speed and they were on their way to the Mediterranean to off load the remaining cargo.

The long slender shape and pointy nose were meant to reduce drag. The depleted uranium nosecone added much weight and was hard enough that the entire device disappeared into the bottom of the ocean.

Captain Mohammed turned the ship over to the First Mate and stared out at Las Palmas. He’d heard how beautiful the Canary Islands were but had never stopped there though he had passed them many times though never this close. He doubted that he would ever visit there now.

The ayatollah himself had come to inspect his ship as the installation was finishing up. It was, after all, his ship no matter which shell company held the papers. He ultimately took the profits and, though he seldom cared for the day to day running of the enterprise, for this sailing he set the destination. Allah had indeed blessed Captain Mohammed to bestow such an honour upon him.

Iran didn’t have a missile that would reach The Great Satan. In truth they didn’t have a missile that would lift this device off the ground, but they didn’t need to, nor did they need to spend billions to make a small enough device. allah had broken Las Palmas and left it there for the faithful to figure out his wishes.

It had cost billons of U.S. Dollars to build the device but it was really free as President Obama had provided all the cash the ayatollah could spend. They couldn’t do any testing without raising massive international pressure but the Russians had provided a proven and reliable design, for a hefty price. They had also provided the uranium, also at a hefty price. The Russians were not stupid, when the results from the investigation came back it would prove to be American uranium. Thank you Hillary.
10 Sept 2104 Alaska Time

Malcom wasn’t getting paid he was working swing shift at the Tsunami Early Warning Centre in Palmer, Alaska for credits towards his degree. “Brad, could you take a look at this?”

“Yes Malcom, what have you found?”

“There is a 2.4 at the Canary Islands.”

“A 2.4? You need me to look at a 2.4?”

“Sorry Brad but this looks like a nuclear blast.”

Brad had to smile at that one. These students could come up with some really weird ideas. It must be from hours of staring at screens. “Do you think the Canary Islands has started their own nuclear program or do you think China feels threatened and is implementing a preemptive attack? So much for your ‘A’ young man. Okay, what are you looking at?”

Brad was always giving Malcom a hard time but that made an otherwise mundane job interesting. “Look at this, I can’t explain it.”

“I see what you mean. Now, isn’t that interesting.” Right then the sensors local to the Canary Islands went wild and then quit.

11 Sept 0501 UTC

Canary Islands

It hadn’t been ticking really but when the computer reached its programmed time a fireball lifted out of the ocean almost two miles out. Most people were asleep so there were relatively few screams before the wave hit the shore.

The island was cracked and everyone knew it. The crack was wide enough to walk down and deep enough to be over your head. Sometimes the kids would go up there to explore otherwise it was point of interest to take friends and family when they came from off island for a visit. Otherwise it was just an occasional geologist with a grant or a camera crew making a documentary.

The blast weakened the already fractured island and sea water poured into the porous volcanic rock making it much heavier. Seven minutes later the ground shook and one third of Las Palmas Island slid into the Atlantic. The water rushed back into the hole created by the landslide carrying water, trees, fish, and bodies across the island and sending a tsunami towards Africa. There would be little warning, no warning system, and the distance so close that those along the shore would mostly be caught sleeping. The survivors would count themselves lucky.

The tsunami took off westward across the Atlantic at over 550 MPH.

11 Sep 0600 UTC

Mid Atlantic

Nancy figured that this was the only time that she would cross any ocean and she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch the sunrise. She decided to let Paul sleep in. He had been pretty busy even on vacation as the office wouldn’t leave him alone. Once they got on the Island Princess in Lisbon and away from the pier he was out of cell phone range. A little too much wine last night and extra sleep today is exactly what he needed. That’s weird, why would her ears pop at sea. She didn’t notice the tsunami. It was no towering wall of water. It was a long rolling wave with all the regular waves riding on top of it. The wavelength, from the top of one wave to the top of the next, was about 400 miles. Even with Nancy being as high as she was above the water the horizon wasn’t much over 8 miles or so in any direction.

“Good morning Captain.”

“Good morning Charlie. How’d everything go last night?”

“Pretty normal except for the GPS. Just after 0600 it said we went an extra 3.2 nautical miles all of a sudden and 42 minutes later it did the same thing. I can’t find anything wrong with it. See, there it goes again.”

“Okay, thanks I’ll have Sparks check it out and we’ll confirm our location with a noon sighting. I need to keep up my celestial navigation anyway.”10 Sept. 2109 Alaska Time Palmer, Alaska

“Malcom, get out of that chair and let me have the console.” Brad hit the tsunami warning and started typing. “Tsunami warning for the Atlantic rim and the Caribbean. Massive landslide in the Canary Islands evacuate to high ground.” “You done good Malcom, it looks like we hit the button first.”

“Does that mean that I get my ‘A’?” Malcom joked.

“An ‘A+’ from where I sit. Either that or I’ll be looking for a new job tomorrow and someone else will be filling out your grade.”

“Brad, you know it is already September 11th in the Canary Islands…and on the East Coast.”

Brad recognised the significance of that date. “Lets take another look at that first shock.”
11 Sept 0212 Eastern Time


He was already at work, he didn’t require much sleep. “Mr. President, we need to evacuate you and the First Family.”

“You guys have a veritable army around me, who could get to me here?”

“Not who sir, what. We have a credible threat of a tsunami headed this way. It was first reported from Alaska and confirmed from numerous stations around the globe. It’s going to be bad sir.”

“How bad Benson?”

“If the estimates are right this is the last time you’ll see your home, and possibly Florida.”


“Its supposed to be a big one. Airforce One is warming up as we speak and the First Lady is awakened by now. Efforts are underway to evacuate the East Coast.”

“You’re telling me that anyone left behind is dead. Right?”

“Yes sir, that’s the premise we are operating under right now.”

“Okay Benson, get my planes in the air. Tell the pilots to bring their families and to leave as soon as the planes are full. Fill them with employees, police, military, airport personnel, whoever you can find. I don’t want this to be another Titanic with the lifeboats half full, do you understand?”

“I understand sir,” said Benson. “Cramer?”

“I heard, I’m on it.” Cramer turned and the phone was already on it’s third ring.

“Hello?” Said a sleepy voice.

“Get dressed, get the kid, grab the cash from the safe and get to the airport and get on any Trump plane that you can including Airforce One. Be out of the house in 15 minutes.”“Wait a minute, WHAT?”

“You don’t have a minute, get to the airport.” Cramer hung up and started dialling, he had a lot to do and no time to do it in.

Peggy Cramer had never had a call like that from her husband and it scared her. It also woke her up. She dashed into John’s room and flipped on the light. “Get up and get dressed you’ve got two minutes.”

“What time is it?” asked John.

“It’s time to get up now or it’ll be time to explain to your father later.” Mom had a way to explain things so clearly.

John didn’t want to be up but Mom’s voice and the second option got him up and moving. Dad had made John put together a small emergency backpack. Something told John to grab that.

“My name’s Peggy Cramer and my husband is on the president’s detail.”

“Park over there and get on that plane. Hurry.”
The engines were running when Peggy and John boarded, she had never seen that and it seemed strange. Even stranger, all the seats were full and they told her to sit on the floor. More were coming in behind her so she complied and kept her mouth shut. “I think I’m dreaming,”Peggy said. John pinched her. “Ouch, wise ass.” John didn’t laugh, outwardly. He’d made Mom say, “ass.”

No sooner had the door closed than the plane started to roll. They weren’t the first plane out but there weren’t many planes before them. She’d had just enough time to text, “We R on a Trump plane.” John Sr. would see the text when he had the time and would know his family was safe.

A little over five hours after the blast the tide started going out in Aruba. It went out faster and further than anyone had ever seen. Fish were left flopping on the sand and coral. Anyone with a plane was long gone as was anyone with a boat. Any boat, and the smart ones headed west.

Many without transportation were in the churches. Most of the rest went and found high ground. It wouldn’t matter. The same scenario played out on every island in the Caribbean.
Anton had found the highest spot on the island. He sat there watching for this wall of water to engulf his home but nothing happened. Then the tide started to go out, now that was impressive. When the tide started to come back in he still couldn’t see anything but normal waves.

The wavelength was over 400miles. There was no white foamy crest. The tide just came in and in and in, for 3,000 feet. Well, perhaps not exactly 3,000’ but nobody was standing there with a yard stick and a hundred feet or two one way or the other didn’t matter anyway.

Within an hour everything from the eastern tip of Brazil to Halifax was gone. Everywhere the water came it pushed carnage ahead of it. What wasn’t removed when it flooded was taken out to sea when it receded. The speed of the waves had carried it further up than 3,000’.

Particularly hard hit were the rivers. The first wave carried the flood up higher than had ever been recorded. The second and third waves were of lesser height but before the previous wave could drain from the rivers these waves pushed more water upriver flooding an even larger area each time.

Most people who’s homes were 50’ or more above sea level ignored tsunami warnings. Besides, it was mostly over by 0500 local time and almost nobody got the warning.

New York City was a mess of twisted iron and broken concrete. The only thing recognisable in D.C. was the Washington Monument. Fourteen peopled had taken shelter there and eleven survived. There were other miracles like that around the country.

The Gulf Coast was lucky Florida and the Caribbean Islands took the brunt of the waves. By the time it hit the mouth of the Mississippi they say it was “only” 1127 feet high.

Florida was gone as was most of Cuba and Haiti. That may be an improvement for Haiti. New Orleans had seen its share of floods but never like this. This was biblical. New Orleans would not be rebuilt, not in my lifetime.

“Billy, Billy wake up!”

“Huh, what is it? Do you know what time it is?”

“I don’t care what time it is, the NOAA radio just sent us a tsunami warning!”

“A tsunami? We live in Natchez not New Orleans, go back to sleep. I have to work in the morning.” Billy rolled over and was instantly asleep.

Billy awoke when the wave hit the house. It didn’t matter that he slept in the nude, his body was far out to sea before anyone looked for him. He was not alone, not by a long shot. The fish ate well for awhile.

The first wave pushed up the Mississippi pushing the river water ahead of it. By the time it hit the 600 mile mark it caused little damage.
It reminds me of a plot the Russians had of sinking trawlers converted to floating H-bombs off our coasts and either blackmailing or obliterating us.
All rights reserved. No part of this story may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in article articles and reviews.

This is a novel.

To maintain historical accuracy this story is based on ships logs, diaries, official reports, and first hand interviews. If you weren’t there none of these characters are based on you.

The Wave

by Allen Arre

Excellent start. Would love to read more.
Thanks, I got that far and saw it headed towards every other disaster book, so I just gave the preamble a title.
Yeah but sort of timely. A few weeks back when that eruption started my wife had the news on and I was like oh dang! She was like what so I told her how many PAW stories start around bad things happening in Las Palmas.

All sorts of directions to go with it if you choose to. I have a few stories I've started over the years but similarlily I get to a point where I'm like I don't want this to be another "me too". I also always hate the unrealistic ones where the guy has a warehouse full of stuff and is a one man Rambo.
Yeah but sort of timely. A few weeks back when that eruption started my wife had the news on and I was like oh dang! She was like what so I told her how many PAW stories start around bad things happening in Las Palmas.
That has been sitting on my computer since well before the election. I just pulled it out due to the eruption. We had a 1720' tsunami in Alaska in 1958. This got my attention and is a major reason that I have been watching the Canary Islands for decades. The Cascadia Fault is another tsunami generator that could generate devastation in WA and OR. Indirectly it would be terrible on Alaska as we would starve.
May it head south and cleanse the dirty part of the left coast if and when!

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