Top 7 Weird Dreams and What Do They Mean

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
I am not sure how much I believe in dream interpretation, but it is interesting.

Top 7 Weird Dreams and What Do They Mean

Famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud described dreams as the royal road to the unconscious and suggested that they reveal much about our hidden anxieties and desires.

Today, there is a lot of debate about Freud’s theories, with some experts rejecting them entirely, saying that dreams are nothing but meaningless “memory dumps,” with still others holding that they do have deeper meanings.

Here are 7 of the most common odd, or strange dreams, and what most dream interpreters believe they mean.

  1. Flying Dreams
Flying dreams, with or without wings, airplanes, and other aircraft, often indicate an overall sense of accomplishment, freedom, and a sense of power. Conversely, problems encountered while flying (power lines, trees, mountains, mechanical breakdowns, fear of flying too high, etc..) indicate struggles to stay on course. Often this means something or someone is standing in your way from moving forward or that you’re afraid of the next step and success.

  1. Sex Dreams
Most of us have startled awake having traveled in our slumber to the arms of a stranger, ex, neighbor, mailman, or even a same gendered friend, to rise confounded and guilty next to our partner.

Don’t worry, you’re not losing your mind. Dreaming of sex is often just fantasy, but it could also mean your subconscious is working on merging parts of your inner self with your outer world. Dreaming of sex with your ex may signify your anxiety or hesitation to begin a new relationship or enter a new situation.

Dreaming of sex with a stranger may be an indicator to loosen some of your inhibitions, dump emotional baggage, and may relate to your uncertainty about the future. If you dream of homosexual activities when you’re heterosexual, often it means you need to cultivate your self-love and get in touch with your sexuality and is not usually an indicator of “latent homosexuality.”

  1. Dreams About Falling
Dreams about falling from great heights are very common. While there is a popular myth that if you hit the ground in your dream you will die in real life, it simply is not true.

According to many popular dream interpretations and at least one study, falling dreams are a sign that something in your life isn’t going well. It might suggest that you need to rethink a choice or consider a new direction in some area of your life.

  1. Dreams About Being Chased
Dreams that feature being pursued by a known or unknown attacker can be particularly terrifying. These types of dreams are very common. Dream interpreters often suggest that such dreams mean that you are trying to avoid something in your daily life.

Tony Crisp, author of Dream Dictionary, suggests that being chased in a dream might indicate a desire to escape from your own fears or desires. The key to understanding what such a dream might mean depends partly on the identity of your pursuer. Being chased by an animal might indicate that you are hiding from your own anger, passions, and other feelings.

If your pursuer is a mysterious, unknown figure, it might represent a childhood experience or past trauma. If you are being chased by someone of the opposite sex, Crisp suggests that it means you are afraid of love or haunted by a past relationship.

  1. Being Nude in Public Dreams
Many folks have had the naked in public dream, such as going to work sans clothing, sitting bare-bottomed on the bus, or just doing your day to day activities and realizing you are butt naked. The experts say that this dream often reflects a variety of issues, depending upon your response to your nakedness in the dream.

If you’re embarrassed of your public nudity, you could be concealing something from yourself or others, are seeking acceptance, or are in a new environment that causes fear or apprehension. Being naked in a classroom often indicates that you’re off guard, unprepared to make a decision, or fear exposure. Being nude in a dream while no one else cares (or notices) often symbolizes freedom, honesty, openness.

  1. Car Accidents or Breakdown Dreams
Car accidents and/or car problems often reveal an emotional state driven by anxiety and fear regarding one’s chosen path. Often when we dream of these instances, it’s our inner wisdom eliciting a warning to slow down, redirect, or rethink our present path to determine if it’s the one we really want to be on.

Car accident and breakdown dreams are a direct symbol of our wakeful situations which make us feel out of control. Re-evaluating our wakeful lives and regaining control of ourselves is often implied by a car accident or break down in dreams.

  1. Break-ins/Being Robbed Dreams
If you dream of break-ins or being burglarized, it often indicates a feeling of helplessness, violation, or invasion of your space. This dream often occurs following highly traumatizing life experiences, a major life change, or relationship issues.

Burglary dreams often are a symptom of post-traumatic stress and are the body’s signal to slow down, allow yourself to adjust, and if recurring perhaps seek the help of a qualified professional to assist you in working through your emotions.
I have a lot of weird dreams, but for whatever reason my wife seems to be in nearly all of them in one way, shape, or form. She tells me that she has put a spell on me to be the woman of my dreams.
I wake up and its a blank slate. Nothing. I know I must've dreamed but I never remember them. Been that way for 20 years or more now
Not remembering dreams is a blessing. They often make no sense and can be disturbing- not all bad but still disturbing.
@Amish Heart I have a dream book. It was a gift from a friend after I shared a particularly odd dream years ago- can't even remember but still have the book. There is almost a whole page on teeth. If they fell out on their own, it says expect some financial reverses. There is more depending upon the condition of the teeth etc. I can't advocate to its accuracy but sometimes when you wake and think "Why on earth?" it's interesting.
PS the fact that you've had so much dental work lately probably had some affect also.
I learned a long time ago that I could "take control" of my dreams. I used to dream of falling... A LOT. It scared the stuffing out of me. I couldn't figure out why I kept dreaming about falling - and yes I hit the ground several times and once I even hurt when I woke up. I took control of the dreams and "opened" a hole so I could fall without hitting anything. Then I ad skates on after starting to fall and created a ramp to skate down instead of falling. After that I quit dreaming about falling. I often dream about flying. I can hover just inches off the ground and move effortlessly around the people there. I can fly off into space or around the world and, under the right circumstances, even interact with people far away and they remember the interactions. I even traveled into the future. On one occasion I was describing my dream to a couple of guys I worked with when i was called into the manager's office every word was the same as my dream. I changed the outcome by changing my answers to what he said. I could have stayed with the dream and gotten fired but instead I got a promotion.

These were more than dreams though. They were all vivid dreams - dreams that felt real and I was watching myself and feeling the dream as it happened as though I was watching myself "live the dream".
After dreaming of flying once I woke up "knowing" I could fly. Never found out if I could or not (dammit) and since have let doubt creep in.
I keep telling my wife "I am just a man" but she still treats me like I am much more.
I learned a long time ago that I could "take control" of my dreams. I used to dream of falling... A LOT. It scared the stuffing out of me. I couldn't figure out why I kept dreaming about falling - and yes I hit the ground several times and once I even hurt when I woke up. I took control of the dreams and "opened" a hole so I could fall without hitting anything. Then I ad skates on after starting to fall and created a ramp to skate down instead of falling. After that I quit dreaming about falling. I often dream about flying. I can hover just inches off the ground and move effortlessly around the people there. I can fly off into space or around the world and, under the right circumstances, even interact with people far away and they remember the interactions. I even traveled into the future. On one occasion I was describing my dream to a couple of guys I worked with when i was called into the manager's office every word was the same as my dream. I changed the outcome by changing my answers to what he said. I could have stayed with the dream and gotten fired but instead I got a promotion.

These were more than dreams though. They were all vivid dreams - dreams that felt real and I was watching myself and feeling the dream as it happened as though I was watching myself "live the dream".
After dreaming of flying once I woke up "knowing" I could fly. Never found out if I could or not (dammit) and since have let doubt creep in.
If you had a video recorder in your head you could play on screen, would make an awesome movie!
If I had a video recorder in my head nobody would like me at all! I have a memory full of stuff that most people don't care about or even to learn about. ;)
It might be the most boring movie you ever saw...
Hubs and I have both noticed that if we take melatonin, we dream a lot and remember them too.

I dream a lot and usually remember them, where hubs usually never remembers his dreams. When I was a kid, I had night terrors until I finally learned how to control them. Now, most of my dreams are good or just plain weird. I like the dreams where I can swim in the ocean or any body of water and can breathe underwater. I guess that's why I like to snorkel so much. I can scuba too, but since Hubs isn't certified it's been years since I've done that.

I dreamed last night that I went to a class reunion at a large convention facility and everyone kept moving from place to place and it was hard to keep up with everyone and we got lost a lot. Not sure what that was all about since I don't go to my class reunions. I'm still pretty close with a handful of my classmates, but really don't care to keep in touch with the majority of them.

Sometimes I also have the dreams when my legs are heavy and I get stuck in the sand or ground. I really don't like those dreams b/c I am very mobile and not being able to move would not sit well with me.

I also have one of those dream interpretation books. I glance through it sometimes and it is interesting.

Last week hubs couldn't find a tool in his shop. It was bothering him that he couldn't find it. He got up the next morning and said he knew exactly where it was. Yup, it was there. We have both solved various problems in our sleep. I LOVE it when that happens!
These people have no idea what weird dreams are:rolleyes:.
I have multiple vivid dreams every night. They are indistinguishable from reality, complete with color, taste, smell and touch.
Someone asked me if I had nightmares, and I said yes, but I only consider it a nightmare if there is death or dismemberment in it.
I thought enough of some of them to write them down as short stories.
Go to sleep for 8 hours and experience an entire week in the other world.
Now THAT'S a dream!
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These people have no idea what weird dreams are:rolleyes:.
I have multiple vivid dreams every night. They are indistinguishable from reality, complete with color, taste, smell and touch.
Someone asked me if I had nightmares, and I said yes, but I only consider it a nightmare if there is death or dismemberment in it.
I thought enough of some of them to write them down as short stories.
Go to sleep for 8 hours and experience an entire week in the other world.
Now THAT'S a dream!
Something has to strike me as very unusual for one of mine to be noteworthy.

I'm broke down on the side of the road and a State Trooper rolls up behind me and the trooper strolls up.
It is none other than DT in complete uniform including the 'Smokey the Bear' hat.
He gives me a ride and I tell him how thankful I am, and the least I can do is fill his car up with gas.
We stop at a station, he strolls in and I'm gassing the car up.
2 guys jump into the trooper-car to car-jack it but don't know about 'the thing' that keeps just anybody from driving off in a cop-car that is stopped on the road with the driver's door open.
They are still trying to figure it out when he returns.
He yanks the driver's door open, pats the pistol on his hip, and says:
"You guys shouldn't be doing that!!!" The voice, I cannot forget.
They come out of that car like it was on fire!
Saying: "Yes suh, Yes suh! We're sorry!" And take off running.
I don't think they realized it was a Trooper car. :oops:
I finish gassing it up and we go on our way.

Want another one? Ever get trapped in a dream?
Where even waking up will not set you free?:mad::mad:
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my most perplexing dream thing which seemed to be ongoing was being a member of a group of children in a thriving community, where we conducted the business of life with "little red wagons, pedal equipment of all sorts, basicly big sandbox toys, I would say we were all about 8 to 12 yo, this ran for a long time. like maybe a year, or more, not every night, but often, and I seemed to be participating, and sort of big picture observing.
my most perplexing dream thing which seemed to be ongoing was being a member of a group of children in a thriving community, where we conducted the business of life with "little red wagons, pedal equipment of all sorts, basicly big sandbox toys, I would say we were all about 8 to 12 yo, this ran for a long time. like maybe a year, or more, not every night, but often, and I seemed to be participating, and sort of big picture observing.
If the children in your dream were "pleasant" meaning not dirty, mean, or injured etc., it's a good omen. If they were bleeding, abused looking or monster children then it's a warning. (Similar w/ animals)
Years ago I had a sort of recurring dream. I called it the "devil dream". A dark, featureless human form would be standing over me while I slept, or be standing in my doorway watching me. It was like a living shadow, no eyes, nose, or mouth on its face. I would wake from the dream and sit up or roll over, but it would still be there for a few moments after I woke. Then it would dissolve like smoke and vanish. It was always accompanied by a sensation of choking and being restrained. The last time, it was over me and I woke up yelling and put my hand through the form of it, at which time it vanished. It always brought me a feeling of sheer terror. Luckily it's been over 20 years since I've dreamed of it...
If the children in your dream were "pleasant" meaning not dirty, mean, or injured etc., it's a good omen. If they were bleeding, abused looking or monster children then it's a warning. (Similar w/ animals)
We seemed to be a pretty happy thriving community I kind of miss this set of dreams since they have stopped
Years ago I had a sort of recurring dream. I called it the "devil dream". A dark, featureless human form would be standing over me while I slept, or be standing in my doorway watching me. It was like a living shadow, no eyes, nose, or mouth on its face. I would wake from the dream and sit up or roll over, but it would still be there for a few moments after I woke. Then it would dissolve like smoke and vanish. It was always accompanied by a sensation of choking and being restrained. The last time, it was over me and I woke up yelling and put my hand through the form of it, at which time it vanished. It always brought me a feeling of sheer terror. Luckily it's been over 20 years since I've dreamed of it...
That was likely a ghost.
They only mess with you when you are in 'twilight-sleep', that time between when you are not asleep, but not awake either.
It's ok, ghosts don't exist because people don't believe in them; but they will be the first to tell you that their 'soul' is going to heaven. :rolleyes:
All I can say is, be glad you only had one that messed with you.:oops:
That was likely a ghost.
They only mess with you when you are in 'twilight-sleep', that time between when you are not asleep, but not awake either.
It's ok, ghosts don't exist because people don't believe in them; but they will be the first to tell you that their 'soul' is going to heaven. :rolleyes:
All I can say is, be glad you only had one that messed with you.:oops:
I can't buy that it was a ghost, because I saw it in my sleep, in my dream, and then for a few moments - perhaps a second or two - after waking up. What's really weird is that in my dream I saw my surroundings exactly as they really were. My bedroom, with the door wide open in one of them. I never ever slept with that door open, but I did that night. Another time, in college when I slept in the guest room for a summer. In my dream I was sleeping in that room, and I saw it over me. I woke up as I was reaching toward it to push it away or maybe to strike it, and my hand went through it and it just dissolved. I think it was a hyper-realistic creation of my mind, and I was so deep in REM sleep that it persisted for a moment after I woke up. I will say that the feeling of malevolence was incredibly strong. Like pure hate, and there wasn't anything I could do about it...
I'll share one I had in my early 20s that has stayed with me ever since and is a bit happier. In my dream I was at a cookout at my brother's acreage. It was fall and fairly chilly. My nieces and nephews were small then, and were playing around the outbuildings with a few other kids. Suddenly one ran up to me yelling that there was a strange man in the old shed. So I told her to get her dad while I went to see. Sure enough there was a man sitting on the ground cross legged, with some empty feed sacks piled up over his legs. He was blond, appeared not to have shaved for a week, and was wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers coat with a rip in the left sleeve. He wasn't filthy or scraggly, he looked like somebody who had just gotten to be down on his luck. He looked sad and nervous but didn't say anything and I told him to relax, that it would be OK. My brother and some of the other adults came in and brother asked if he needed help, if we could bring him food, or we could even give him a ride to a nearby town that had a church where he could spend the night. In response he just looked sadder and more humiliated. There was a little boy in the group of kids that I didn't know. He was watching the man closely. Suddenly he walked right up to him and loudly announced, "I need a hug" and threw his arms around the man. The man didn't reciprocate at first, but then put his arms very tentatively around the boy, then hugged him harder and began to sob quietly. Then he looked up at us with tears on his face, the humiliation in his eyes was gone but he still looked sad. At this point I woke up and I wondered abut the dream for a few days. It really affected me. Then I had a realization - what mattered was that he had something that someone needed. He didn't want anything from us, no help or charity. He was a man who had lost his value to society and the little boy gave that back to him just by saying he needed a hug from the homeless man. And I realized that's the tragedy of the down and out people in our world, they lose the value of themselves. They need to be needed. And maybe being needed, having something inside yourself that someone else values, is the most important thing to a person. I almost never remember dreams as clearly as that one, but it will be with me until the day I die...
Years ago I had a sort of recurring dream. I called it the "devil dream". A dark, featureless human form would be standing over me while I slept, or be standing in my doorway watching me. It was like a living shadow, no eyes, nose, or mouth on its face. I would wake from the dream and sit up or roll over, but it would still be there for a few moments after I woke. Then it would dissolve like smoke and vanish. It was always accompanied by a sensation of choking and being restrained. The last time, it was over me and I woke up yelling and put my hand through the form of it, at which time it vanished. It always brought me a feeling of sheer terror. Luckily it's been over 20 years since I've dreamed of it...
I looked it up the other day but forgot to post - sorry.

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