Train derailment

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012

Yeah, this has been largely ignored by the media but it's very very bad. I've heard it referred to as Biden's Chernobyl.

These chemicals are extremely lethal toxic, even small amounts can maim or kill.

Expect massive die off of wildlife, with toxic air and water in the region. Expect massive cancer rates spiking in the area within probably hundreds of miles in all directions, but especially in the direction of water ways and wind.

Horrible. I hope criminal charges and lawsuits into insolvency follow.
Yeah, this has been largely ignored by the media but it's very very bad. I've heard it referred to as Biden's Chernobyl.

These chemicals are extremely lethal toxic, even small amounts can maim or kill.

Expect massive die off of wildlife, with toxic air and water in the region. Expect massive cancer rates spiking in the area within probably hundreds of miles in all directions, but especially in the direction of water ways and wind.

Horrible. I hope criminal charges and lawsuits into insolvency follow.
Sad when media is arrested when trying to cover. It's very sad for that community.
I'm actually really worried about this getting into our water supply here. We are a tributary to the Ohio River, so I'm hopeful it won't affect us here, but I am really wishing I could have afforded more water tanks.
Lime your garden , it will probably cause some acid rain downwind, depending on weather patterns.
Just curious, how many "very bad" incidents have been posted on here just in the last year alone? Too many to count no doubt.

Time marches on. Keep adding another brick in the wall. Just one more thing while we sit peacefully, for now, behind our screens bitching about it all, til the next thing happens, then we bitch more. Next!

Moral: Bitching gets us nowhere.

Just saw an alert that there are shots being fired at Michigan state college. I have 2 co-workers with kids in college in Michigan. Waiting on the update on this one.
Just curious, how many "very bad" incidents have been posted on here just in the last year alone? Too many to count no doubt.

Time marches on. Keep adding another brick in the wall. Just one more thing while we sit peacefully, for now, behind our screens bitching about it all, til the next thing happens, then we bitch more. Next!

Moral: Bitching gets us nowhere.

Just saw an alert that there are shots being fired at Michigan state college. I have 2 co-workers with kids in college in Michigan. Waiting on the update on this one.
"Bitching". That's pretty much all we've been doing for the past 100 years or more. We accepted socialism from the New Deal, we've allowed our currency to be taken off the gold standard, we've allowed a federal income tax, we allowed the federal government to take over almost every part of our lives, we've allowed the government to educate (indoctrinate) our children, we allowed the federal government to take control of vast areas of our states (mostly out west), we've allowed the government to shut down businesses across the country (fake pandemic), trash our economy, and mandate poison shots, we're allowing an invasion of our country from the southern border. We sit back and bitch when our historical statues are torn down and our history is being rewritten.
The list is endless about what we just sit back, bitch and complain, and allow to happen. We don't stand up for much of anything anymore.
"Bitching". That's pretty much all we've been doing for the past 100 years or more. We accepted socialism from the New Deal, we've allowed our currency to be taken off the gold standard, we've allowed a federal income tax, we allowed the federal government to take over almost every part of our lives, we've allowed the government to educate (indoctrinate) our children, we allowed the federal government to take control of vast areas of our states (mostly out west), we've allowed the government to shut down businesses across the country (fake pandemic), trash our economy, and mandate poison shots, we're allowing an invasion of our country from the southern border. We sit back and bitch when our historical statues are torn down and our history is being rewritten.
The list is endless about what we just sit back, bitch and complain, and allow to happen. We don't stand up for much of anything anymore.

Bitching is about all the power we have left anymore (though even that is becoming limited) that and a Constitutional Supreme Court. All you can do is try to change the minds of those who vote for this stuff...then again, the Republicans we vote for tend to be only the lesser of two evils, so not much help there.
Bitching is about all the power we have left anymore (though even that is becoming limited) that and a Constitutional Supreme Court. All you can do is try to change the minds of those who vote for this stuff...then again, the Republicans we vote for tend to be only the lesser of two evils, so not much help there.
We can all start getting involved at the local level, support and help elect true Constitutional conservative candidates. We can all get involved in school board meetings and run for the school board, county commissioner. We can all get involved and support the Covention of States. We must hold our elected representatives accountable. And stop voting for candidates who promises to take care of us. The only thing that I want from a politician is for him to follow the constitution.
It took us 100+ years to get where we are today, hopefully it won't take 100 years to get our country back. We must start somewhere.
We can all start getting involved at the local level, support and help elect true Constitutional conservative candidates. We can all get involved in school board meetings and run for the school board, county commissioner. We can all get involved and support the Covention of States. We must hold our elected representatives accountable. And stop voting for candidates who promises to take care of us. The only thing that I want from a politician is for him to follow the constitution.
It took us 100+ years to get where we are today, hopefully it won't take 100 years to get our country back. We must start somewhere.

Been doing that since I was part of the Tea Party more than 10 years ago. Been doing it really since I was old enough to vote. Hasn't done much good.
Been doing that since I was part of the Tea Party more than 10 years ago. Been doing it really since I was old enough to vote. Hasn't done much good.
Don't give up. It may seem like it's not doing any good, but how much worse would things be if we all quit trying? Many states are a lost cause due to demographics, illegal aliens etc. I firmly believe that the US should be split into 3 or 4 separate countrys.
Here are the 19 Re-pewbs that voted for the infrastructure bill. Some of them are up for re election. If you want them out...get a better candidate to run against them NOW.

  1. Roy Blunt of Missouri
  2. Richard Burr of North Carolina
  3. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
  4. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
  5. Susan Collins of Maine
  6. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota
  7. Mike Crapo of Idaho
  8. Deb Fischer of Nebraska
  9. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
  10. Chuck Grassley of Iowa
  11. John Hoeven of North Dakota
  12. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
  13. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  14. Rob Portman of Ohio
  15. Jim Risch of Idaho
  16. Mitt Romney of Utah
  17. Dan Sullivan of Alaska
  18. Thom Tillis of North Carolina
  19. Roger Wicker of Mississippi
A lot of the pork is basically welfare for the poorer states. So the Senators from the poorer states reliably vote for pork barrel legislation since it brings money into the state. Been that way for a long long time and it's neigh impossible to break that habit even for erstwhile "conservative" Senators. I tell you, this addiction to pork is harder to break then fentanyl addiction!
I was having a conversation about our local congressman with my gun dealer. Even though the congressman is a Democrat and has voted for all the Democrat gun control legislation, my gun dealer votes for him because he brings money into the district.
It's insane!
Bitching is about all the power we have left anymore (though even that is becoming limited) that and a Constitutional Supreme Court. All you can do is try to change the minds of those who vote for this stuff...then again, the Republicans we vote for tend to be only the lesser of two evils, so not much help there.
We have more power than we realize...having the motivation to get off our asses is another thing.
We have more power than we realize...having the motivation to get off our asses is another thing.

I'm off my ass a lot. But, also been banging my head against a brick wall for decades.
Why is this chemical even allowed to be hauled by rail---or any other means for that matter, especially in such quantity. Maybe the users of this product should synthesize it on site from now on.

Meanwhile, our government is more concerned about carbon dioxide than vinyl chloride.
Because Warren Buffet owns the railroads and he's a big Democrat donor. That's why the oil pipelines have been canceled. It's also why there's been much negative press about pipelines over the last 50 years. It never did have anything to do with "protecting" the environment. Money and power.
We can all start getting involved at the local level, support and help elect true Constitutional conservative candidates. We can all get involved in school board meetings and run for the school board, county commissioner. We can all get involved and support the Covention of States. We must hold our elected representatives accountable. And stop voting for candidates who promises to take care of us. The only thing that I want from a politician is for him to follow the constitution.
It took us 100+ years to get where we are today, hopefully it won't take 100 years to get our country back. We must start somewhere.
Pretty sure we are outnumbered or rapidly approaching so....wait til all the Russian, Chinese, and other illegals allowed into our country start voting at all levels...along with the ongoing cheating come vote counting time as well.

Good luck to us winning those battles, same as at the Federal levels.

Love ya arctic dude...agree with damn near 100% of what you say..I think you are a true patriot..and in theory your suggestion would/should work...but in reality of this day and time..I fear you are dreaming...
It just don't work that way anymore..the way its supposed to...

And please! No sad face responses for this post! Suck it up buttercups! I'm really a happy camper despite my negative outlook on our country/world and where we are headed.

Happy Valentines Day! Love to you all and hope y'all had a great one! ❤
Because Warren Buffet owns the railroads and he's a big Democrat donor. That's why the oil pipelines have been canceled. It's also why there's been much negative press about pipelines over the last 50 years. It never did have anything to do with "protecting" the environment. Money and power.
Spot on.

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