Two new laws

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Nov 26, 2017
Two interesting new laws in Washington state. #1, all schools are now required to have a class on gay history. #2, you no longer have to pass the bar to practice law.
Two interesting new laws in Washington state. #1, all schools are now required to have a class on gay history. #2, you no longer have to pass the bar to practice law.
Seattle is dear to me. I lived in Kitsap County (across the Sound from Seattle) for 10 years. My youngest child was born there. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I have lived in Hawaii, Alaska, and Denver and still say that. My oldest son has lived there much of his life and will never leave.

But. Those two laws are just stupid.
Well, students all across the country are doing SO well with their reading and math, teachers just have so much free time in the classroom. I'm sure they appreciate all the non-teachers dictating how they should fill all that free time. <sarcasm off> :rolleyes:

I did hear about the bar exam issue. Isn't it because the exam was deemed and unfair requirement to some populations, so they just decided to do away with it?
Seattle is dear to me. I lived in Kitsap County (across the Sound from Seattle) for 10 years. My youngest child was born there. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I have lived in Hawaii, Alaska, and Denver and still say that. My oldest son has lived there much of his life and will never leave.

But. Those two laws are just stupid.
I worked in Seattle for 25+ years. It was a great place. Now Seattle is a crap show.
It has been completely taken over by liberal socialists and anti American woke idiots.
Traffic is bad 24/7.
Homeless people everywhere,
A once great city destroyed.
My wife and I both grew up and lived for many years in eastern washington . We thoroughly enjoyed visiting seattle and portland. We now have an adult child living near seattle and one living near portland.
We visit infrequently and dont plan on visiting anymore due to out of control government and dangerous people creating lawlessness.
Just goes to show you get what you deserve for actions taken.
This is how this country will collapse.

No standards anymore, no merit based anything.

Be it law, science, medicine, engineering ... it's going to be a very scary future will all these incompetent people in positions of influence and power.

Everything will be staffed with AOC's / Adam Schiff's / Eric Swalwell's / Pete Buttigieg's. Profound ignorance and stupidity will rule.
For all or WA members, establish a lawyer/ client relationship with all your friends so you can’t testify against each other.

Come to think about it, perhaps I should set up that relationship that my friends and I would represent each other if we were both in WA.
What is next? A history of trans? A history of furries? Regular old American history does not mention who is straight. Why not instead mention, how we attacked a sovereign nation, Hawaii, and took it by force? How our military slaughtered unarmed NA women and children at Wounded Knee and got medals? How our own military intended to kill Americans and blame it on Castro, Operation North Woods? How our CIA overthrew the elected governments in Guatemala and Honduras, to keep their cocaine trade alive and it led to the death of more than 100,000 Mayans? (And contributed to the influx of illegals). You will find none of this in a current college history book. Instead, they want to teach, who diddled who.
I lived in Kitsap County (across the Sound from Seattle) for 10 years. My youngest child was born there. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I have lived in Hawaii, Alaska, and Denver and still say that.
My daughters homes have been in some of the same areas as yours. She was born and grew up in Broomfield (near Denver). Lived in Kitsap County, or very close to it. I don't know where the county boundary is. She trained dolphins at some Trident base in that area. Now she lives in Hawaii (near Kailua-Kona on the Big Island).