Unidentified COVID Varient?

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2022
So we went country dancing at a dance hall by us on Wednesday. We have a group of regulars that come out every week that are around our ages; an informal dance group of sorts.
"Sam" had been missing for about three weeks and no one knew where he was.
He was there last Wednesday so of course had to go ask him where he had gone to.

He told me the following: I had something like COVID but they tested me twice and it came back negative. Then my roomate got it and it also came back negative. The doctors told us they didn't know what it was but, best guess, it might be a new strain of COVID that doesn't show up on tests.

He went on to describe what he had, how they had to put him on steroids for his lungs. His symptoms right down to the loss of taste and smell even after the other symptoms had passed, matched COVID. He said both of them got really sick...took them the whole three weeks to feel better (both are immunized BTW)

Just thought I would let y'all know what might be coming for fall and winter.
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If that should be the case the psychopath of German health ministers will turn the wheel again and then good night Europe.
Europe is already killing itself through these sanctions against Russia and here now probably thousands of private and companies go bankrupt over the winter because you can no longer pay the energy and food prices, comes a new Corona and lockdown wave it will inevitably come here to civil war against the government.
I don't know about German military and government agencies, assume it is similar to here...we have entire divisions of people who specialize in psychological operations (Psyops). They study which buttons to push to elicit a desired response from individuals or groups.

If the goal is to get a large swath of normally peaceful people to just snap, they know exactly how to do it without leaving any fingerprints.

Be cautious, be wary, be prepared.
I'm more concerned for when they're releasing small pox. Or Marburg. Hopefully they don't do ebola again. 2014 was terrifying.

I wonder if they'll ever put the hurricanes and the bioweapons on the same schedule so we can have a bit of a winter break?
I'm more concerned for when they're releasing small pox. Or Marburg. Hopefully they don't do ebola again. 2014 was terrifying.

I wonder if they'll ever put the hurricanes and the bioweapons on the same schedule so we can have a bit of a winter break?

I'd recommend making a batch of CDS. No worries.
I'm more concerned for when they're releasing small pox. Or Marburg. Hopefully they don't do ebola again. 2014 was terrifying.

I wonder if they'll ever put the hurricanes and the bioweapons on the same schedule so we can have a bit of a winter break?

The late Dr Zelenko assured us that any of the viruses you just named could be easily fought and stopped by following his Covid routine.

Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine
Vit C

You can find the information on his still active Telegram account.
The late Dr Zelenko assured us that any of the viruses you just named could be easily fought and stopped by following his Covid routine.

Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine
Vit C

You can find the information on his still active Telegram account.
Was ivermectin one of the vet meds to be regulated June 1st?
Ivermectin for horse deworming is a paste with apple flavoring, if that’s what you want.
Still plenty of sites selling human grade pills. I think a couple of states made it OTC.
Ivermectin for horse deworming is a paste with apple flavoring, if that’s what you want.
Still plenty of sites selling human grade pills. I think a couple of states made it OTC.
I had used sheep drench when I was sick. I didn't realize there were still sites selling it. I might need to take a trip to TN to get it over the counter. I don't think it is here.
I had used sheep drench when I was sick. I didn't realize there were still sites selling it. I might need to take a trip to TN to get it over the counter. I don't think it is here.
Whatyouarelookingfor.com is still up and running this morning. Meaning Ivermectin.
So we’re a little over a year out of an election. Expect another variant to emerge soon. It took about 6 months from media acknowledgment to lock downs back in March 20’. Expect swing states to have the strongest push for more mail in unverifiable ballots
So we’re a little over a year out of an election. Expect another variant to emerge soon. It took about 6 months from media acknowledgment to lock downs back in March 20’. Expect swing states to have the strongest push for more mail in unverifiable ballots
I have heard several pundits suggest that the Republican party should start now with encouraging mail in voting and get their ground game going on that.
COVID is still around, as we knew it would be, and occasionally someone might get very sick from it, but in the grand scheme of things, the so called current "spike" is literally just a mere blip on the charts.


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COVID is still around, as we knew it would be, and occasionally someone might get very sick from it, but in the grand scheme of things, it is a mere blip on the charts.

View attachment 20626

And yet the mortality rate is up over 50% from all causes. If it's not covid, I wonder what it could be?
We need NO VOTING MACHINES! Only paper ballots and NO mail in ballots!!!
Realistically, neither are going away so....fight fire with fire or sit around and be consumed.
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I have heard several pundits suggest that the Republican party should start now with encouraging mail in voting and get their ground game going on that.
Republicans should start printing ballots NOW like the DEMOCRATS did!!! IF we going to have crooked elections lets BOTH sides get in the game!!

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