updated nuclear targets

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Can you tell me how a fake nuke would be done? I’ve didn’t know they could do that.
To fake a nuke is not easy but feasible. You need a quiet area away from observers, large enough to do the job, an aerosol cloud about 100 meters across of propane, acetylene or butane, an RDX type of explosive at 9000 meters per second and a ground design like I described above. At night the bright burst of flame in the explosive cloud of gas, alcohol, flour, or any cloud of high caloric material or gas vapors will produce the needed effect for the normal "un-experienced" viewer to swear he saw an atomic explosion. If the area was pre-treated with flammable materials like kerosene, gasoline or alcohol, the entire "ground zero" would look blackend and it could be made well to look like a nuke for the gullible.
To fake a nuke is not easy but feasible. You need a quiet area away from observers, large enough to do the job, an aerosol cloud about 100 meters across of propane, acetylene or butane, an RDX type of explosive at 9000 meters per second and a ground design like I described above. At night the bright burst of flame in the explosive cloud of gas, alcohol, flour, or any cloud of high caloric material or gas vapors will produce the needed effect for the normal "un-experienced" viewer to swear he saw an atomic explosion. If the area was pre-treated with flammable materials like kerosene, gasoline or alcohol, the entire "ground zero" would look blackend and it could be made well to look like a nuke for the gullible.

You know so many cool things! :cool: No doubt that would trick me!
I do not know if it is good to know such things, but it is difficult to maintain your optimistic outlook on life, knowing how easy it is to erase a persons identity and make it easier to eliminate them. How to poison the minds of millions with fake and dis-info. How to do many bad things I know are happening around the world around the clock...but...
I have a great God, I do not go to Him and tell him how big my fears and problems are. I go to the problems and tell them HOW GREAT MY GOD IS!
Live free sis, Gary
that FEMA map is more accurate since January 2021 than it would have been for the last 30 years ....

the US military speculated for many decades that Russia wouldn't even target the actual ICBM missile launch sites or even the nuke bomber bases as primary strike targets >>> not likely to catch either flatfooted enough to be wasting 1st Strike potential on empty holes & hangers ....

be willing to bet the targeting changed Day One of Biden walking into the Oval Office >>> What is the chance of walking that bumbling idiot thru the launch verification process?? <<< after HOURS of trying to explain the situation??? >>>> some NORAD commander just might get the bombers off the runways heading toward the hold points - whether they get the GO signal is another Biden guess ....

Many sites left off the FEMA update. I do like that they include the sites in Idaho, but where is Hanford, and NO sites in Nevada?
Thank you,
I agree. I expected a hit around San Diego. Navy, Marines, ☢️
EXACTLY my thoughts! This thing is just too coincidental to the Globalists plan to bring down the world to their NWO. Can you tell me how a fake nuke would be done? I’ve didn’t know they could do that. I guess if the news all went nuts and said it happened, even I would not doubt them enough to not react.
The Beirut Port explosion had all the hallmarks of a nuclear explosion. The white dome, massive shock wave, mushroom cloud.
Here is a high quality 4K recording of the explosion, with slo-mo.
When you look at the target and contamination areas you see clearly they are destroying our food supply. The San Joaquin Valley in CA is the bread basket of the world. It is taken out. The states that produce most of our wheat, barley, oats, corn and potatoes are destroyed. If they don‘t stop our military with the nukes, they will starve us out. Only my opinion of course.
I cannot believe the death count was "so low". How can humans survive such a blast at those PSI? It was calculated the blast had a 1.5 kT yield...amazing...
When you look at the target and contamination areas you see clearly they are destroying our food supply. The San Joaquin Valley in CA is the bread basket of the world. It is taken out. The states that produce most of our wheat, barley, oats, corn and potatoes are destroyed. If they don‘t stop our military with the nukes, they will starve us out. Only my opinion of course.
I took those two hits as Edwards AFB and Bakersfield because of oil. Has the same effect on San Jaquin Valley.
Can anyone speak to the use of Depleted Uranium shells in the gulf by American forces? What real long-term effects they cause to person and property? Fascinating subject not often spoken of...that I have little intel on.

Many thanks,
Erqueeen75 :USA:
There will be hundreds of nuclear strikes. Prevailing wind blows eastward. Only hope is someone on the West Coast or Hawaii. Otherwise, protective gear until it blows by is going to be necessary.
YEAH! MOPP gear 24/7 for life... Shout out to my brothers and sisters who had to wear that sh!t in Desert Storm I for DAYS...
Plus Hawaii gets hammered. The VLF transmitter complex on Kauai, and Oahu...The fleet, the manpower. Sleepy Joe has no clue what's rolling over him...
There will be hundreds of nuclear strikes. Prevailing wind blows eastward. Only hope is someone on the West Coast or Hawaii. Otherwise, protective gear until it blows by is going to be necessary.

Hawaii was always a total write off since the early days of nuke warfare - with its strategic location and military significance there won't be much left except a few of the small islands ....

with all the nuke tipped cruise missiles all the US coastlines for 100s of miles inland will be primary hit - good chance the seaports will get absolutely moon cratered - cargo smuggled in nuke devices or nuke munitions off naval ships - Russia supposedly has some kind of tsunami wave creation system devised ....

even if the US doesn't get hit but there's nuke action in the Asian Rim - the West Coast gets the radiation from it - Japan's reactor problem showed up after a month or so of drift - how much the US gets from the high altitude drift will depend on the conditions - but the Rockies & Sierras will do some filtering ....
If either Russia or China were to attack us, treaty or no treaty, the other would also attack us. Perhaps they would attack both us and whatever party originally nuked us. That way they would come out as the dominant power.

I have to say this is all looking more and more like Orwell's Oceania, Eurasia and East Asia.
With how touchy the world is getting, a group of school kids could trigger the next war with little effort. Everyone needs to chill out and stop fixating on the fear of who is likely to do what because our own paranoia could be our biggest downfall. Mutually assured destruction, let's hope everyone remembers what that means and what those two little firecrackers did to Japan. Nobody wants that, not even the enemy.
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Can anyone speak to the use of Depleted Uranium shells in the gulf by American forces?
The depleted uranium is already starting to show its head in the slowly trickling in of small reports of the radioactive poisoning in the Iraq and Afghan areas of use. Anywhere the wind blows dust from the refuse of these projectiles is going to produce the inhaling of the crap and will lead to a slow and ugly death, just as in the slow deaths of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, Chernobyl or in Japan after the tsunami at the Atomic powerplant...
The fact that the birth defects and radioactive poisoning only shows up after a generation or at least when measured in years, is usually gas-lighted down sadly to "collateral damage" or at least to a normal level of "natural defects"...
The idea of the ammo is to destroy heavy tanks, but is wrongfully used against buildings, gatherings of enemy soldiers and even gas and diesel filled vehicles but sadly again, it has been used in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia and who knows where else...Gary
PS: from a US site in the internet:
When DU rounds are loaded in A-10s, they are combined with a lesser amount of non-DU high-explosive incendiary (HEI) rounds, amounting to a “combat mix.” In November 2015, a total of 6,320 rounds of the mix were used in Syria: According to Centcom, 1,790 30 mm rounds — including 1,490 with DU — were fired on Nov. 16; on Nov. 22, 4,530 rounds of combat mix were fired containing 3,775 DU armor-piercing munitions. Though DU rounds have been fired in other theaters — including the Balkans — much of the attention centers on Iraq, where an estimated 1 million rounds were shot during the first Gulf War and the 2003 invasion.

PPS: there are also idiots claiming otherwise so the Gov't does not have to pay any retirement to those soldiers or civilians who have had, will have or do have negative effects from the DU munitions:
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The depleted uranium is already starting to show its head in the slowly trickling in of small reports of the radioactive poisoning in the Iraq and Afghan areas of use. Anywhere the wind blows dust from the refuse of these projectiles is going to produce the inhaling of the crap and will lead to a slow and ugly death, just as in the slow deaths of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, Chernobyl or in Japan after the tsunami at the Atomic powerplant...
The fact that the birth defects and radioactive poisoning only shows up after a generation or at least when measured in years, is usually gas-lighted down sadly to "collateral damage" or at least to a normal level of "natural defects"...
The idea of the ammo is to destroy heavy tanks, but is wrongfully used against buildings, gatherings of enemy soldiers and even gas and diesel filled vehicles but sadly again, it has been used in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia and who knows where else...Gary
PS: from a US site in the internet:
When DU rounds are loaded in A-10s, they are combined with a lesser amount of non-DU high-explosive incendiary (HEI) rounds, amounting to a “combat mix.” In November 2015, a total of 6,320 rounds of the mix were used in Syria: According to Centcom, 1,790 30 mm rounds — including 1,490 with DU — were fired on Nov. 16; on Nov. 22, 4,530 rounds of combat mix were fired containing 3,775 DU armor-piercing munitions. Though DU rounds have been fired in other theaters — including the Balkans — much of the attention centers on Iraq, where an estimated 1 million rounds were shot during the first Gulf War and the 2003 invasion.

PPS: there are also idiots claiming otherwise so the Gov't does not have to pay any retirement to those soldiers or civilians who have had, will have or do have negative effects from the DU munitions:

the A10 warthogs were ground support attack aircraft - there are no "wrongly used" targets when the US Marines and Army request assist - I'll take a whole f___ing Iraq town of 2 headed freaks over one dead American any day ....

worry more about the environmental damage Saadam did releasing oil into the Gulf, setting fires to the oilfields and spreading chemical weapon all over the damn ME - not counting the 3 separate wars he started
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Yeah, fun to blow stuff up, as long as it's none of us!
Fallout Pattern Map for US -FEMA1990.jpg

According to this 30-year-old map, we, chose our location pretty darn well (a year before this 1990 map came out.) Of course cities have grown, so the targets have changed some as well. We make rad training part of our regular fare but awareness of other people's reactions to their phones and maybe TV may be the first clue something is happening. Everyone knows to be calm and move quickly if those around them start panicking.
It may not make any difference, but all family members carry a RADTriage PRD for their wallet, purse, or backpack. (Note: The RADTriage has to be replaced after exposure to radiation.)
If they think it looks like they've been exposed to radiation, every family member carries one Potassium Iodide Tablet in foil that they can pop in their mouth on the way to shelter.
Optionally, each family head can get a decent device, something like a RADEX RD1503+ or RADEX RD1212-BT that members usually keep in their cars but some keep on their person.
For the facility itself, we have a couple AccuRad PRDs for serious measurement and detection.

If you're near a direct hit, there's not much anyone can do, but if you're in a fallout zone with good shelter and supplies, we may all be talking via radio someday!
the A10 warthogs were ground support attack aircraft - there are no "wrongly used" targets when the US Marines and Army request assist - I'll take a whole f___ing Iraq town of 2 headed freaks over one dead American any day ....
No comment necessary, I am the fourth generation of soldiers, my nephews are the fifth...
Two things...I was only representing the facts of the question for erqueen. Secondly, we all know that America was for two hundred and fifty years the dreamland of millions of persons around the world and second to none for promising success to those who came, BUT, we also all know that if you ******** enough people, they will not only come to hate America; they will hate each and every American citizen, building, company and entity.

Hench, we now have a world filled of hating people, the arabs hate infidels and especially jews, the sikhs the hindu, the chinese ccp anyone in their way, the unkrainien folk against the russians, the serbs against the old croatians and bosnians, the french hate everybody and I hate mcdonalds...

We must learn from our lessons, make war ONLY where needed and most importantly: if you make your enemy hate you, your children will be forced to fight the next generation of children from your enemy and it will never end. Defeating an enemy is enough, destroying their future is not an option or a desired effect.
Every culture has the right to exist and we are fighting the entire middle east at the moment since they believe our nation no longer has the right to exist. We are only 7% of the worlds population in America. We use over 40% of the worlds energy and china is closing the gap fast, as is India.
Maybe a third thing, I would defend all innocents against all evil persons and actions, as I have done before. If an american soldier shoots at me or mine, he will feel the full anger and fury of an ex-soldier who is definitely NOT WOKE...live free, Gary
”FEMA released the locations of the most likely military targets in the U.S. for Soviet nuclear ICBM’s along with the resulting levels of radioactive fallout. It’s fair to assume that these same areas are still likely targets today by nuclear nations hostile to the U.S.”

Below is a better map with the Legend…

View attachment 14718
I live in a critical zone. Peachy, just peachy.
The reality is none of us are safe. The enemy could decide not to hit near where you are. Or our military could stop the one targeted for that area. Or it could be a nation like NK and they could substantially miss their targets.
90%,,,,, that means I will not be starving,,, since I will most likely be alone down here there will be plenty of beef on the hoof to be had,,,,,,,,

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