Very New to Prepping

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Warm Welcome from the Arizona valley folks. USA

Prepping is like eating a whale. You take it one bite at a time. I do offer a small bit of wisdom, spend more time learning and researching before you start spend money. Nourishment (food and water), Shelter and Defense. Store what you eat and eat what you store. Shelter comes in two types, permanent and temporary. Defense, that is a personal commitment. Enjoy the forum and try not to get over whelmed.
Howdy from Texas!
It can be overwhelming but the important thing is to start with the basics. Water, food, shelter, and fire are the most essential aspects of survival. Prepping is just making plans, stocking supplies, and learning skills that will help make sure we have access to these if we lose our comfortable modern conveniences, whether for a few days, or for the rest of our lives.
howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic
Welcome from Fin,
yup skills and knowledge...and take baby steps and ask,there are no stupid questions,we will gladly answer questions here.
Welcome from Northern Wisconsin,, Kudos to you for being smart enough to know the"city" is no place to be when TSHTF.. Anyway make connections and think about where you want to be if you need to bug-out, research likely areas in the "rural" setting.
If things get flaky, be ready to scoot with enough provisions to get where you need to be..
Greeting and Welcome Isabella. What you will find is "one size does NOT fit all". Do not try to follow anyone else's plans but determine what fits best for you. Research what makes the most sense for you based upon what you see and read on this or other sites. Sounds like what your needs, today. will change greatly in the near future when/if you make the move. Your plans will change as you get older and have more (or less) people depending upon you. My current plans are changing a great deal as I get older. What I would have done a few years back is nothing like my plans are today. So remain flexible and keep is simple. If it your plans get too complex, they will fail.