Walking Dead Season 8 Premieres October 22nd

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TWD Group Us2.jpg
nope,but for once it would be interesting to visit a conference like that,perhaps if I get the lottery numbers right ;)
I'd love to visit the US.
So I think the crossover character will either be the kid Madison took the knife away from before the outbreak or the emergency room Dr that was working with the heart patient when Nick got hot by the car in the first episode ftwd .
Ok. With all this talk about the Walking Dead series I just had to give in and made arrangements to have the Dish guy come out next week and install the satilite dish. Couldn't find my TV in the storage unit (didn't look too hard) so I made the trip to a TV store and bought a new UHD flat screen and DVD player.

Wise man.
Ok. With all this talk about the Walking Dead series I just had to give in and made arrangements to have the Dish guy come out next week and install the satilite dish. Couldn't find my TV in the storage unit (didn't look too hard) so I made the trip to a TV store and bought a new UHD flat screen and DVD player.

Don't know ur internet situation but if ur internet isn't strong enough to support Netflix or Prime...then you can buy previous seasons on DVD for dirt cheap via Amazon.
Don't know ur internet situation but if ur internet isn't strong enough to support Netflix or Prime...then you can buy previous seasons on DVD for dirt cheap via Amazon.
Yeah. I was planning on buying the previous seasons. I'll check out Amazon. Until I get satalite internet up here my internet is very limited on my phone. Like right now I'm sitting on top of a mountain on the ranch, and if I don't move I can maintain a limited connection. That's why I make so many double posts.
Damn u met Daryl...badazz

He's actually a really nice guy, very soft spoken, and still seems a bit puzzled by the whole fame thing, hehe...

My wife actually met him first years ago, at a smaller convention...back when the show first started, so it wasn't really a big hit yet. Darryl and Rick (Andrew Lincoln) were both walking the Con (as I mentioned, it was back at the start, so they didn't have security or an entourage back then).....and they rounded a corner. My wife and her bff were walking, and Darryl ran right into my wife's friend. (she had no idea who he was, as she hadn't seen the show...it was like just before Season 2 was in full swing). He said "sorry m'aam" (being a perfect gentleman), and she (my wife's friend) said, "put your sorry in your sack mister!"....which then made Rick start laughing (as he's used to women just falling all over Darryl)...

(and I'm an older guy, so likely mentioned this story even earlier in the thread, for all I know...lol) - or a previous one.
I have a theory on ftwd, I believe they are showing us the beginnings of a future enemy of rick and the group. The next big enemy that makes negan look like a simple boyscout is a group called the Whisperers. I think the fear cast is the beginnings of the whisperers and then they will collide the two shows and people will feel conflicted on who they want to win.
Ok. With all this talk about the Walking Dead series I just had to give in and made arrangements to have the Dish guy come out next week and install the satilite dish. Couldn't find my TV in the storage unit (didn't look too hard) so I made the trip to a TV store and bought a new UHD flat screen and DVD player.

whilst you are at it try and get Jericho if you can its one of the very best post apoc dramas the US ever produced.
I tried watching FTWD and just couldn't get in to it. Gave up after 4 episodes

I agree primarily because it's difficult to identify with any of the characters in ftwd. It's difficult to sympathize with them when you cannot find any relatable qualities.

Overall its just not at the same level as TWD.
I dvr fear and watch it whenever I get a chance . As I've said its not near as good as TWD they do not have as good of writers . There is supposed to be a crossover Character according to Kirkman also due to the different time table Fear could tale what caused the outbreak and will hint to it but Kirkman said He will not tale exactly how it starts in either show or the comic's.
I'm watching the catch up. Getting ready. Dwight went through some ironing hell. My daughter put an iron to her arm at 7 months. The worst experience...... I didn't even know she was that mobile. She went up the stairs and down the hall at 7 months. Thank God she is okay. Taught me a horrible lesson.
I may not watch it till Wednesday. Got it dvr but till I get a night off Im like a zombie .

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