War is Coming

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Your argument boils down to "I know you are, but what am I?!??" Congratulations.

California is a state, one of 50. Using the article you cited- if we can get KY, OK, AR, LA, AL, MS, SC, WV, VA, ME and NM to follow suit, to be a little more like California, we'll be in a great position.

This all goes away when you get better at making a rational argument. It's all on you.

THERE IT IS! More twisting, moving the goalposts, and gaslighting.

You don't even know you are sick... If you aren't on disability yet, you should apply, so you can keep fumbling around your family's farm and still get food. If you need a witness, have them call me.
Foreigners are guests.
Technically those foreigners stop being guests when they receive full documentation from a certain country and they are treated and are a citizen of a certain country. To classify as a guest you have to fulfil certain aspects. Same if you come to a third country with intent to stay as those "foreigners" you describe. 70% of EU countries would collapse without " foreign" workforce. Only EU countries that would survive are the countries that are lesser in living status because people from these countries are citizens you call foreigners.

Foreigners bad. Foreigners scary!
I can see how that can be the case for you and many alike you.

Don't be scared little preppy child and face your fears! Fear that you are in fact less of a man every second your tiny brain tries to find a solution for fear induced insanity.
I'm guessing when they really start pushing HB 127. When they opened the doors to the WH and allowed those radical, violent, picture takers in to walk around, I said this is so they can fortify the WH against the REAL revolution that is coming with their policies. And they have done exactly that; building walls, and setting up an army base.

I can think of a couple members here that should have their guns and ammo ready to hand in as soon as the call comes for them.
Well now, looky here. It seems they are now ok with both sides going at it.. Anyone who sits back and takes it all in can see the left has a plan, and it won't be good for MANY people.

POLITICO Law used to prosecute Capitol riot, Black Lives Matter violence under fire as racist

Law used to prosecute Capitol riot, Black Lives Matter violence under fire as racist (msn.com)



The right are the "domestic terrorists"?
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Foreign workers are guests. Naturalized citizens are citizens. They have the same rights as any other citizen.

Britain's a great example. Neandertals replaced by cavemen. Cavemen replaced by neolithic farmers, who were replaced by Beakers, who were replaced by Beakers, who were invaded by Celts. Celts became Roman, Romans left and Anglo-Saxons arrived, who intermingled with Vikings, and lost to the Normans. Is that about right? Pre-Celts might've called it " plowonida," Celts called it something like " Llyn Dain," Romans called it Londinium, Alfred called it "Lundenburh," I call it London, you call it Londonabad. Things change.

Same here. Folks came from England (and Ireland and Germany, and other places, some of our Revolutionary heroes were French and Poland), to "settle" a continent that'd been occupied 12,000 and that the Spanish had been colonizing for a century. They met and mated natives, they brought in slaves from Africa.

"Modern Europe" is a product of human migration. Same with the states. Populations have never been as fixed or stationary as the folks screaming bloody murder claim.

This is just the latest chapter in a 200,000 year old story of human history.

Not even close to being accurate, poor trolling 3/10 try harder. To help you there were no Neanderthals in the British isles, Also most celts NEVER became Roman, the Romans never took Scotland or Eire. Beakers arrived from Iberia the same place the Celts came from and many think they are similar peoples. Neither Celts nor Beakers are native British. NORMANS ARE NORSEMEN AKA Vikings. You ignore the Jutes, Picts, Britons etc.
The Romans never left they INTEGRATED only the authority of Rome went. The Britons Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Picts lived right across the UK, Doggerland and Western europe they were basically cousins and intermarriage etc was common. The Vikings AKA Norsemen arrived DIRECTLY from Scandinavia / Denmark first to pillage but quickly to settle and integrate . Much later the NORMANS who were NORSEMEN AKA Vikings who migrated south to France ( Normandy) before coming to the UK and mixing in with the rest of us.

The Celts arrived from Iberia where the Scotti celts settled in Eire and the Irish celts settled in Scotland, but various problems and fights saw them swap around so the Scotti Celts ended up in Scotland. The Welsh basically just did their own thing until they became a principality of England.

But the ONE common denominator among them all is they intermixed, integrated and became part of the main community. Those who have arrived in the UK since the 1950s Be they Black, West Indian or Indian Pakistani have no NO effort to integrate, they live separate parallel lives. Many never learn English. FEW if ANY Intermarry with the native Brits.
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Foreign workers are guests. Naturalized citizens are citizens. They have the same rights as any other citizen.

Britain's a great example. Neandertals replaced by cavemen. Cavemen replaced by neolithic farmers, who were replaced by Beakers, who were replaced by Beakers, who were invaded by Celts. Celts became Roman, Romans left and Anglo-Saxons arrived, who intermingled with Vikings, and lost to the Normans. Is that about right? Pre-Celts might've called it " plowonida," Celts called it something like " Llyn Dain," Romans called it Londinium, Alfred called it "Lundenburh," I call it London, you call it Londonabad. Things change.

Same here. Folks came from England (and Ireland and Germany, and other places, some of our Revolutionary heroes were French and Poland), to "settle" a continent that'd been occupied 12,000 and that the Spanish had been colonizing for a century. They met and mated natives, they brought in slaves from Africa.

"Modern Europe" is a product of human migration. Same with the states. Populations have never been as fixed or stationary as the folks screaming bloody murder claim.

This is just the latest chapter in a 200,000 year old story of human history.

You must have been absent those days when your teachers taught the lessons in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
I think the war has been and gone, it was asymetric and the center right lost, now the backlash is coming as the vicious left go after everything center right.
Your right the next plan is to disarm us. H.R 127. Dont think it will happen. But dems have bloodlust. Especially after house riot. They will use that as a excuse. Sad they are hailing the officer who shot the woman dead as a hero. If one of the antifa or blm were shot unarmed burning down federal court houses all hell would break loose. Double standard.
Your right the next plan is to disarm us. H.R 127. Dont think it will happen. But dems have bloodlust. Especially after house riot. They will use that as a excuse. Sad they are hailing the officer who shot the woman dead as a hero. If one of the antifa or blm were shot unarmed burning down federal court houses all hell would break loose. Double standard.

Nup they wont go after the sacred cow of GUNS, they will go after gun owners via compulsory EXPENSIVE licences, Compulsory EXPENSIVE GUN SAFES, Mass tax and duty hikes on everything related to ammo or gun parts and accessories, Transporting guns, Compulsory expensive INSURANCE and none stop attacks on gun manufacturers. The enemy is PATIENT and DEVIOUS and will play the long game.
But the ONE common denominator among them all is they intermixed, integrated and became part of the main community.

I think we're using "intr=ermixed" as a euphemism. Vikings didn't pull guitars out of their longships and gather everyone around to sing campfire songs. They "intermixed" with the people they didn't slaughter. Romans only "intermixed" with the folks they didn't slaughter. If you were lucky you got the option to live- if you lived by their rules.

Romans didn't lay down their arms when they crossed the channel, Roman generals didn't start taking orders from local tribesmen. They imposed their will on the native population. Christians didn't come across from Continental Europe and say "alright guys, keep being pagan." They imposed their will on the native population.

But I don't think we disagree on the central point. At different times, "Native Brit" means different things.
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ANY nation that has an unemployment rate above zero OR has homeless people OR hungry people can afford immigration, until they have solved those problems. Even the bleeding hearts out there should be more concerned for their own population and less worried for other nations problems. Fix your own house before taking on the problems of your neighbor.
What “big threats” are you referring to?

You really don't pay attention to current events so it baffles me why you comment on them. Traitor Joe has promised:

Tear down The Wall.
Fire ICE
Reimpose Paris Climate Accords
Ease food stamp requirements
Pack the Supreme Court
End the filibuster in the Senate
Worse relations with Russia
Worse relations with Syria
Worse relations with Saudi Arabia
Take AR15s, and AK rifles away
Mandate masks

One the other hand, Traitor Joe's Crimes

Fondling children
Fondling women
Raping a woman
Plotting and conspiring with the FBI to bug the Trump Campaign
Plotting and carrying out a coup against the Trump Administration
Taking bribes in Ukraine
Illegally using his office to alter politics in Ukraine
Taking bribes in China
Promising China undue favorable treatment based on bribes
Rigging a Presidential Election

Anyone, feel free to add to either list.
Not even close to being accurate, poor trolling 3/10 try harder. To help you there were no Neanderthals in the British isles, Also most celts NEVER became Roman, the Romans never took Scotland or Eire. Beakers arrived from Iberia the same place the Celts came from and many think they are similar peoples. Neither Celts nor Beakers are native British. NORMANS ARE NORSEMEN AKA Vikings. You ignore the Jutes, Picts, Britons etc.
The Romans never left they INTEGRATED only the authority of Rome went. The Britons Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Picts lived right across the UK, Doggerland and Western europe they were basically cousins and intermarriage etc was common. The Vikings AKA Norsemen arrived DIRECTLY from Scandinavia / Denmark first to pillage but quickly to settle and integrate . Much later the NORMANS who were NORSEMEN AKA Vikings who migrated south to France ( Normandy) before coming to the UK and mixing in with the rest of us.

The Celts arrived from Iberia where the Scotti celts settled in Eire and the Irish celts settled in Scotland, but various problems and fights saw them swap around so the Scotti Celts ended up in Scotland. The Welsh basically just did their own thing until they became a principality of England.

But the ONE common denominator among them all is they intermixed, integrated and became part of the main community. Those who have arrived in the UK since the 1950s Be they Black, West Indian or Indian Pakistani have no NO effort to integrate, they live separate parallel lives. Many never learn English. FEW if ANY Intermarry with the native Brits.
Glad to see you know some history. I worked with a girl once who said"Everyone knows there were cavemen before there were Indians."
I think we're using "intr=ermixed" as a euphemism. Vikings didn't pull guitars out of their longships and gather everyone around to sing campfire songs. They "intermixed" with the people they didn't slaughter. Romans only "intermixed" with the folks they didn't slaughter. If you were lucky you got the option to live- if you lived by their rules.

Romans didn't lay down their arms when they crossed the channel, Roman generals didn't start taking orders from local tribesmen. They imposed their will on the native population. Christians didn't come across from Continental Europe and say "alright guys, keep being pagan." They imposed their will on the native population.

But I don't think we disagree on the central point. At different times, "Native Brit" means different things.

Totally wrong yet again, history is not your strong point. Some vikings raiding others traded, some did both. And very often the Viking who arrived looking for a fight were slaughtered by the Angles, Saxons, Celts, Picts . But they soon realise trade worked better than pillaging as it allowed them to settle in the UK and start farming. The Roman ALWAYS gave their opponants the right to assimilate, refuse and face enslavement or death. Accept and become parts of the roman empire with the options of becoming roman citizens through military service. Many tribe saw what Rome offered and welcome the roman way of life and habits. AS for your religous knowledge its even worse that your history skills. Christianity came to the UK via pilgrims and monks in the first place anmd many Brits hybridised religion by encorporating christianity with paganism.

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