Warm weather food storage

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Anyone needing or wanting an RV for a BOL…now is the time to buy one! Within a few weeks lots of people will be sacrificing their RVs because of fuel cost to run them. Anyone parking it on a BOL won’t have to worry about fuel consumption.

Great thinking!!!
Probably will be able to find some great deals on real trucks as well once the "vanity" owners have reached the breaking point.
Chip shortages and production cut backs on new vehicles have skyrocketed used prices. My yr old 2500 is worth more than I paid for it on the used market.
My wife could sell her 2016 4Runner Trail Premium for $10,000 more than she paid for it.

Yep and I have a 1999 Ford 350 diesel flat bed with a 7.3/ million mile engine and under 200,000 mi that I got for less than 10 a year ago....now 2.5 x that as a trade
My professional training is in thought processes; particularly brain functions and behavioral effects before, during and after a life altering personal or collective event.

Apologies in advance for the long winded response but, I think you may find it helpful.

Cannibalism though is an issue though not an initial focus. Here is why.

FIRST you will have to survive "the takers" especially in a city setting, you will have a more significant portion of the population who are of the mindset of being provided for.

The washing machine breaks, call a repair service. The lawn needs mowing, hire a service. Don't have time to cook, eat out. Ran out of milk, oops! No big deal, a supply is just up the block.

Planning ahead, learning to do for yourself is much less of a necessity than it is an inconvenience.

Fast forward to TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it).

At first. most people will be confused and desperate for information as to what is happening. If that is not available, rumors will rule the day. And, like a child's game of telephone, morph into nonsensical chaos. This will unnerve people who will then begin to panic.

Groups tend to feed off of each other and mimic observed behaviors. Three people appear to be running away from something, others join one by one until you have a huge group running for their lives, most of whom, have no idea what they are running from. They just assumed the others did.

They will start to empty shelves spending what ever cash they have. Then, as they realize that the issue is not quickly resolving and the supplies are going to be insufficient, turn next to the government, looking for salvation. When that is not forthcoming, they will begin to loot stores and warehouses taking their "fair share" while they can.

The time frame for this to happen is estimated to be about 72 hours. There will be sporadic violence prior to this but, as long as law enforcement is functioning, the sewage is not backing up and there is water in the taps, it will not be en-masse for a short time.

Once the looted resources have dwindled down again (an additional 24-48 hours) and no remedy or explanation is forthcoming, you will start to see individuals start taking from other individuals. Break ins, muggings etc.

After this point, you will start to see more organized raids taking place. The gang elements found throughout this nation, even in the rural areas but far more populous in cities, will coalesce and organize. They will realize quickly that the ones who hold the resources (food), hold the power. This will fester and grow and when the local government collapses because the police and politicians have decided they must care for their own families, these gangs will be the new government, which people desperate to feed their families will gladly pledge their allegiance. to.

This stage will continue for weeks and months as pets and livestock are taken and slaughtered for consumption. There may be some small groups of individuals that turn to eating human flesh early on, but they will not be organized for some time because of the social stigma attached to it.

Your main concern will be surviving the organized gang elements which will be heavily armed and ruthless, just as they are now. If you survive that long, you will be a hardened warrior and a group of cannibals will be little more than a nuisance.
Though it was only part of my initial question, cannibalism seems to be a hot topic.

My question was "In a grid-down, major disaster/war scenario where supplies are not coming in, how long before people become cannibals?"

In that particular specific scenario, where communications are down and no one has any idea when or if any help will arrive, I give it 2 weeks before the masses will see all of the local food, supplies, pets, rodents, livestock and game gone. I give it an additional 2 weeks before they start looking at each other as game.

This may sound extreme, but history and personal experience back it up.

I am a professional contractor, originally from the northeast. In 2011 we had a few weather disasters, as did a large portion of the country. By the time the last one hit in October, emergency supplies were hard to come by. Power was out throughout my region and within a week, fuel and even some foods and basic supplies were hard to come by.

By the end of this first week, even though people still had enough food and what they needed to get by, this is what I witnessed:

Police theft of emergency supplies.
White collar worker theft of emergency supplies.
A general lack of compassion.
A sense of unease at the growing lines at the few gas stations that had gas and generators.
Heated arguments between "pillar of the community" types over supplies.
Distrust and disdain in the eyes and demeanor of the general public.

This was after just a week of power outages in mild temperatures where everyone had food.

This certainly was a product of my location and the type of people that live there, but these types exist most everywhere. Are we to believe they will sit and watch their kids starve while others have something they can take?

Fortunately, most of the power began to be restored after 8 days, but on the 6th through 8th day I watched these people slowly descend into what certainly would have become a horrible situation, after very little hardship.
Though it was only part of my initial question, cannibalism seems to be a hot topic.

My question was "In a grid-down, major disaster/war scenario where supplies are not coming in, how long before people become cannibals?"

In that particular specific scenario, where communications are down and no one has any idea when or if any help will arrive, I give it 2 weeks before the masses will see all of the local food, supplies, pets, rodents, livestock and game gone. I give it an additional 2 weeks before they start looking at each other as game.

This may sound extreme, but history and personal experience back it up.

I am a professional contractor, originally from the northeast. In 2011 we had a few weather disasters, as did a large portion of the country. By the time the last one hit in October, emergency supplies were hard to come by. Power was out throughout my region and within a week, fuel and even some foods and basic supplies were hard to come by.

By the end of this first week, even though people still had enough food and what they needed to get by, this is what I witnessed:

Police theft of emergency supplies.
White collar worker theft of emergency supplies.
A general lack of compassion.
A sense of unease at the growing lines at the few gas stations that had gas and generators.
Heated arguments between "pillar of the community" types over supplies.
Distrust and disdain in the eyes and demeanor of the general public.

This was after just a week of power outages in mild temperatures where everyone had food.

This certainly was a product of my location and the type of people that live there, but these types exist most everywhere. Are we to believe they will sit and watch their kids starve while others have something they can take?

Fortunately, most of the power began to be restored after 8 days, but on the 6th through 8th day I watched these people slowly descend into what certainly would have become a horrible situation, after very little hardship.

There is a a huge difference between being really hungry and actually starving. Cannibalism is a huge taboo even today and ESPECIALLY HERE, many people will hunt them down, even based on rumor and kill them before they get going...that will be quite a deterrent.
Police theft of emergency supplies.
White collar worker theft of emergency supplies.
A general lack of compassion.
A sense of unease at the growing lines at the few gas stations that had gas and generators.
Heated arguments between "pillar of the community" types over supplies.
Distrust and disdain in the eyes and demeanor of the general public.
Yes to all of these, particularly that police are the first offenders mentioned. They're also the best armed, best provisioned, and operate under color of authority. That makes for a dangerous combination.

Just like always, come to think of it.
There is a a huge difference between being really hungry and actually starving. Cannibalism is a huge taboo even today and ESPECIALLY HERE, many people will hunt them down, even based on rumor and kill them before they get going...that will be quite a deterrent.
I appreciate your optimism, maybe what I've witnessed people do and become over the past two years has put an irreparable dent in my faith in the rationale and decency of modern day humanity.

After the 2020 elections when many people came to me and said "(insert your favorite co-intel-pro) said the criminals are being arrested, the fraud will be exposed and justice will be served!", I would reply "I don't believe it, but I hope you're right."

I hope you're right.
Remember, the difference between the truth and getting it right is only how the lawyers and the judge see the truth and serve you your rights.
OJ Simpson is the running man of the truth and consequences...
Donald Trump is the glowing example of truth and consequences...
We see the truth, but never get to see the consequences of the lies of the DS.
I appreciate your optimism, maybe what I've witnessed people do and become over the past two years has put an irreparable dent in my faith in the rationale and decency of modern day humanity.

After the 2020 elections when many people came to me and said "(insert your favorite co-intel-pro) said the criminals are being arrested, the fraud will be exposed and justice will be served!", I would reply "I don't believe it, but I hope you're right."

I hope you're right.

There was a study done after the holocaust trying to determine why, given same conditions and length of time in the camps, some survived and others perished?

What they found was those who were hopeful, tried to make lemonade out of lemons and retained their faith in humanity, lived. Those who hated, were resentful and pessimistic, perished.

Prepping tends to deal with the dark. Try to seek the light whenever possible.

Stay hopeful!!!

Desiderata Samuel Barber - Adagio for Strings - YouTube
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Remember, the difference between the truth and getting it right is only how the lawyers and the judge see the truth and serve you your rights.
OJ Simpson is the running man of the truth and consequences...
Donald Trump is the glowing example of truth and consequences...
We see the truth, but never get to see the consequences of the lies of the DS.
What happened to the jury?
My professional training is in thought processes; particularly brain functions and behavioral effects before, during and after a life altering personal or collective event.

Apologies in advance for the long winded response but, I think you may find it helpful.

Cannibalism though is an issue though not an initial focus. Here is why.

FIRST you will have to survive "the takers" especially in a city setting, you will have a more significant portion of the population who are of the mindset of being provided for.

The washing machine breaks, call a repair service. The lawn needs mowing, hire a service. Don't have time to cook, eat out. Ran out of milk, oops! No big deal, a supply is just up the block.

Planning ahead, learning to do for yourself is much less of a necessity than it is an inconvenience.

Fast forward to TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it).

At first. most people will be confused and desperate for information as to what is happening. If that is not available, rumors will rule the day. And, like a child's game of telephone, morph into nonsensical chaos. This will unnerve people who will then begin to panic.

Groups tend to feed off of each other and mimic observed behaviors. Three people appear to be running away from something, others join one by one until you have a huge group running for their lives, most of whom, have no idea what they are running from. They just assumed the others did.

They will start to empty shelves spending what ever cash they have. Then, as they realize that the issue is not quickly resolving and the supplies are going to be insufficient, turn next to the government, looking for salvation. When that is not forthcoming, they will begin to loot stores and warehouses taking their "fair share" while they can.

The time frame for this to happen is estimated to be about 72 hours. There will be sporadic violence prior to this but, as long as law enforcement is functioning, the sewage is not backing up and there is water in the taps, it will not be en-masse for a short time.

Once the looted resources have dwindled down again (an additional 24-48 hours) and no remedy or explanation is forthcoming, you will start to see individuals start taking from other individuals. Break ins, muggings etc.

After this point, you will start to see more organized raids taking place. The gang elements found throughout this nation, even in the rural areas but far more populous in cities, will coalesce and organize. They will realize quickly that the ones who hold the resources (food), hold the power. This will fester and grow and when the local government collapses because the police and politicians have decided they must care for their own families, these gangs will be the new government, which people desperate to feed their families will gladly pledge their allegiance. to.

This stage will continue for weeks and months as pets and livestock are taken and slaughtered for consumption. There may be some small groups of individuals that turn to eating human flesh early on, but they will not be organized for some time because of the social stigma attached to it.

Your main concern will be surviving the organized gang elements which will be heavily armed and ruthless, just as they are now. If you survive that long, you will be a hardened warrior and a group of cannibals will be little more than a nuisance.

Let's not forget about preparing to deal with the unprepared. They will end up being one of your biggest problems.
Let's not forget about preparing to deal with the unprepared. They will end up being one of your biggest problems.

I put them in the "taker" category.
What happened to the jury?
The jury is the strongest form of freedom in the world. The only problem, it is NOT RUN BY THE MAJORITY...it is only 12 persons (an even nr.) and only needs one person (can be threatened or paid) to throw the whole kit and kabootle under the bus. The idea of a jury of peers is also terribly decided by the lawyers...they get to throw out anyone they "THINK" will not be "fair" with their defendants...(jurors should be choosen silently and behind closed doors before any crime even happens and just be told to show up for a trial) you are on a waiting list and never know when you should serve as a juror and they have no way to persuade or change the set-up. PERIOD.
I believe too many "choices" are made from "maybe" racist, "maybe" being too intelligent, "maybe" being too conservative or liberal and the lawyers have nothing to say about the jurors...THEY are INFLUENCING the judgement of the jurors "before-the-fact" to their own advantage by choosing who is "good enough" for their cause...NOT NEUTRAL!
What they found was those who were hopeful, tried to make lemonade out of lemons and retained their faith in humanity, lived. Those who hated, were resentful and pessimistic, perished.

A totally awesome book on survival mindset is “Man’s Search for Meaning. I highly recommend everyone have a copy and read it. The author survived numerous Nazi Concentration camps. He tells his and others stories.


“Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory-known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos ("meaning")-holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.”